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YF-29 Durandal

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Everything posted by YF-29 Durandal

  1. SD = Super Deformed?
  2. I guess the japanese doesn't know what a pecker means in english besides that of a bird.
  3. Hey theres no reason for getting mad at me for bringing up Arcadia quality control issues.
  4. Cool.
  5. The Alaska base scheme actually looks very nice... even more green than the DYRL Kakizaki.
  6. You should really talk to Mr. Kawamori about making something out of your SV-37 design.
  7. The VF-4G is from a video game so I think that it's screen exposure was quite high.
  8. I guess that a futuristic version of the B-2 bomber doesn't make that great a valk.
  9. Thats what I was getting at... it's screen exposure is just too short but you could always ask Mr. K at Arcadia if he would consider it in the future.
  10. Ok, I must have blinked and missed it, how many seconds of screen time did it have?
  11. It got ignored and I love it.
  12. To have a poll of every valk that was ever made composing all three modes for each would make the number of poll choices in the hundreds so it's not viable, imo.
  13. I think it's best if they stick to things that people have actually seen on tv or in a computer/video game.
  14. I love how the slanted skull issue got ignored. Keep it up guys.
  15. I think that they will... next year. So hang in there.
  16. I was just thinking if the FAST and super packs will be released in January/February or something like that... can someone please ask Mr. K about it? Maybe I should have posted this in the Arcadia thread.
  17. The poll options would be VF-1S Roy Focker or Hikaru Ichijo. Edit: I forgot the smiley.
  18. I see.
  19. Name what you think are the three best looking Macross valks. I will go first. 3rd place: VF-25F Messiah Yeah I think that this one looks better than the VF-25S... sorry Ozma. 2nd place: VF-27r Lucifer Brera Sterne Custom 1st place: YF-29 Durandal Alto Saotome Custom
  20. Nice one.
  21. Arcadia should really have made a VF-4G 30th Anniversary instead. Hmm... must all anniversary valks be VF-1's?
  22. Yeah but does it actually sell for that kind of money these days or does it go unsold month after month?
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