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Zor Primus

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Everything posted by Zor Primus

  1. Amazing work...love it!
  2. I played the Palladium rpg back in high school. Those examples if memory served were hack jobs done by the EBSIS and other nation states post Rain of Death, post Masters and post Invid invasion. In an attempt to keep up with the UEG forces and to defend themselves.
  3. Awesome, Phase II armor will be standard issue from now on...looks like this could wrap things up for the series.
  4. Because tents were prevalent in RT...who can forget the tent that was pitched in the bowels of the SDF-1 where Rick saw...or the tent Zor pitched whenever Dana walked in the forest...wait up...what about the tent that was pitched when Ariel reached the next stage in Invid evolution by multiplying her breast size in SC...omg I just realized where all the protoculture went!
  5. Is that a woody I see?
  6. QFE, I dropped a hinted hint from a beta tester on this as well. Now back on topic: UPDATED] High-Scale TOR Beta To Begin End Of June? This morning on a conference call for William Blair & Company, a Chicago-based investment firm, Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello made some interesting remarks in regards to the current and future Game Testing phase of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Riccitiello noted that a “high scale beta” test of The Old Republic would begin in late June, following that statement up with “the release date would be dependent on the results” of this testing phase. Now, it’s not clear what “high-scale” means, specifically, and we shouldn’t jump to any conclusions about anything like a public beta, or anything of that sort. But at the very least, we hope it means many more Game Testing invites will be hitting our inboxes. The conference call is still ongoing (though it covers much beyond EA) and you can listen to it here. It’s possible it will be available later as an audio recording, and we’ll link to it then if that’s the case. Stay tuned as we work to find our more about this breaking news for The Old Republic! [uPDATE] We checked with BioWare, and no further comment is available at this time, other than testing is “ongoing.” [uPDATE #2] The full transcript of the call is now available. A very sloppy transcript. [uPDATE #3] BioWare Senior Community Manager Stephen Reid made a post on the official forums regarding John Riccitiello’s comments from earlier this morning: Take a deep breath, everyone… Game Testing is currently ongoing for Star Wars: The Old Republic. This isn’t news – it’s been ongoing for quite a while. At different points in the process, we have invited a number of people to test. Some of those people tested for short periods, some for longer periods. We’ve recently transitioned into longer-term and larger-scale testing. We have more people testing the game now than ever before. We are allowing them to play for longer than ever before. We’re also continuing to invite people to test, so if you haven’t signed up for testing yet – now is a good time. We will be allowing more and more people to test The Old Republic before launch, and that means occasionally we’ll spike in our invite numbers. It doesn’t mean everyone who’s signed up for testing is going to be invited in one block. What we’re doing now, essentially, is similar to a ‘Closed Beta’ for other MMORPGs, but we call it Game Testing. It’s invite-only, and it’s limited in size. That gives us the most ‘bang for our buck’ in terms of getting meaningful, actionable feedback. However, we’re still ramping up, we’re getting more people in… and we’re still aiming to launch in 2011.
  7. I'm a guildie with a beta tester and while he cannot say much, he hinted enough to debunk this theory.
  8. E3 Gamplay Vid Graphics look really nice. Gameplay seemed pretty smooth. 1) Found it odd that the excuse for a short and stubby vehicle was the space it would take in a city to have a full size speeder. 2)I had to hear it a few times to be sure, but when he talked about inventory he said "you have to pay for more slots". That'd better be in game creds and not real money purchases. 3) Vehicle summoning inside an instance +1
  10. Missed that completely...not sure why it would be racist if its a historical fact that blacks were slaves. Seriously though being a minority member myself some people are way too sensitive for their own good. As for the "other cameo"...
  11. Hmmm...not sure if I agree. If Lucas has as little involvement as possible, we might see a hit similar to BSG. Thats the bar I've set at least.
  12. I know that the space side of the game is not "focal" and hence isn't getting allot of love by the devs at this time. However, for the game to succeed you have to have space. As failed and flawed as SWG is, the space aspect of the game is right on imo.
  13. Couldn't find this thread in my original search...anyways here's what I said: The short short version. Yes, this game will soon dominate my life. Who else is taking the plunge with me? The Return I'm also zorprimus on the swtor forums, look me up! Probably going to roll a Jedi Sentinel first, get used to the game and as a second roll a Sith Inquisitor for complete pwnage. Was really hoping for a release date @ E3 but looks like thats not going to happen. Want this game out already!
  14. Weird, did a search for "Old Republic" and didn't see it...may the mods have mercy on my soul.
  15. Shocked that no one has started this thread already. Anyways...the short short version. Yes, this game will soon dominate my life. Who else is taking the plunge with me? The Return I'm also zorprimus on the swtor forums, look me up! Probably going to roll a Jedi Sentinel first, get used to the game and as a second roll a Sith Inquisitor for complete pwnage
  16. Great movie, awesome cameo. Definitely better then part 3, if this is indeed a reboot. Its a great start.
  17. Its Maia Sterling's boobs from a right angle.
  18. So this documentary...umm... And the sidquel...thats a pipeline? I have to worry on a monthly basis to sell at least $300-400k in product and he calls that a pipeline? Man I wish my job was so easy.
  19. Wow. Great work!
  20. Really sad news...well now he is finally reunited with Elizabeth
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