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YF-29 Durandal

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Everything posted by YF-29 Durandal

  1. I think that it's like it was with the VF-171 where under certain lighting it looked light green and not the beutiful teal that it should have. So install soft white incandescent lighting in your display cases and not the energy saving ones or your valkyrie won't look right.
  2. Derailed thread is un-derailed. (at least for the moment)
  3. Yeah I would only get one after reading several statements from different people that the old quality issues have been fixed.
  4. I would actually prefer the cannon fodder RVF-171 over Alto's RVF-171EX since I think that that colour looks so much better but only if Bandai greatly improves upon the quality.
  5. Release the VF-1J Hikaru Ichijo with FAST Pack. The VF-X-4 has a shorter nose than the VF-4G and I would actually prefer the former.
  6. Yeah, I would not pre-order that. A visual comparison of the 25 series: https://www.google.se/search?q=VF-25G&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=tfhcUseAFMqp4AS_noCoCg&ved=0CDIQsAQ&biw=1920&bih=965&dpr=1#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=HM_hi7hMzKuIoM%3A%3BQ7-QXJ-xaXskKM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fi299.photobucket.com%252Falbums%252Fmm289%252Fpinoy78_photo%252Fgroup.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Frobotjapan.proboards.com%252Fthread%252F79%3B875%3B665
  7. Yeah, back in June?
  8. RVF-25 is coming now in November. source: http://www.tamashii.jp/item_brand/dx_chogokin/ Nevermind... it looks like it's only the Super Parts for the already released RVF-25.
  9. Thanks and yes but it sometimes translates funny... I once got a google translated e-mail from a small japanese store that read: ¨''I'm sorry in childish sentences''.
  10. Seriously... why the high price on the YF-19? Can someone explain this to me?
  11. Ouch... I have one on order with Hobby Search and I'm really getting nervous now.
  12. I see. So the next valkyries with the existing molds could be RVF-25 and RVF-171 and maybe YF-24 and YF-25?
  13. Don't you mean the YF-24... the prototype of the VF-25 Messiah? Yeah and I would love to buy the YF-30 a thousand times more than the YF-19 reissue.
  14. Roy would have loved the YF-29 if he had lived to see it. Is there a web page with all the GE models together in some sort of a list with pictures?
  15. I would rather spend 28,000 JPY on this than on the YF-19.
  16. So the next VF-25 will be a V3 or is there a 25 series left to be done with the existing mold?
  17. Is it from the same mold as the VF-25F?
  18. Why is it so expensive? Anyone who knows? This is a 1/60 scale valkyrie, right?
  19. Yeah your explanation seems to be the answer to why the SV-51 from 2008 shares strong similarities with the VF-27 from 2059.
  20. I see. Whats the color of the GE-58?
  21. Too bad that I already ordered one from Hobby Search for 18,000 JPY. I see but does Renewals have a new GE number or does it have the same GE number with just the word Renewal put on the box?
  22. Mid wing engines... does that mean that the YF-29 is an evil valkyrie?
  23. And I ended up ordering the VF-25F too for 17,500 JPY.
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