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Zor Primus

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Everything posted by Zor Primus

  1. LOL Me too...bad ass toy though! Wish I had a room for it
  2. I saw the trailer over the weekend...WOW!!! This looks like a winner, a great remake that could slip away from being "another video game movie".
  3. So the sequel is assuming the Light ending with Vader taking tissue samples for cloning...hmmm well ok, I'll accept that. I have completed the game multiple times and gotten all the content...must say that next KOTOR this is my all time favorite SW title. Whats been fun has been the "Infinities" dlc's that give us an alternate SW story.
  4. I cannot even fathom this becoming a reality....
  5. I don't like cheating with the series. Since I watch it and not read the manga. Looked twice at what's ahead. And both times all I revealed was something about Ichigo's dad lol...the last peek I did see...
  6. Guess I was the one to blow the dust off this thread... Zanpaktou filler, probably the best of them all. Now back to the real series! Ichigo's second Hollow form...OMG! Kick ass! I'm real excited about the series again. Sadly I read DB is dropping the show
  7. LOL...yeah Chuck is a girlie man compared to Ahnald...
  8. There were no humans in the show then right? I can't remember past the second season.
  9. True Lies rocked...but you know Running Man has to be considered in the conversation as all time great Ahnald movie. I wish he was Governor here in FL, he'd kick the crap out of the CEO of BP.
  10. Awesome! I wonder if it will replay the entire Origins game...hmm should be interesting to see no matter what. I have both games and all the DLC's. Bioware is gold when it comes to RPG's and this game did not disappoint. Actually surprised there is not a thread dedicated to the game.
  11. I thought the guy that was in Rome, Journeyman, Grey's Anatomy was going to play Thor?
  12. Wish they would bring back Spiral Zone. Also, never understood why they called it Third Earth...if we were on First Earth, what was Second Earth all about?
  13. Bleach eps 271 & 272 have been the best since back when Ichigo fought Byakuya at the end of the first Soul Society arc...
  14. Looks like another Cloverfield type mystery...we'll get breadcrumbs from here till release. Personally I'm a little done with the whole escaped alien from Area 51 that will bring doom to Earth unless he is stopped and the only one to do it is a reject bartender who fell in love with his best friend's sister and doesn't have the cojones to tell her until after an epic alien attack. JJ has been very creative, so my hope is that this new movie won't fall into that category.
  15. I must admit to thinking at first the ending was weak, but after some thought I'd have to say I was pleased. I think the best reunite moment was between Sawyer and Juliette.
  16. Something tells me we won't get all the answers like we did in BSG...too many laces still untied...at least I think there might be, there are so many pieces to this puzzle the last ones might look like a fit but they won't...arrrgh my brain hurts!
  17. Got the game over the weekend and played for a few hours already. I can see where some people might got bored at the beginning, little else then running a straight line, fighting, cut scene, running a straight line, fighting, cut scene, wash, rinse and repeat. I think I made it out of cocoon already with the two parties, so lets see what happens next. Graphics in game and cut scenes are amazing...couldn't expect less from Square.
  18. Anyone else find it ironic that Sayid went out eerily like a suicide bomber? After so much strife THAT is how he goes? Seems like we are seeing the quick resolutions most feared would happen with so little time to end the series. I was surprised, shocked and then disappointed at the losses last night. Borderline cheesy...but hey who am I right? Speaking of Miles were was he? Still at Whitmore's? Snail you forgot that Ben is still alive and well
  19. 1) I don't believe that. It's an obvious lie. 2) True 3) Correct...and proves that your original point is a lie. 4) See above.
  20. Incredible display of Nature...how truly insignificant we are compared to that.
  21. Great points by all about the story not going to have the type of closure we saw in BSG...I'm also worried that this is going to end a-la Sopranos. There is even less time now to really give you a wrap up worthy of a 5 year ride into confusion and speculation. Last night's episode seems to be the opening volley for the long awaited "war" on the island which is probably going to be a skirmish with MIB managing to take out the sonic wall and take Widmore's team to school... The sideways story is really developing nicely...I think we haven't seen the last of Daniel or Eloise either. She knows definitely something is up but the question is, what side is she on? Its very clear Desmond is working both sides of reality, his unique ability to do that is not in question. Still though, I doubt he is all lovey dovey with Charles just because he revealed potentially what the MIB is. T minus 4 weeks is it already?
  22. Yeah...you hit it right on the money...WWE's ultimate defeat of WCW had little to do with Vinny breaking new ground but more with WCW's epic fail at trying to sell the same product. I lost interest in wrasslin shortly after The Rock left to start a film career. By that point Steve Austin was gone, Triple H while being awesome was becoming to repetitive, regaining the title after losing it over and over again got real old. The tag team division finally collapsed into nothing relevant or fun to watch. Even with the infusion of ECW there was nothing that really kept my interest. And as a side note the loss of ECW as an individual entity was probably worse then the fall of WCW. The only new gen wrestler that I liked turned "hip hop" Cena has mad talent but defacing the belt to look like a turn table and rapping on stage was not something I was interested in. Granted I'm old skool and probably can't relate that particular gimmick seriously but it is what it is. All these other guys I've seen come out have sparked ZERO desire to want to start watching Raw again. TNA is a poor man's WCW where the old bulls go out to pasture, good for nostalgia but little more then that. I'm content with watching old skool matches...epic confrontations like Hulk vs Randy Savage, The British Bulldogs vs The Hart Foundation, Ricky the Dragon Steamboat vs The Magnificent Muraco...yeah that for me was wrestling at it's best.
  23. If it wasn't for Carl Macek I would never have seen Robotech...that show was the trigger to many fandom. Thank you for that, your vision was to bring to America something new and exciting. He accomplished that. RIP Carl, you have finally begun your journey To the Stars...
  24. Co-worker mentioned it when he saw I have a model of one on my desk...haven't been able to find anything concrete either. Probably heresy.
  25. Heard that the B787 found a problem with the position of their engines, to far out on the wing or something along those lines. Considering the delivery date for some orders this is a big deal.
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