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Everything posted by KiriK

  1. So after reading some comments from one the Sales Thread going on regarding a customized valk and it's worth, I wanted to post my thoughts and start a new thread in the right section. I think there were some valid points mentioned on the worth of a customized valk being based on quality and reputation, which for a valk made by someone like Kurt or Jung with an established reputation, i would possibly pay good money for them. They had a right attitude and i've never seen them be conceited about their work comparing it to a factory stock valk or an exclusive. If they can make it better, then they show it off with great pictures and details in the Toy Thread and it gets noticed and people want them. They don't bitch and complain why people would buy a Yamato Weathered Exclusive for $300 instead of their $400 masterpiece custom. And myself who collects these yamato exclusives believe that they have a set value as a stock valk, and will retain it's value over time. Anyone that starts customizing a valk, whether it be bad or good automatically changes the value of the stock valk. A used toy that has just had stickers applied and nothing else will still sell less than a stock valk even if it was professionally done. Who am i to judge the quality of customs? I can only judge from what i see in pictures and the particular custom in question was good, but not something i haven't seen before that i desperately needed. Yes i bought a 1/48 TV Kakizaki for $300 and think it's worth the price for a stock valk with a new head sculpt and paint job. I prefer official releases that will keep their value than a customized valk whose value is really subject to the eye of the beholder
  2. wow, those latest pics make it look kinda small
  3. 1st off - can we lock this thread and create a new one specifically for the new blank VF-1S? and the other valks in this thread with correct titles? haha =P 2nd - If they were gonna do a complete blank valk, why did they add the tampo kites and intake decals? Instead of a blank slate valk, it has markings that you'd need to take off or mask if you wanted to paint the valk. I think that's just silly
  4. Wow, some of these customs are REALLY good, not just a weathering job, but very detailed stuff. And nice hangar! I wish you could enter some of this stuff in a future MacrossWorld Convention customs contest. I'm sure you'd win some very nice prizes for your work!
  5. so what do people think of the new dedicated threads so far? i don't want to be the one creating all the new dedicated threads, but i can if the other threads are closed. i know it's kind of pointless for the older toys since there's not a lot to talk about, but at least it'll be there in case someone wants to look for it, but this will definitely be good for future releases
  6. nice stuff! And amazing display room. Looks Fantastic and has a real museum feel to it
  7. i'm pretty tempted to buy the 1/48 weathered edition. it's the chepeast a weathered version 1/48 or exclusive has been available and i got suckered into buying them. Anyone in socal interested in doing a group buy to maybe save on shipping from HLJ?
  8. New dedicated thread for Yamato 1/60 Scale VE-1 Elint Seeker Valkyrie See previous Super thread for old information: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=26775
  9. New dedicated thread for Yamato 1/60 Scale VT-1 Ostrich Valkyrie See previous Super thread for old information: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=26775
  10. New dedicated thread for Yamato 1/60 Scale VF-1D Valkyrie See previous Super thread for old information: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=26775
  11. Yep, in short each toy would get it's own thread as long as the topic titles are standard and have the correct information. I could make a list of the toys that are being discussed in the Toy Thread and we'd have a nice list of toys that have it's own thread where people can find updates and talk about it. There already some dedicated toy threads, but with funky names. Can the mods rename topic titles to make them standard?
  12. Nice! Graham's on board so maybe now we can do something about it. We all know the main site is hard to maintain if only a few people are updating it so hopefully open source can be implemented in the future. But i'm glad we can at least reorganize the Toy Forum threads now to make it easier for people to find the toys they are looking for and post about them. So can we make thread titles standard for any official releases and with all the required information? (Manufacturer, Scale, Product Name, Macross Series) and maybe pin a "How To Post a New Official Toy Thread" topic for anyone who wishes to make one? As for reorganization, it'd be a pain to separate and move thread information in the super threads, so maybe we can lock them and repost official threads with links to the super thread, and maybe post any updated relevant pictures of the toy in the 1st post. Any other suggestions on how to make this happen? I think people will appreciate the more organized forums
  13. are you saying she has a Fat Face?? hahaha...
  14. That would be an awesome Macross resource if MacrossWorld worked that way, but it doesn't. When was the last time you saw news scoops on toys on the main site? I don't get your your sarcastic remarks about wanting a perfect website, unless you're referring to how it should be =] since I'm talking specifically about where the most news on toys gets updated and people can provide feedback on the forums. The organization there is crappy and could definitely use some overhaul.
  15. I've been noticing this for awhile now and i know it's part of the reason why the Scoopda thread was created in the first place, but it's really starting to be a pain in the ass having to go through these long 30 page super threads to find a picture of some new updates for a particular toy. And often the super thread titles don't even contain the name of the actual toys they are talking about! For instance, the "Non-Canon color 1/60 VF-1's" is talking about the low viz ish Grey VF-1S and now the white albino Valk. Yea, it kind of makes sense to include them here, but we've already got people posting new topics about it because they couldn't find out if it was posted in another generic topic. Same goes for the official Bandai DX thread. There's now like 5 different valks being talked about in there! and the VF100's thread, there's a TON of different toys going on in there plus news of the first new release of a VF-19 Kai and there's not even a dedicated thread for that! We should have dedicated threads with standards for the topics names that are created. Like Graham's "Official Yamato 1/60 Scale VF-11C thread" is a good example of a dedicated toy thread with a topic name that clearly states the toy company, scale, and what figure it is. Even in the topic description, he adds "from Macross 7" which gives even better detail to what the toy is from. Wouldn't it be easier to see a bunch of "Official Bandai 1/60 Scale VF-27 Thread" and "Official Yamato 1/60 Scale VF-1S Blank Valk Scheme Thead" ? Whoever posts these new topics would have to do a quick search to see if this "official" thread has been created yet, and then post using the standard topic title mandated. Furthermore, i think if you have the will to create a new thread for a new toy, then you should also be responsible for updating the 1st post with any new pictures of the toy. haha... now that one may be a long shot, but wouldn't it be great if you knew ALL pics of the toy you were looking for was in 1 spot in the 1st post? Does this just make sense to me? or am i just ranting blindly out here...
  16. again, that "non-canon" thread has avague title that dont' give people what the heck the content is in the thread unless they previously knew. we should have dedicated threads for each valk repaint. It's not that hard rite? and isnt it more organized? maybe i should post this in the member feedback section
  17. dayam that VF-27 is looking good and i said i was done buying Macross toys... looks like this will have to be the last one for awhile!
  18. KiriK

    Latest custom.

    simply amazing work as always! i want a minmay guard custom someday
  19. Nice pictures! I want to take some nice pics with my Nikon D40, but i'm still learning to use the manual setting and stuff. Plus i don't have a good backdrop to use for my pics
  20. haha.... are you gonna throw it at them? i too got excited for nothing.... sad times that there hasn't been any new news on this in awhile
  21. with the oversaturated VF-1 toy market, these are easy to pass up as well
  22. pretty disappointing as many of us really thought it was going to retail at $500... where'd that estimate come from?? True that this has almost turned me off to collecting for awhile thinking about how much i've spent on yamato toys lately. Time to stop for now!
  23. KiriK

    Thunder Hammer

    and why dont' you post this in the for sale section? can't believe you're gonna sell it... tsk tsk
  24. I don't understand why they closed the other thread about about the 1/100 fire valkyrie. These lumped up threads with everything to do with a line is so annoying. We have other threads dedicated to individual molds or repaints of toys. Thanks for posting those pics in the thread you created Lanis, I wouldn't have paid attention or gotten updates about the 1/100 fire valk unless you created that thread with the title of the toy in it.
  25. Yea, i haven't checked in on this thread in a few months so i haven't seen you latest update with the front cannons and mounted lasers. This is truly fantastic work. Even though we just got painted pics of the yamato 1/2000 SDF-1, I'm highly looking forward to seeing this once it's completed! I'd make a trip overseas to come see it! haha...
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