It was my pleasure to host this year's con and i'm glad everyone had fun. I was so busy trying to set up everything that i barely had time to check out the cool stuff that was brought and participate in the con.
Thank you to everyone that registered and came to the con. I hope everyone was decently satisfied with the event, although i wish i could have done so many things differently. If i do host the con again next year, things will be a lot bigger and better and more organized. Sorry to those that arrived early and were patient enough to hang out while things were still being set up.
And my thanks to everyone that helped setup, take down stuff and help run registration and pick up stuff. Here's my list of people i give my props to.
Ricky and Mindy - thanks for bringing your video game gear and stuff and helping me set up and take stuff down to the very end. You guys are always awesome
The usual suspects - Danny, Pat, George, Nick, Alex.... thanks for picking up pizza and drinks and other random stuff we needed for the con... i also appreciate everyone kicking my butt in poker
EXO - thanks for heading back to your house.... TWICE to bail me out and getting a keyboard stand and Microphone stand for Mari to sing on... hehe... sorry i made you pay for the con and you worked it!!!
Dennis and Christina - Thanks for taking pictures and helping with registration.
Tony - Your collection is jaw-dropping which you i'm sure you take great pride in.... thanks for being the 1st one there to set up your display... MWcon wouldn't be the same without Tony's stuff for people to stare at all day.... keep bringing it!!!
Shawn - We wouldn't be putting on a MWcon if you didn't keep this place alive. Thank you!
Customs/display people - Thanks to Tommy Yune, Egan Loo, Ryver (agentghq), Jason (Jasonc), Alex (nightmare), Steve (hirohawa) Thomas (orguss), for actually bringing stuff to show off and display for everyone to see.... much appreciated!!!
MajorTom - for selling me cool stuff as well as other macross goodies to those in attendance.. =]
Prize Donators - JasonC, Sean (YellowLightman), Mindy, Tommy, EXO... Thanks for being so generous and giving prizes this year...
Mari - Thanks for being a sport and waiting for all the sound equipment to arrive... good performance and thanks for signing everyone's stuff... hope you had a good time =]
All attendees! - Big thanks to all those that came to support and enjoy the con... I think everyone agreed that this is the biggest con we've put on so hopefully you guys keep coming back to share that Macross love....