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Zor Primus

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Everything posted by Zor Primus

  1. Brief shot of the SDF-3 making a distress call...MoonBase-Aluce. Vince Grant announcing the mission to find Admiral Hunter. Alpha-Beta landing by a Hive, Scott talking to Marlene. Cool battle between Alphas and Invid in space. Clamships and other REF Capital ships. Regis saying she's gonna win because good is dumb, either a reflex or synchro cannon attack, possibly on Earth, and a partridge in a pear tree.
  2. An official teaser is up now... SDF-3 We have a Problem Call me nostalgic but I am not a fan of the new sound fx used.
  3. No, but I got movie passes...
  4. Guilty as charged!
  5. Couldn't help myself...started fishing around the net for Bleach stuff and scanned over the manga stuff. Found this little tid bit amusing, but it confirms suspicions I've already been harboring about this character: SPOILER ALERT! Kurosaki Isshin: Nothing is know about him, except that he wears a piece of the Captain's robe on his left arm and that he is somehow related to Urahara Kisuke. Obviously he is Ichigo's father.
  6. Meh, it was a fair episode. I'd say its a shame the show cannot have all two hour episodes, it'd probably do the writing more justice. Correct me if I am wrong but didn't the OS have a splinter group of pacifists as well? Think they were vaped in an episode by the Cylons for coming out with a white flag. Don't think that'll happend here considering Six is the one in charge, Cylon conspiracy from within. Lots of ways to frag a fleet like that. I'd have to agree that the transplanting of the warhead was as simple as a Next-day letter, aren't there radioactive detection systems on these ships? Security? Oh they must be all guarding Boomer! I'll stop bitching, the fact the Roselyn has already put Baltar with Six sets the stage for his exile and hopefully maniacal turn to evil. Thats something to look forward to at least. To be honest I'd hate to see the Pegasus get blown away by the nuke, I am sure they'll have an episode for that crew soon enough.
  7. Jeeze this will be along the same lines as Tank Girl...Someone mind loading this pistol for me...
  8. I left the theatre during the first Underworld when Kate's character had to get mouth to mouth to not drown. Umm aren't vampires undead? How the frell can they drown??? I've read most of Anne Rice's books, I prefer her view of vampire lore above all the rest.
  9. I am a fan of the C&C RTS so this rts for Star Wars looks like it will supercede the predessors like Force Commander and that other one that was like Age of Empires meets Star Wars.
  10. Been getting mine from Bleach Society...oh and I FINALLY caught up to you all! Not only that but I got ep 64 which I guess also came out this week? I really liked how the SS arc ended, gotta admit the Aizen twist was a complete and total surprise! I cannot say enough about how shocked I was when that secret was revealed. Here I was expecting Ichimaru to be working alone this whole time! I thought Ichigo's Bankai was pretty awesome too, all that power! Hehe, but by the looks of it he's still got a long way to go to reach Aizen's level. I am curious to know if these new enemies are agents of Aizen, the one taller figure could be Touhen. Was it me or was that a Hell Gate Orihime got pulled into? Damnit now I have to wait like all of you!
  11. Well, his eyes are glowing...Till all are one!
  12. Such vivid imaginations!
  13. Wonder what Shatner thinks about all this?
  14. OK, my memory is a little hazy so may the hardcore fans remind me... What I remember from the extended version is a scene with a baby worm, the torture of that Fremen guide and I think more of Mua'dib's training. I had read somewhere that there was a version that Mua'dib actually went to the second moon of Arakis? I don't know, hehe all I want to know if this is the DVD I finally want to add to my library or not
  15. Egads, walk away from a thread for a while and I come back to women having orgasms while givnig birth and guy's sharing stories that really should remain in the deep recesses of the mind or better yet, forgotten. Now exuse me while I pray to all that is holy my manhood is never violated, or allowed to quife.
  16. It was great but it definatly left me wanting to smack Jack up and let Locke do the talking. Hot headed SOB instead of learning about his enemy decided to talk tough. I would have rather much heard more of what Zeek had to say! Jack did make up for it when he asked Ana Lucia about training an army, not that I want all out war with the Others, but I do want to see them defend themselves better. Looks like the action I talked about last week won't happen until next week. Baby Aaron looks like is going to be taken or at least attempted to. Will we see cracked out Charlie come in for the rescue? The Jack flashback was also very enlightening. Why did he walk away from that hot Italian babe is beyond me! Makes you wonder now that he sees Kate all lovey dovey with Sawyer if there are trust issues. Geeze I dont want to talk about this show in this drama puppy love way! Next week better be the all out mind game I love!
  17. Getting there...I have up to ep 60 waiting to watch. I find it funny however with all the fighting going on that there is in fighting amongst the Soul Reapers. Personally I can't wait for Ichigo to go at it with Ichimaru Gin. That guy's smirk is freaky....
  18. Shh, he'll hear you and spew his usual "master's degree" babble! So Maia Sterling and Marcus Rush. Two characters we can at least identify their heritage with. Guess we'll see where that goes. As for open plot holes and continuity issues why continue to be the rotting dead carcass of a horse with a stick anymore. Its Robotech, its HG, we know its their MO. I'm going to pickup SDF: Macross today to see what all the hype's about with the Puritsts
  19. Lots of classic rock, 80's, breaks, progressive house and ambience.
  20. Good read and its similar to what I was thinking. So what we have here is a new question which I think you also asked. How strong could the Cylon foothold be over the Colonies? The resistance on Caprica cannot be alone, I find it hard to believe that they are the only survivors. The nukes the Cylons launched were mostly military targets, many cities must have survived. Unless of coarse the Cylons razed most of the smaller Colonies completely leaving only the larger ones somewhat intact.
  21. Guess I should listen to podcasts then Ya know, looking at how well these Battlestars squared off against the Baseships one would wonder how it would have gone if the Cylons and Colonies had gone at it without the virus that crippled the fleet. I know, I know...the attack happend a long time ago, but in seeing how overwhelmed the Baseships were by an older model Battlestar and one that probably isn't exactly 100% I think there was a good chance on even terms the Cylons probably would have never attacked, let alone win. Just a thought, what do you guys think?
  22. wth? Time? That scene could have taken all of 15 seconds...So am I going to have to listen to podcasts for these hidden extras? How cheesy.
  23. Saw it last night. I thought it was ok. Have to agree the focus on Apollo sucked. I really would much rather have seen much more of the battle. There was a horrible piece of editing here as well. One second everyone is getting ready to attack, the next the battle is on! What the hell? Very abrupt and borderline sloppy. Someone mentioned Cain not having any type of redemption before getting capped, I'd disagree. Not going forward with killing Adama was proof enough she relaxed and perhaps saw a bigger picture. She saw it in Starbuck's eyes that something was up, and probably had a good hunch what was gonna happen. Give her credit for that much at least. To be honest though, I don't think Fisk nor Starbuck would have gone through with it. Baltar needs to get busted already. Its so frackin obvious he helped Six escape it's insane, perhaps the season ending cliff hanger will have Baltar leaving and take a seat in that revolving chair? . The ship to ship battle sequance was great, but my question is where the hell were the two Basestars compliment of Raiders??? Is it me or did I miss that dogfight amiss Apollo trying to cover the hole in his space suit? What could have been a great battle was reduced to a skirmish worthy of fan boy hate. Coming up next week, Roe vs Wade in space! Stay tuned after for the preview of a future episode, Brokeback Raptor. I appriciate the social writing, but give us one pointless frag fest...please!
  24. At least in the teaser Beast had clothing...
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