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YF-29 Durandal

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Everything posted by YF-29 Durandal

  1. Light tan and white, I think it looks absolutely... yummy!
  2. 28,980 JPY at AmiAmi... I'm rubbing shoulders with rich people.
  3. I cancelled my pre-order with Rakuten and pre-ordered one from Mandarake instead for JPY 13,000 and I also have a pre-order with CD Japan for JPY 14,000 but I really don't want two of them.
  4. Maybe so but it's a little bit strange that the SV-51 looks so much more advanced than the VF-0A / VF-0S.
  5. I more meant that the feet of the SV-51 looks too advanced to be an early type veritech mecha.
  6. The SV-51 in the Macross universe is supposed to be an early version of veritech type mecha and the VF-27 is a late design so why does their feet look so similar?
  7. Cancel that pre-order that you have with NY and order from CD Japan or Mandarake instead where the price is JPY 14000.
  8. Thanks and yeah I have checked HobbyLink Japan, Angolz, AmiAmi, Hobby Search, Anime Expo and Nin-Nin Game. I made my pre-order with a store thats connected to Rakuten.
  9. Rakuten VF-25A for JPY 14700 http://global.rakuten.com/en/store/yellowsubmarine/item/4543112606167/ CD Japan VF-25A for JPY 14000 http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/goods/goods_detail.html?KEY=NEOGDS-90706 Mandarake VF-25A for JPY 14000 http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1424967.html
  10. What store is NY? Could you throw me a link?
  11. Ok, thanks. I have pre-ordered one for JPY 14700 but not sure if I will get it.
  12. The VF-25A ''light tan'' is it V2, V2 Renewal or V3?
  13. GE-49 = V1 GE-61 = V1.5 Is this correct? Or does Renewal mean that it's a new mold? Not clear on the terminology.
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