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Zor Primus

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Everything posted by Zor Primus

  1. Yeah, when you put it like that...
  2. From what I understand the ships being released within the Star Trek Online game are approved by Paramount/CBS so can it be said this is the cannon version of the Enterprise F:
  3. TNG...pure win, epic in every way. I'm also watching it again in Netflix...series finale, time trek example #1 DS9...never really got into it, ST for me was about being on a ship, going where no man has gone before...Dominion War helped, but still not my fave, maybe watching it on Netflix will help. Voyager, liked the series allot, contrary to some on this thread, I did like the crew allot. Plenty of Borg action and the premise of being in the Delta Quadrant is truly going where no one has gone before, however, series finale, time trek example # 2 and practically a copy of All good things...except Janeway wasn't sinile in the future. Enterprise,started decent but took the plunge not soon after. This show failed as soon as they #1 introduced the Borg, #2 Temporal Cold War, time trek example #3, and lastly failed to even delve into the Romulan-Terran war. Series finale was also time related and by this point we've had a pair of motion pictures related to time travel, Generations & First Contact...dude ENOUGH ALREADY with the flux capacitor in the warp core!!!! Basically, I love the Terran Empire alternate reality, but please, no more time travel in the new series!
  4. Yeah as far as mmo's go there hasn't been anything ground breaking in ages. Bioware's strength has always been story and character development, and this game does not fail!
  5. And not sell any deathsticks...
  6. I've been going to Chile my entire life, and lived there for 2 years. Azrael is correct in stating they have only been exposed to Roboatech while growing up. Thanks to the internet I am sure they've been able to see the original works if they choose to. However, the most probable reason is they aren't as concerned with the Macross vs Roboatech and the average fan boi knows little behind the legalities and origins of Macross. I've had my share of A-HA moments with my buddies in Valpo explaining the truth behind Roboatech. And Azrael...they are smart, just mostly not educated in the truth
  7. If there is something that needs to be redone, I've always said the duel in EpIV would do good with a little digital re-touching.
  8. Anyone here in Beta? Send me a message
  9. Unbelievable...here I was about to rag on bendo for putting up those SC early design pics that were floating around a few months ago and find yet another HG hack job...seriously anyone in Japan know about this yet?
  10. Also, info on David Foster here. I just hope two things...Rick Berman has nothing to do with and second...Rick Berman have to do with it...this show needs to be Star Trek, not Time Trek.
  11. Anakin's Troopers are the 501st. I'm really stoked about this season...second part of the trailer was AWESOME...
  12. Ya know...I wouldn't mind seeing the entire movie
  13. Its because of the global economic slowdown...they have to import the soundtracks from Asia and the ship is stuck in a port...duh...
  14. Yeah what a bummer...I know its not the best, but its still my first one...I'll eventually get something better...
  15. This was my second attempt to grab one...first Michael version was lost in the mail and I lost my money on it...but thats in the past...took me a while to get it from battroid to gerwalk, but its the best mode to be in for display imo...at least people in the office wont be like "is that a Transformer?" Thinking about getting the Quarter next...
  16. Buckle your seat belts Dorothy...b/c Kansas is going bye bye! Will be going to GameStop tomorrow!
  17. Let it go man...as much as I'd love to see a Spartas made into an mpc there is a bigger chance we'll see Jim's jeep be made before anything SC
  18. So from looking at this he is going to be a face going against Vinnie Mac like Stone Cold used to except now he is going to cater to the more educated wrestling fans...is that about the jist of it?
  19. The Rock is the only thing keeping me interested in WWE
  20. I'll give them this, at least its Cuban actors really working in the movie. I can tell by their accent. I hate the fact that 9 out 10 films set somewhere in Latin America and really all it they show are places in Mexico where Mexicans are supposed to be Chileans. Spend the money and represent the right culture. Not all latinos are Mexican. No offense to our Mexican brothers here, but you feel me right? As for the film, I'll keep you posted on the local Cuban-American reaction, more then likely it will be banned from theatres in Miami.
  21. Amazing movie...saw a net version and proceeded the next day to buy the blu-ray and soundtrack. Loved it more then anything I've seen this year.
  22. We are talking about a game here not series. As for "Clone Wars" type graphics for a game, I played the PS3 Clone Wars game, nothing to write home about. If you want a real look at the game badboy, I suggest checking out in game screenshots and not cinema.
  23. Bounty Hunter Progression BH Progression Decisions, decisions...
  24. Saw it yesterday...could have just waited for Netflix. Honestly I think HP 8 pt2 is going to save these summer "blockbusters" of 2011.
  25. Global economic slowdown??? Jeez and the poor fans believe it? How sad. That lame excuse is about two years too late to be valid. I work in distribution and at this point a ship being stuck on a dock waiting to be "filled" isn't going anywhere. Sounds more like a manufacturing lie then a shipping issue. Their margin has to be high enough to take the hit for an alternative shipping line. Are we talking about a 20 or 40 ft container of Battlepods? No I doubt it. A pair of pallets at least right? I can make a phone call on Tuesday and those pods can be here in a week. Other then scarf your face with cheesy selling tactics for RT merchandise, there is nothing of any real import to talk about. Another roll over for Carl in his grave. He. Wanted a Robotech minute to be free for the fans online, instead they are going to get a full length "documentary" for the low price of $29.99... I stopped watching midway through the second video. Figured I didn't miss much more.
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