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YF-29 Durandal

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Everything posted by YF-29 Durandal

  1. VF-4G doesn't seem that expensive: http://www.ebay.com/itm/YAMATO-1-60-VF-4G-LIGHTNING-III-30th-ANNIVERSARY-Macross-Robotech-Very-Rare-/171196709778?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27dc1e7b92 But of course I hope that the V2 YF-19 will increase in value not that I have thought of selling it.
  2. How will you guys manhandle your YF-19's without breaking off the canards? I think that it would be best to break them off once you open the box just to have it done.
  3. VF-19S today is more like $140-160 and it surely will be interesting to see if this new YF-19 will hold it's value but one thing is for sure... the V1's will not.
  4. $108.27... pretty cheap, imo for a new VF-1A cannon fodder: http://www.hkcollectibles.com/macross-robotech/7119-vf-1a-movie-with-optional-parts-30th-anniversary.html
  5. It's probably more profitable to release sell the valks and the super parts separately.
  6. On ebay... I bought mine for $16.50 + $8 for the shipping.
  7. He is a New Yorker.
  8. I just bought this funny looking thing.
  9. ''1'' apparently. I bet that it would sell for at least $600 on ebay though.
  10. Why didn't you get one?
  11. So Arcadia released both VF-1S's in the same month just before Christmas... not that smart I would say.
  12. Not really.
  13. All V2 boxes has the whitish background.
  14. Hot Toys sells for $400+ on the secondary market so they are just as expensive, imo.
  15. It looks good doesn't it? The YF-24 Evolution.
  16. Thats the V1 and the V2 box looks like this:
  17. Yeah probably not any V3's before 2015-2016.
  18. I'm pretty sure that the VF-25S will be re-released by Bandai in Q1 or Q2 of 2014.
  19. I think that the forum has been a bit ''dead'' lately especially on weekends, anyways... this thread is for discussing what you want and/or what you hope that Bandai will release during 2014. Let me go first with saying that I'm pretty sure that Bandai will release the VF-25S Ozma Lee renewal of the V2 toy and the release of the YF-30 Chronos is pretty obvious and of course the release of the RVF-171EX and the non-EX toys (the cannonfodder variant) and hopefully Bandai will also release the VF-25G Tornado version sometime down the line but lets discuss whats not so obvious. The YF-25 Prophecy http://macross.anime.net/wiki/YF-25_Prophecy and perhaps if we are ever so lucky the YF-24 Evolution http://macross.anime.net/wiki/YF-24_Evolution and if Bandai have time before the year runs out then maybe they will release different color variants of the YF-30 seen in the YF-30 thread on this forum and personally what I want bandai to release is the Queadluun-Rhea http://macross.anime.net/wiki/Queadluun-Rhea seen piloted by Klan Klang in Macross Frontier. So what would you like to see released by Bandai in 2014? YF-25 Prophecy YF-25 Prophecy with a different color scheme which I think looks better than the first one. YF-24 Evolution Queadluun-Rhea
  20. V3 It would be better if they came out with the V3's.
  21. What did you do to the leg of the Gundam?
  22. How to cut the cake without it all falling apart?
  23. No, I changed my mind on the V1 and you can still get it from Mandarake. http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1134382.html
  24. I'm paying $259... have a nice day.
  25. It's bad for the sellers but good for the late buyers.
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