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Zor Primus

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Everything posted by Zor Primus

  1. Nice read Tom! Good work on keeping continuity where it should have been. My main beef with RTSC was the re-play of the last battle against the Invid. Felt it wasted time that should have been spent with new story telling. Also using Aurora instead of Maia made more sense. LOVED how you brought in another member of the 15th ATAC! You can never have enough Southern Cross Was curious to know in your mind's eye what the SDF-9 looked like? Tirolean influenced like the original SDF-3 or something more akin to the REF ships?
  2. The face of Robotech fandom using Lion as his theme song.
  3. Merry Christmas Jason! And to everyone else that finds this thread more informative then 20/20 or entertaining as a football game, have a wonderful holiday! May Santa give us all 1/48 scale Valks in our stockings!
  4. 2:28:00 dedicated to you bro...you're a rock star!!!
  5. That entire episode actually...but a close second, anytime Basara was on screen in M7
  6. That explains allot!!! I think that dude needs to take a deep breath, pull the pin and hold. Jeeze, here we are hunting for islamic extremists while back at home we have idiots like that guy thrashing English grammar and worrying so much for zealots of a lost cause. Waaah waaah, I'm a bigger RT fan then you!!! Waaah waah, Steve and Tommy love me! Waaah waaah Memo is innocent of these accusations its all Tom and Jason...I never want to hear another word that Macross purists are extreme again. That dude takes the cake. Talking tough online to people, yeah...real winner there.
  7. Might be a late observation but someone else had started a thread about this. Never saw the intro until today. Chinese hacks forgot how to create anything original it seems. Anyways when I saw this ship it reminded me somewhat of the Zor's ships. What do you guys think?
  8. Concept guys...relax. This looks at least in theory better then Caprica.
  9. Best: 1) Anime Series/Film/OVA that aired this year.: Macross Frontier: False Diva 2) Science Fiction Film: Inception 3) TV Series: LOST 4) PC/Video Game: Dragon Age: Origins...Part 2 in March! 5) Consumer Electronic: iPad 6) Toy/Model/Action Figure/Plushie/Nendoroid or whatever...: Bandai DX Chogokin Macross Quarter Worst: 1) Anime Series/Film/OVA that aired this year: None that I have seen have this year have been bad 2) Science Fiction Film: Clash of the Titans 3) TV Series: Operation Repo 4) PC/Video Game: Final Fantasy XIII worst FF ever 5) Consumer Electronic: iPhone 4 shame on Jobs for releasing this model with a factory defect. 6) Toy/Model/Action Figure/Plushie/Nendoroid or whatever... RTTP
  10. How epic will the fail be if this is really going to be LLA...honestly I'd prefer a flash comic or even the RTTP (Robotech Toilet Paper) over a dub job on a work that is 25 years old and is also supposed to match the animation of SC which is 3 years old. How can anyone present LLA as something new with a straight face has lost touch with reality imo. Anyways we'll be beating this dead horse with a stick until the finished product comes out. Tom, looks like you were the last fan to leave HG's building. Your comment about Tommy not even getting into convos about the actual show proves that to them its a job only. The small window for true fans to help the franchise closed and all thats left are boot lickers who wish they can have their name on an HG paycheck and would rather ban or silence critique then admit that all things RT is not perfect or as grand as it appears.
  11. Poll is already up at RT.com.
  12. Interesting reply...better mark your calenders boys and girls, we've got official confirmation something wicked this way comes in 2011!
  13. Thanks Keith...now I've got to jam out to Ranka and Sheryl...what about my star?
  14. Exactly the conclusion we reached...
  15. Subs rock, there is very rare instances where I'll accept a dub...Trigun and Evangelion I think are where I drew the line...it takes a while but once you get used to it hearing the original language with the proper translations is where its at. As for Memo, your guess is as good as mine...personally I think he would do himself a favor if he apologizes for being such a drama queen and liar, then hit the "nuke the site from orbit, its the only way to be sure" button on himself and hope for rebirth. A real RT fan would have enjoyed those pics and would have preferred to actually discuss said pics instead of pointing fingers falsely and continued to extend the drama beyond any reasonable person's mind.
  16. OH GOD, WHY!?! Yeah...that pic somes up allot of what is coming from HG lately...wtf was Minmei thinking??? Taking steroids like that just for a swimsuit issue... Hey Richard, the new Frontier I spoke of was a second movie Check out the thread here
  17. Right...this with the second Frontier movie premiering in Japan next February... I'd call it empty talk to provoke a response here, gods have RT fans gotten so desperate that they are pulling bs out of the air to see if it sticks? Hey trollers, I'm an old school RT'er...who realized that the franchise has the same chance of something new as the Titanic has of arriving to port. Stop talking trash and open your eyes to something new. You don't have to hate Robotech to enjoy Macross. If the day ever comes when there is something new to really talk about RT, have at it...until then enjoy what has been provided to you and drop the drama...
  18. Watched the Finale again, that Flashback with Shane was pretty cool. Looks like the Army was in full retreat...Wouldn't mind seeing some more in the future.
  19. LOL nice work! Very funny
  20. Have no fear A7, my churrasco is legendary. Next MW con should be in Miami! I promise no LEAK will occur on my watch.
  21. And that ladies and gentlemen should end any further debate +2 Anyone want to go out for a beer?
  22. Interesting discussion, my new word for the day is going to be LEAKS...
  23. It definitely looks like something made on a junk planet...at best its three steps back in looks when compared to the VF-25, and at worst it is a Cyclonus rip off. Is there really a need for the two smaller wings in the front? Still would like to see battroid and gerwalk modes.
  24. Not crazy about the name at all...
  25. Sean, that was one of the best posts ever. And yes...Palpatine's convo at the end probably rescued the entire season lol... I agree, if I wanted to hear debate about troops, healthcare, bank regulations, all I need to do is switch to FOX or CNN. What the hell is it doing in Star Wars? Anyone over the age of 16 can easily identify the last couple eps are entirely "Earth Issues" and a singular point of view behind it. Something tells me BD sales for this season will be the lowest of the entire series...as for Savage Opress I give the writers a -1 for creativity. Savage? Really, is that all? A savage Zabrak? Go figure! Opress, Ventress, is it a requirement for new villians to have a double "s" at the end of their name to seem scarry?
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