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Zor Primus

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Everything posted by Zor Primus

  1. Neat! Installing it now.
  2. Still just watching Bleach...although willing to take suggestions on anything
  3. Name sux but the game looks fun...is it hard to find?
  4. Yeah...I remember DYRL not being "official" cannon, someone explained to me once that it was more like if the people of SDF:Macross would make a movie like Pearl Harbor, DYRL would be it. Wasn't sure about Macross II...thanks for that...I saw most M7 ages ago and was far from impressed...going to give it another go now that it seems I missed allot of lore jumping straight to Frontier.
  5. Just to check my knowledge of continuity is this the correct timeline as far as animated series has shown: Macross Zero...SDF-Macross...Flashback 2012...Macross 7....Macross Plus...Macross II...Macross Frontier. I want to have the ultimate marathon and watch it all over again
  6. Whiney princess was worse then the Bounto...I almost screamed when they snuck in another couple of episodes. I haven't really read the manga just seen the anime. So are the two on par with one another at this time? The backstory eps rocked! Aizen has quickly become one of my favorite all time villians. Cool, calculating and seemingly ready for anything.
  7. *blows the dust off the thread* Am I the only one left that watches this series
  8. Get to da Chopah!!!.... Someone please hit DELETE on Hollywood please...rebooting is simply not working.
  9. That would make sense for humanity to grow beyond Sol and into the galaxy. It essentialy keeps the idea of a unified race which is what UN Spacy is supposed to represent. It also allows for the inevitable failure of any utopia because at some point greed, evil or any other negative influence that humanity tends to turn to manifest itself. Thanks for the explanation of NUNS...seems like I have to watch Macross 7 again...
  10. I just watched the last episode last night. I gave the overall series a 9. I guess you can chalk up that loss of a point for lack of a bit more closure at the end, namely who does Alto end up with lol... Overall the plot and twist were very cool...made it seem more like a civil war then an intergalactic conflict. The music was great throughout the series, sadly sometimes the quality of the streams I saw prevented me to appriciate the animation but looking at other threads I think I've found some decent places to get something with better quality to download and put on a DVD. Mecha...wow...all the VF's were sweet, the idea of a sniper unit was awesome. I'm still a little shy on which unit belonged to who, further research will allow me to comment more at a later date. The Zentran Queadluun armor for both females and males were nice to see advanced and updated, although would have liked to have seen a Regult or Glaug somewhere in the mix. Characters, loved them all...no favorites...all kick ass...although I prefer Sheryl over Ranka (Iknow its a hot debate) Animation...probably a 10...when I watch the series with better quality I'm sure its perfect. The Vajra, luckily was explained at the end in detail and they were a serious enemy...kinda like the Borg. It was really eerie at the to hear Do You Remember being used against the Frontier. Also, what are the NUNS? Are theyUN Spacey? and why aren't they bad ass. More later when I repeat
  11. Still watching Bleach, started 07-Ghost...finishing up Macross Frontier and also watching Mospeada. My Robotech cleansing continues, next up, Southern Cross.
  12. One observation as I saw the the last ep tonight...I kinda like how Rick and Lisa declared themselves in love after the SDF-1 got destroyed in RT more then a the general idea you get with Hikaru and Misa. On the flip side Global and the rest of the bridge crew weren't annouced dead either Minmay turns out to be selfish in both versions though!
  13. Yeah...saw that ep last night...its what got me thinking about what if anything else ever was known about the Supervision Army.
  14. Mr March: Netflix...basically the ease in availability finally gave me no more excuse to not see it. VFTF1: Thanks...I'll check out that thread... Now in regards to Misa or Minmey, even before watching it, Misa/Lisa was always my favorite. However I will say this, the original series does make Minmey 100% more tolerable then her RT persona.
  15. Ah! Thanks for the info...
  16. After years of only seeing Robotech's version and hearing the war of words between purist and RT fans I can finally give a valid opinion. Yes...Macross is superior to RT's version in many ways. Character's are far more understood and appriciated, the dialogue is definately superior and the overall story elements are by far more interesting. I have seen up to episode 30 and can sure that there will be nothing to change this opinion. To go as far as to bash RT, no...probably not...but yeah I went ahead and ordered the 3 box DVD remastered set from AnimEigo. Next up original Southern Cross and Mospeada Now for my first question pertaining to the show itself. I have seen Macross II, some of Macross 7...couldn't stand it, Macross Plus and a few eps of Macross Frontier. Now in the tv series the Zentradi mention the Supervision Army as their enemy, in none of the aforementioned sequals there has been a follow up or encounter that I can remember with the SA...loop hole or something to come?
  17. Count me in! Finally some Southern Cross love! I'd prefer it in Battloid mode in case a Bioroid model is available later.
  18. Duh...I should have thought of that.
  19. I played WoW from beta to March 07...can't deny the fun I had. End game stuff was fun but waaaaaaaaaaaay too time consuming imo. Never played Guild Wars...I am however playing LoTRO and its allot of fun. Graphics are amazing and the professions are similar but not facsimiles of WoW. Give the 7 day free trial a whirl. I'm on Landroval server, look for Dundalis!
  20. Saw it Friday night and will agree that for a monster movie, this had all you wanted and needed...well not all could have been a tad longer. As for the end credits I stayed and heard something but couldn't make it out. A friend told me the voice said: Leading to believe a sequal with another POV. My question about the end though...was it a Gonna look into that splash! Gotta love JJ's hidden messages right out in the open...lol although I wonder if the ST movie will have the same aura of mystery hehe...
  21. Super Fuzz Yeah real funny...especially seeing Miami pre-Miami Vice hehe...Terence Hill forgot how funny this guy was.
  22. I've got one for you guys. 80's movie about a cop who is exposed to a nuclear explosion in the Everglades. He develops various super powers but loses them whenever he sees the color red. One of my all time faves.
  23. So is the monster seen in the movie or are we left with the whole black mist like mystery? edit: Wait...I just spoiled the mystery already...lol does it really look like a copy of Sin from FFX?
  24. Anyone, anyone?
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