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Zor Primus

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Everything posted by Zor Primus

  1. This is my single greatest complaint about the multiplayer part of the game. Its annoying as hell especially on the smaller maps like Nuketown. The campaign is set during the Cold War, which is always fun to relive, in all its anti-Communist glory. Flying the Hind was a life long dream come true for me as well. There wasn't that "wow" level like Wolverines! in MW2...but still I'd have to say the story and twist are great. Its a different developer so in the end you can compare apples to oranges and get a pear...lets see what Infinity Ward is planning for the next installment. Oh yeah, add me if ya want to team up one night Jason!
  2. He also whispered something into Rick's ear...that was the cliffhanger lol.
  3. Yeah...not what I was expecting either...however I still have faith it will make up for it next season.
  4. Wonder what would have happened if DC stayed involved...then maybe we'd have a DC Films LAM?
  5. Probably...they haven't revealed it yet...but considering the survivors made it inside the CDC, they are sure to find out this Sunday. The symptoms and spread of the disease are typical for the genre.
  6. Found this as I was looking for a pic of the Macross with the Christmas lights on it. I don't see HG anywhere mentioned in this, anyone ever heard of this comic before?
  7. This doesn't bode well...
  8. That would really suck 11 month hiatus is insane, BSG and even LOST did not take that long. I'm of the opinion that the article is a bit older then the last ratings and the network will forward the schedule a few months. Vader doesn't like the idea of next October either...
  9. Agreed fantastic episode...next week will be even better. Just hope the hiatus isn't too long
  10. Ok so I finished Black Ops over the weekend...
  11. Interesting design...would have been interesting to see it developed...still don't see where the carriers are coming from
  12. Well considering the Ark Angel had no carrier or ARMD type attachments the thing already is going to look "armless"
  13. Saw this sushi bar advertisement this past weekend in a parking garage on South Beach...looks like Minmei moonlights Nyan Nyan somewhere on SoBe.
  14. I agree, this one if done well should be a unique story...
  15. An unexpected space/time continuum rip occurs as Grace announces herself goddess of the universe, a Vajra fleet arrives over Earth as the REF and Haydonites wage war. The Vajra annihilate both fleets and Earth just as Grace is defeated and the Vajra return to their homeworld. The last thing you see is Rick Hunter screaming "YAK DECULTURE!!!" as the SDF-3 is destroyed. THE END
  16. Judge Dredd vs Lobo=WIN
  17. Haven't been any filler eps imo...with only 2 shows left this season they've got to keep em busy.
  18. Going to see it next week...read the book twice and loved it. Will wait for the crowds to die down a bit to see it.
  19. First Image Well, it can't be worse then the first attempt. Karl Urban was a good choice imo... "Dredd" is directed by Peter Travis (Vantage Point) from a script by Alex Garland (28 Days Later). It is tentatively set to hit theaters in 2012.
  20. Hmm...this one, promise it shows yes? One thing is for sure, Michelle Rodriguez's character won't survive...they never do. Resident Evil: Infected with T-virus, turned, blasted... Fast and the Furious 2009: Flipped in car, shot in the head. Lost: Shot in the gut. Avatar: Shot down on Pandora. Battle: Los Angeles: TBD...
  21. Well considering the comic series is still running, and if the popularity/quality of the show continues growing whats to stop AMC from going deep into the series?
  22. This movie is going to rock! Can't wait!!!
  23. Got Black Ops last Friday and have been playing multiplayer mostly. I'd have to say that the maps are pretty big but not very sniper friendly. So far I've found a couple of positions but nothing to scream about. Still the game is allot of fun and the new upgrade by creds makes it interesting when selecting the weapons you are going to use. Right now I'm alternating between the AK47U w/ grip & suppressor, the M60 with grip and red dot, and the FAMAS with red dot and extra mags. The campaign is fun up to now, in Vietnam again, probably close to the stage where I can pilot the HIND...really looking forward to that. Still, there hasn't been a wow level for me as when in MW2 you could replay Wolverines! over and over again. Anyone want to team up zorprimus is my PSN id, add me for frags sake!
  24. I heard the ending was "surprising" but the rest was meh...I'll wait for it to be on instant netflix.
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