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Zor Primus

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Everything posted by Zor Primus

  1. 88% Moya from Farscape...go figure I've never even seen an episode...
  2. I had used my PS2 as a dvd player for almost 2 years, and during that time I had various problems mentioned already with freezes, skippings and no plays. It got to the point that I couldn't even play games anymore. I sent my system to their repair station in PA and they installed a new reader. At this point I had already gotten a stand alone dvd player so it was just back to being used as a game console. Granted I've only bought a hand ful of games since I am mostly a PC mmo player but its still there for nostalgic reasons lol.
  3. Bah...idiots. What a waste RVD is probably the best there is on that show and they keep him at mid card. Glad to see EG remembered so quickly. RIP Vato!
  4. Everything is proceeding as I have forseen...
  5. That will explain the missing teeth... I have sadly not been able to tune into TNA...
  6. Because you just have to: Take The Quiz Yourself!
  7. While waiting on Friday night to go out I tuned into Smackdown...this show in my opinion has gone down the proverbial shitter...with a single exception. The Good: Super Crazy, wow I had no idea this ex-ECW star had made it into WWE. It was very refreshing to see him in action. Granted it was jobbing Gregory Helms with the other Cruiserweights but his somersault brought back fond memories of the last time I saw a live ECW event. The Bad: Michael Cole and Taz still suck as an announcing team. After all these years they still seem to force their commentary. Booker T coming down I guess as a heel now to the ring and call a match was like listening to Macho Man speak in ebonics. The Ugly: The Boogie Man...wtf is this guy? Eating worms? Come on this is wrestling not fear factor. The first impression I got of this guy was that he reminded me of: Nuff said..
  8. Great episode! Combat scenes kicked arse! Its amazing how much punishment a battlestar can take! Three nukes and it still was standing! Score one for Baltar! About time he grew a pair. Ya gotta wonder though, when he finally does get caught, how is he gonna get away alive, lol I am also glad Apollo got command of the Pegasus...that goes a long way in proving the ship is going to last at least until next season! Looking forward to seeing the whole ressurection next week, seems like being a Cylon is not all that good.
  9. Another week of not missing much... A7, you think RVD is gonna get his well earned push from all this? The only thing that would bring me back to watching WWE would be RVD wearing gold.
  10. Ok, well I guess the filler arc wasn't so bad in the end thanks to Urahara's involvement and purpose...the mystery behind the ending credit dolls I guess is now solved too lol! The Bound are at least a little more acceptable as a filler, probably worth more then 5 episodes. I liked the summoned demon that chick used. And that other guy was creepy. So Ichigo lost his ability to use Bankai...that leads me to believe that the Bankai we saw in SS is probably not his true Bankai...which means more ass whoopins in the future. Great ending with Rukia making an appearance, I wonder if she got all her powers back?
  11. I fracken forgot to set my dvr for Lost last night!!!
  12. The Spirits Are Always With You! BWAHAHAHA!
  13. Does that Ken abomination have a fro?
  14. 5 minutes? Didn't remember them being so short-nyo Yeah its been licensed for about 2 years, don't know where you live but here in Miami there is an anime store that sells fan subs for real cheap. Least it wont cost ya $30. Back on topic-nyo! Nothing this morning when I looked too, perhaps 68 is a special Valentine's episode???
  15. DiGi Charat-nyo! A series originally lasting like 10 minutes an episode-nyo! About 20 or so episodes-nyo! About some alien princess and her friend landing in Tokyo and moving into a comic store's attic-nyo! If your annoyed with my nyo's dont watch the series-nyo!
  16. If your in the mood for nonsense, there is nothing wrong with it at all...in fact I'd rather watch it instead of the current arc in Bleach...looks like we are getting an hour's worth of it in 68...
  17. R.I.P. Billy
  18. I think I mentioned this before, SNME's key ingrediant was showing matches between marquee stars, unlike their house show broadcasts from the 80's you'd tune in to see your favorites actually fight. With Raw and Smackdown! all you get are marquee matches, no jobbers. BRING BACK THE JOBBERS!
  19. LOL, actually she made me watch Digi-Charat after making her see Legend of the Overfiend
  20. Yup, she likes Bleach allot...although she is more into Clamp, Chobits for example has been played to death on our dvd lol...
  21. Saw last week's Starbuck/Katt episode, not too bad. Tonight's episode I think is similar to one from the original series. I remember something about a hostage take on the Rising Star, or was that a murder episode that implicated Starbuck and Cassiopia?
  22. DL'ed 66 & 67 last night, was on my honeymoon and only saw up to 65...at least this arc will be over soon, lol.
  23. You forget that Captains and Vice Captains purposely hold back a significant amount of their power when they are in the real world to avoid causing serious damage. We know that Ichigo is definatly at Captain's level in strength, Renji is either just below Captain or still at a strong Vice Captain. I'd have to agree that the Cloud guy is lame, but not so much because of his outfit, the name itself belongs to some other character we all know and love... Little more creativity was needed there. Guess we also got our answer about Heaven...Soul Society is not it...there is another Hongoken (sp) or True Heaven up there that SS defends as well.
  24. I'll need to see more footage but yeah M0's first shot of Roy switching to Battloid was amazing to see. The CG is so well done it almost fools you to think its cell. M0 set the bar pretty high to beat imo. So far Shadow Chronicles doesn't look like it has gotten close.
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