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Zor Primus

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Everything posted by Zor Primus

  1. Hehe...yeah...I remember. I first heard this term on the Howard Stern show...
  2. Looks like I'll be queuing these up on Netflix in a couple of months. Don't see them lasting more then a 2 weeks in the theater. Skyline: "Oh noes, the alien Hoover vacuums are coming!" Monsters: "We're trapped in Mexico with illegal aliens!"
  3. proving the meaning of life is 42

  4. This series jumped the shark about 3 or 4 seasons ago...but I might give this 10th season a try...looks like they are breaking the no suit no fly rule in the end.
  5. This is the version I own...not sure if its the same you guys are talking about. The dubs are horrible...but I rarely watch my anime dubbed anyway. imo a true otaku refrains from dubs.
  6. Funny how when this movie first came out I thought we'd actually make it there by the year of the movie title...the Discovery and Leonov from 2010: The Year We Made Contact.
  7. I hated the fact the made Galvatron "crazy" b/c of the plasma planet he landed on. And while the episode where Cyclonus takes him to a psych planet to be "cured" maybe the funniest in the entire series, calm, cool, evil, Galvs from the movie was much more fun and akin to Megatron.
  8. Taksraven you stole my thunder with the Liberator, I was one of the few who used to follow Blake's 7 back in the day...Vifam 7, the Explorer from Vehicle Voltron was a very cool ship! Now lets see, ah yes...there is: Anyone else remember watching Sankukai? This was my SDF-1 before there was an SDF-1
  9. 10) Bret "Hitman" Hart (preferred him as a face, but he made a great heel) 9) Jeff Jarret (no one hits you with a guitar better!) The Magnificent Muraco (Along with Mr Fuji...epic win!) 7) Shawn Michaels (I can still see him Superkick Marty Janetty lmao) 6) Ted Dibiase ("money" and great mic skills + great ring prowess) 5) The Rock (he's the greatest...but as a heel not so) 4) Bobby "The Brain" Heenan (include any member of his Family) 3) Hollywood Hulk Hogan (nWo 4-life!) 2) HHH There can be only one #1...but HHH is not far behind. 1) Rowdy Roddy Piper (The only heel that turned face to my regret...it will be ages until someone equals the years of hate!)
  10. The SD version of the Valk did transform into Battroid and Fighter, with a little effort you could get it into Gerwalk...I painted my Skyfire with Skull colors and played with it instead...the only cool Matchbox toy for me back then was the SDF-1.
  11. Thanks! I'll pick it up next time I'm at B&N.
  12. Aayla...my favorite Twi'lek...I hate that she got taken out without the remote chance of surviving Order 66...
  13. I've got Season 2 ready to watch this weekend for a fun filled Clone Wars Marathon...I was a bit on and off this past season so much of it will be new...May the Force be with you.
  14. DragonBall from what I hear was an absolute train wreck...imo the verdict is not out yet on GI Joe, lets see how the sequal goes. Voltron was scratched and Speed Racer was a decent movie to watch in the background while you are surfing the web or eating breakfast. I saw something the other day about Akira and Bepop, looking forward to those two. As for HG, there is very little left for me to express that hasn't been already...pity there are those out there that actually have hope in the franchise. If they actually release something new it'd be great to critique, but thats not going to happen anytime soon. So who is in for a Macross Frontier marathon?
  15. I'll wait for a LA Macross to come out before RT...and before anyone jumps me, Initial D wasn't THAT bad /ducks Even my wife who has zero otaku leanings enjoyed watching Macross over Robotech...that says allot. Like the Waterboy comparison, can see anyone in HG land saying, momma said, momma said, Macross is of de debil!
  16. After reading an article about Lucas not killing off Han Solo to keep toy sales up this leads me to believe Ahsoka will be around until at least the end of the series...we all agree that good storytelling will have something bad happen to her and whatever that is will help push Anakin towards the Dark, its obvious and makes sense, sadly none of that means Lucas will do it. Not bashing Clone Wars, Season 1 and 2 rocked and by the looks of the trailer, 3 is going to be epic, but you know it and I know it, there will be some form of disappointment in the end. Two things I want this season, more Mandalores, and the introduction of the ETA-2 Jedi Starfighter...next to the X-wing its my favorite fighter in the entire saga.
  17. For what I have understood, contact was lost with this fleet as it approached the center of the galaxy. My question is, wouldn't this be the perfect launch point for a new Macross series? We don't have to actually pick up from the Megaroad's first jump but can style around whoever is still around in 2059+? What do you guys think? I would like to know what happened to the two main characters from the original series, not to mention the progress of their fleet and the people who left with them. Would there be an entirely different development of the Valkrie fighters and Destroids? Why did they lose contact? Could they have discovered something more left behind by the Protoculture? Or are there some harder to beat Zentraedi out there? Maybe even a brush fight with the mystic Supervision Army...I was just thinking after watching Macross Frontier again it'd be a great way to move forward.
  18. In a heartbeat. Zero, SDF:Macross, DYRL, Macross Plus, Macross 7 (although maybe not as much) and Macross Frontier are worth every penny of my hard earned cash to buy on BD if they were subtitled...I would go as far as buying anything Macross if the quality was good and made it to mainstream America.
  19. Happened last night...was looking at Macross Quarter's on eBay and picked one...I told her I wanted it for my birthday to which she quickly replied. "You want a toy for your birthday?"
  20. Awesome pics! Can't wait for more details on this movie!
  21. Quick questions regarding this, @ work and can't go through 30+ pages. 1) Can I get this blu-ray movie in the US and play it on my PS3 without modding (probably no here but one can hope) 2) Can I get the game in the US and play it on PS3 without modding (again...a man can dream right?)
  22. Contrary to popular fandom, I enjoyed most of the new digital scenes. More content = win for me. I'd go a step further and add to the Vader-Kenobi duel in Ep IV...if they put in a double with Christopher Lee's face in Ep II they can do it again to make the Death Star I duel at least try and look somewhat decent. I'll be getting the Blu-rays...Uncle Lucas has no cashed in on all formats for me, VHS x 2, DVD x 2 and now Blue ray.
  23. Who was the Cylon BumbleBee punched? LOL...I loved the game and play it regularly. Not sure what Exodus is all about, but I'm sure someone will point me in that direction.
  24. I find it funny how people can still defend HG...for Macross' 25th anniversary we were blessed with Macross Frontier, for Robotech's 25th we got....*crickets* yeah... The best thing that can happen to the RT franchise is for it to be sold to WB or anyone else with the capacity to at least do something or just put it out of it's misery. Let it die and leave the fans just content with the childhood memories of the show. Be thankful that at least for me it opened up a wide world of anime, and be done with it. In regards to the Sentinels, I was a fan of the pilot and enjoyed throughly the McKinney books with the exception of the Star Children in the End of the Circle. The quality of the animation was nowhere near as good as say, Ep 27 which imo is the best drawn in the entire series. The worse being Ep 25, what the frell happened there? Sentinels in theory would have worked and liked by most RT if it had stuck to most of what McKinney wrote. That arguement is almost as heavy as Macross vs RT; the Mckinniest's vs Purists that is. But this isn't their forum to debate.
  25. Still faithful to Bleach...but aside from that I am re-watching Macross Frontier, second time around is so much better! I am also watching on the fly the first season of Black Lagoon. Even popped in the first couple of dvd's of the original Macross. The Mrs. is wondering where this anime fix is coming from.
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