I think that the forum has been a bit ''dead'' lately especially on weekends, anyways... this thread is for discussing what you want and/or what you hope that Bandai will release during 2014.
Let me go first with saying that I'm pretty sure that Bandai will release the VF-25S Ozma Lee renewal of the V2 toy and the release of the YF-30 Chronos is pretty obvious and of course the release of the RVF-171EX and the non-EX toys (the cannonfodder variant) and hopefully Bandai will also release the VF-25G Tornado version sometime down the line but lets discuss whats not so obvious.
The YF-25 Prophecy http://macross.anime.net/wiki/YF-25_Prophecy and perhaps if we are ever so lucky the YF-24 Evolution http://macross.anime.net/wiki/YF-24_Evolution and if Bandai have time before the year runs out then maybe they will release different color variants of the YF-30 seen in the YF-30 thread on this forum and personally what I want bandai to release is the Queadluun-Rhea http://macross.anime.net/wiki/Queadluun-Rhea seen piloted by Klan Klang in Macross Frontier.
So what would you like to see released by Bandai in 2014?
YF-25 Prophecy
YF-25 Prophecy with a different color scheme which I think looks better than the first one.
YF-24 Evolution