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Zor Primus

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Everything posted by Zor Primus

  1. Anything new over the weekend? I am trusting someone here has found a source for new eps. bsu, I knows you have got the scoop!
  2. Speaking of Honda I just bought the new Civic Coupe over the weekend. I must say I was put off by Honda when they stopped making the Prelude. By far their best line. I owned one, 92 that was a bit tuned for more fun. The redesign on the Civic is saweet. Loved what they did to the body, and the SOHC VTEC engine is a jem! Haven't popped its cherry yet lol car only had 21 miles hehe...Here are a couple of pics I took real quick outside my job today.
  3. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
  4. I had heard that as well, damn shame. Correct me if I am wrong but a Cajun isn't exactly a Southerner in character and attitude.
  5. Thanks for the info kensei!
  6. I want one! Even comes with Ichigo's Hollow Mask!
  7. Remember what I said about looking at this series as a Westerner? You'll never get it like that. I think bsu mentioned that in the manga this thing about SS and "True Heaven" isn't mentioned. To answer your question, no SS is not what we in the West would consider "Heaven". I watched ep 71 this morning, my verdict: Bleh I know its a filler arc but damnit...Renji is more bad ass then they are portraying him to be!
  8. Sports what? Sorry looking at a Bluescreen of Yummy right now...
  9. The thread was a poll asking who did they think was gonna win, I had mentioned my favorite and gone on about yesterday's game. If it would have gone the way of politics then more power to the admins to delete. So in other words this message board is a popularity contest? Like I said, I dont mind following the rules as long as they are explained to me when I break em. Thats not challenging authority, its simply trying to understand it. BTW, Red Dawn is one of my all time favorite movies...WOLVERINES!
  10. Ya know I can deal with rules, and like you said the "automotive thread" is example of non-genre...there's also the gun's thread...I've seen Fantasy Football threads...then there is this under the forum description: So if its not off topic, but really just geek specific then I'll drop the issue...but the rule should apply to all then...
  11. I started a thread yesterday about the Baseball World Classic and it seems with no notice or whatever it got deleted? I guess anime, toys, movies, comics, etc is what this forum is mostly about but at least an explanation by the mod who deleted the thread as to why would have been nice. At least I'll know in the future sports talk is just not cool enough for MW...
  12. Sweet pics! Now to go home and see the trailer!
  13. Soul Society is not the Heaven we in the West see it as, nor would I go as far as calling it Purgatory either. Just think to the movie Spirited Away...the After-Life is just that...lol another life! Thats the way I look at it at least. Seems like a bum rap for people to have a crappy life on Earth and a crappy one after, but hey they all seem happy anyways... Anyone got ep 71 yet?
  14. You need the latest version of Quicktime..7 I think... I'd like to see if there are any screenshots already.
  15. Actually the planes looked like L-1011 Tri-Stars over the crib not 747's which to me was a sign that Oceanic Airways is somehow part or owned by the Dharma Initiative. Remember that pic of the wreckage with Walt? Well I rewatched my dvd and saw it there no doubts! There has to be another facility. However if you look at the Dharma emblem at the hatch and at the lab you'll see that they are differant. I guess two differant departments, one medical and one...hell if I know what the bloody button is!
  16. Yeah...but the cancer was wiped out probably as some kind of statement in favor of stem cell research...however I've got a feeling it will come back at some point. Tigh not getting command of the Pegasus seems like a fitting example of a lasting repercussion. Cain is forever destined to die. She was too strong a character to keep around, she outranked Adama and that just couldn't work in the long run. Togo nailed it, Lee has been on the Pegasus since given command by Adama...which was the episode before this past week's The Caprica Mission briefing was on Pegasus and Apollo was there. I agree, they took that ship out too quickly. All the hype behind it and such a well written episode that brought it to life only to get vaped on its second mission. Meh, that guy wasn't all about anything really...the Chief in Galactica is the only techie really worth following up on as far as story goes. Again, wth? Lets just dump the baby on some random ship? A weak idea and rather dangerous decision made by Stands with Fists it'll probably come back and bite her in the ass later. I see another assasination by Sharon in the future All in all the second half of the season turned out better then what I had expected. Can't wait for Friday!
  17. Hollywood sucks and has for a while...none of the movies that were listed mattered to me. I saw about, 0% of them.
  18. CustomerService@robotech.com
  19. Freddie Prinze Sr is still spinning in his grave over that one...
  20. Yeah, I saw the pic the other day of the new Bond, hell even my wife thinks he's teh suck! Can't drive stick? What the frack? If I am not mistaken 90% of the cars in England are manual...let me guess, he's one of them bike riders isnt he? While Connery will always be the best Bond I think Timothy Dalton deserved one more Bond flick to cement his greatness.
  21. Thinking back on the Pegasus episode it kinda made me wonder what would have happend if Scotty had taken command of the Enterprise. LOL I am sure we'd see engineering calling up to the bridge constantly during a crisis.
  22. So no one saw ep 70? Or are you all hating the Bound arc that much? LOL At least Rukia is back! Little confused as to why SS didn't send her back without the information they have gathered on the Bound, or is it Bount? Seen it spelled both ways.
  23. Last week and the week before have shown two of the best episodes this season. Any doubts of a downward spiral for BSG is forgotten imo. Six's Baltar rules! Gotta love the irony. Both the human and the cylon are cuccoo for cocoa puffs Good theory and it makes perfect sense!
  24. I heard that the actress that plays Kate in LOST might land the role of Wonder Woman. Not so bad a replacement imo.
  25. I am sure its been mentioned already somewhere in these 60 pages if so I think its worthy of a bump in thought! The Weirding Modules from the original Dune movie was a bad ass weapon that just looked sweet MUA'DIB!
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