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Zor Primus

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Everything posted by Zor Primus

  1. Got my first Tier 3 ship
  2. Yeah but come on Jason, we know that they'll say that Robotech is better because Protoculture is a fuel and not some godly alien race...and that Zor is a much better protaganist then the Vajra could ever hope for...oh yeah and that Veritech is a much cooler name to have when compared to Valkrie. What possible examples did they use to support that argument????
  3. Made a Klingon female...look oddly...familiar...any takers?
  4. Here is my Excalibur class over Earth
  5. Nice! Do you know if the Luna Class is available and if so how does one go about getting one?
  6. I just got the game a couple of weeks ago. Already LT Commander 3. Got my Excalibur Class Cruiser and running patrols/explorations/etc... Look me up Marcalo Munovia@zorprimus My impressions so far have gotten better with each time I play. Space combat is awesome and Away Missions have become easier now that I've gotten more or less how to equip and level my crew. See you out there!
  7. Aaaaargh...I'm stuck trying to beat the Dragon inside the Deep Roads!!! Anyone have any tips to beat it?
  8. Agreed...20+ years later I'm sure it will be almost painful to watch. I'd like to get Spiral Zone on DVD instead of M.A.S.K. though. That show was really cool!
  9. Sapporo is a great Japanese beer too...but yeah Kirin is my fave. There are theaters here called Cine Bistro which is 21+ and have a full bar and dinner service, seats are huge and have trays similiar to First Class ones on airplanes. @Chewie...yeah I suppose you're right.
  10. Throw a sprinkle of District 9 mecha design and you got Battle: LA...my question is, Oh well, we gotta win somehow right?
  11. We have an "Official" date: Phantom Menace 3D
  12. Yeah...was waiting on Hugo Chavez to blame the US...he did when the quake hit Chile last year. I've been watching the U-Stream all day today, its so eerie to see the sunrise over Sendai. I hope we can start getting some good news of survivors soon.
  13. Pressure=Radiation? What kind of damage are we talking here?
  14. To all our MW'ers in Japan and to the rest of the country...stay strong! The cavalry is coming!
  15. Someone posted a fan made version of the new clip they are showing at the conventions here. Where Sorji fits in all that, who knows...
  16. Skimming through the thread "the song that never ends" came to mind...so pathetic. Why anyone cares enough to argue with them anymore is beyond me.
  17. I know it was...I just wondered how the finished product who have looked.
  18. Living in Miami I am really tempted to go next year to WM....
  19. Just got to see these...wow...it would of at least been interesting to see how they would have presented hacked pieces of Southern Cross with Megazone 23...I mean how were they going to show a Garland vs. a Bioroid? I shudder at the thought.
  20. I noticed last night in the demo that for mages the range has been extended tremendously. I could barely see the Hurlocks on screen but I pounded away spells at a whim. The graphics are much improved and much more fluid. The new and improved Flemeth, nice! She looks allot more like a younger Kate Mulgrew this time around. The reference to "the last grey wardens being beyond reach" was a great nod. Made me wonder where was my toon at the time of the Champion's escape. Isabela..ah...can't wait for that interaction lol. I plan on playing the other limited (bc of demo) classes soon...one big complaint, the extended time between pots...cost me a near wipe the first time I fought against an ogre. Bioware looks to release yet another epic win. Nice warm up for TOR
  21. Anyone pre-order Dragon Age II??? I played a new toon through Origins and am about to finish Awakenings...Tonight...the DEMO!
  22. 2 days....wish I lived in Japan!!! Can't wait for the reviews!!!!!!!
  24. Far as I know the original Macross was never released in either Chile or Dominican Republic. I think networks probably saw RT as an original and SDF:M a remake or something, jeeze just writing that makes me feel woozy.
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