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Zor Primus

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Everything posted by Zor Primus

  1. Staying quickly on the topic of books being made into movies I read a long time ago there was serious effort being made into a Foundation series of movies. Think it was Sony Entertainment that was involved. There are two ways it can come out. One as good as the LOTR adaptations were or two it could be the Queen of the Damned all over again and that'll just be as bad or worse as iRobot's film adaptation.
  2. Anyone getting TFU2 tomorrow? I know I am... Demo was pretty cool, not too fond of the highlighted items/mobs that show who you are targeting but Mind Trick makes up for that lol.
  3. Probably same place you can get this: Chinese Revenge of the Sith
  4. Wow...another Rama fan...awesome. Arthur C Clarke had a ton of fabulous books that would be epics considering the dredge coming out recently in the name of sci-fi. Childhood's End has Oscar written all over it if screen written and acted right. The Forgotten Realms series of novels that touches the life of Drizzt Do'urden, lets say the Icewind Dale Trilogy would give LOTR a run for its money. I'd agree with Graham...no ideas left? Pick up a damn book Hollywood!
  5. I remember that episode! The GB's were in Hollywood and were being attacked by ghosts from different TV shows. Staaaaaaaaar Paaaaatrooooolll!!!
  6. The Real Ghostbusters was one of my favorite cartoons as a kid. Think they're available on DVD already. There are a ton of episodes from that series which could easily be expanded to a full length movie. Citizen Ghost is the first that comes to mind. Ragnarok and Roll is another. Real GB Set
  7. Second person here...but will remedy that!
  8. Makes sense...it probably wouldn't be as simple as HG releasing its hold on the name. As with any imported anime there has to be investors in this case I guess a company like Viz Media for example to distribute it. There's always something...
  9. Yeah, I've got those, we were talking about Macross Frontier, Zero and 7...
  10. Well not sure how long this thread is going to last here but you've touched a subject right up my alley. /RT fanboi I think you need to re-watch this part of the RT series all over again...most if not some of the fiercest fighting happened in space and the TASC consisted of a greater variety of capital ships when you compare fleets to that of the RDF (even saying RDF on these boards seems dirty). Anyways I'm not getting into numbers but its a safe bet that the fleet the ASC possessed was greater then the RDF's. That being said I don't think there are many fleets out there that can handle 4.8 million ships so if it came to that the ASC would have been defeated. The RDF possessed the SDF-1 and through sheer luck the barrier system overload was converted to battle tactic and was able to obliterate most of the Zentradi fleet. Leonard's paranoia did create quite the military machine and if you look at it from the perspective that the Robotech Masters were superior to the Zentradi in equipment/training/tactics then the ASC didn't do too badly. The "Minmei Attack" would have been pointless...the clone society of the Masters already had culture and regardless of being under a tight noose they had their own Muses to calm the masses. So again...you might want to watch this series again and rephrase your question or what if. /RT fanboi
  11. I blame RT and HG for my mistake last night, naming a Cheyenne II an Excalibur... So last night my wife asked me why can't we just go and buy Macross at Best Buy. I ended up having to explain to her the basics behind the history and distribution rights and why Macross is only available to those who make the effort, ie overseas purchases, a visit to Japan, downloads, etc... Her response afterwards was that she thought HG was not very ethical and should just sell/give up the Macross trademark and let the fans enjoy the show. To which I replied...DECULTURE!
  12. LOL...for sure...yesterday was Sports Talk driving home, today it was Sheryl Nome & Ranka Lee! Grabbed a screen of an Cheyenne II tonight...next series must have more Destroids!
  13. Haha...nice...
  14. I have the song What 'bout my star? stuck in my head all day! What do I do???
  15. AMC is not HBO so you're going to get commercials. The hatchet you speak of is not as bad as other networks I've seen.
  16. Well you haven't missed much other then Jar Jar being a hero, Padme running around Mandalore, and Ashoka playing Mahony from Police Academy.
  17. First, welcome to the fold. As a wise man once said, you've taken your first step into a larger world. As a Robotech fan who finally got around to watching SDF:M much later in life (actually saw DYRL, MacPlus, MacII, Mac7 and Zero beforehand) I can tell you this. All the of the series' are great...some better then others but each containing what we all love, BAD ASS MECHA! SDF:M/DYRL were the pioneers and started it all...I thank Robotech for the introduction and will love/hate it for life but the original Japanese story is superior in many ways that I won't get into on this thread... Yes, Mac7 was not my favorite, definitely not for someone who is looking for a 100% serious series. It has been years since I've seen it and hoping to find a version with better subs...but I doubt it will overtake my current favorite, Macross Frontier. Zero went beyond what all of us considered lore, and took a chance with the Protoculture but Azrael helped me see a point I hadn't thought of until now. And the VF-0 was too frakin sweet. Macross Plus, another great production imo, no war but its a big universe and grounding the epic conflict down to a pair of test pilots and an AI was pretty cool. If you want to see a Valkrie pushed to its limits, watch this! Macross II, we should be called Marduk Marines, because I'm one of the few and the proud that liked this mini series tremendously. Mecha design, ship design, story and characters were all just fine for me. So watch it, to me its 10000x better then Mac7 even if its not considered canon. Macross Frontier, pure win...I'm on my third viewing and looking forward to the movie to get in my hands. Plenty of nods to the original series that made it an instant attachment as far as nostalgia goes. I felt just as good about the characters in this show as I did in the original and MacII. Not to mention the Macross Quarter kicks all kind of ass.
  18. I partially agree with you here. However I don't think SC would have been the start of a new series as at the time the talk was solely about the movie and nothing else. I say this not counting the endless posts back then talking about a return to glory, etc. That hope ended when nothing came out of the creative team a year after SC came out. Based on that we can completely eliminate any further comparison to MF. Frontier didn't throw any cog into anything since there was never a machine running @ HG. At least not on the level Big West was working. I just hope the choke hold is released by the time my kids are old enough to watch anime
  19. Oh gods no...worse then Dragon Wars? That's an hour + of my life that will never return. Seeing the commercials this weekend, my first impression was, really??? Uber cyber tech aliens that can use Hoovers to suck up people are going to lose against civilians and our military that from the flashes on the screen were being ripped to shreds. It won't go past a month in the movies before it fails.
  20. You know what would make the movie rock...if there was a scene like this: Scene: Fighter plane spinning out of control and in a nose dive towards the main carrier. A rookie pilot about to lose focus and crash when Maverick gets on the comm and says: "Pull the lever that says G...do it now!"
  21. QFE! And to answer the question, no, this is the first time an ongoing series has been dedicated to the undead. @Graham, I read that World War Z is in pre-production and that Brad Pitt will play the part of the reporter going all over the world interviewing survivors.
  22. At this point in his career we can call Val Kilmer (Iceman) the Fridge instead.
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