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Everything posted by Global

  1. I found this news from Anime News Network.... Here's the official website Here is a new trailer It looks really awesome! I can't wait. I hope it gets licenced in the U.S. and Kawamori shows up at AX again this summer.
  2. Thanks for the report. I would have loved to have gone to the con but I didn't find out about it until a few days before and couldn't make it. Sadly, it seems that most of todays fandom is not interested in the older shows. When I went to the Ishiguro panel at AX last summer, there couldn't have been more than 15 people in the room.
  3. I would like the TV style elbows, but not the chnage in colour. Is it just me, or do I see absolutely no change in the base colour of the TV VF-1J to the DYRL valks? Someone confirm? Personally, I hope its true since I prefer TV versions. I think it would be really smart on Yamato's part because not only would they get sales from people who missed out on the first two waves, but also completists who will want the TV version. Either way....I'm getting it!
  4. I'm with you, and I was putting off buy the Roy VF-1S in hopes of a TV release. But at this point I'm grabbing what I can get!
  5. I'm sure she will. I saw her at Ani-magic 2000. She sang about 5 Macross songs and even was taking requests.
  6. Looking forward to this convention. I've seen Mari perform at one anime convention and two local gigs. I liked the anime convention because she sang four or five Macross songs in addition to her other songs. Other guests are Tara Strong (Rikku in FFX) Debbi Derryberry (Jimmy Neutron) Rob Paulsen (Pinky from Pink and the Brain) Marv Wolfman (comic book writer) Link to Anime Overdose
  7. I have the box and can scan it for you. How do you want it?
  8. I found this site Beer and Alcohol Calories So after calculating a few numbers Heineken Lager Beer = 47 cal/100 ml One bottle = 360 ml One Heineken = 169.2 calories So you weren't too far off.
  9. Call me crazy, but it looks like one or two are missing from that one. Is there more to that sheet. There's no S. BERNARD, or the yellow shoulder sticker. Well my stickers came from the Henshin Robo release. Maybe the Japanese release has more stickers. But the S. Bernard and a few other stickers are already on the toy. As far as I know, mine was new and it came that way from the factory. I also have a Legioss sticker sheet from the Henshin Robo release as well.
  10. I saw this movie last week. I saw the first GitS movie years ago and didn't really care for it. But this movie blew me away. The detail in the animation is amazing. Oshii introduced the film and said the animation is 5-6 years ahead of any other anime and he thinks it will be his last animated film he directs. I highly recommend to watch it in the theater if possible. I think so much detail is lost on a smaller TV screen.
  11. Thats just silly. Sure the QC sucks and the toy is overpriced, but Toynami seems to be doing a good job of replacing defective units. From what I've heard, if you e-mail them and send it in, they'll send you a new one. A law suit will never get anywhere.
  12. There is a trailer for EDF on the Geneon DVD they were giving out at Anime Expo. Well, I hate to be negative but it really looked terrible to me. I guess I was hoping for something that looked more like Macross, Escaflowne, Arjuna. I don't know.....maybe I'll be wrong and it will be fantastic.
  13. I like that 3 Dog Night song. Yeah...the soundtrack is pretty good.
  14. 1. It is a classic anime from around the same time as Macross 2. The character design is by Mikimoto 3. It was mutilated into Robotech: The Movie
  15. The Minmay looks great! So nice to see a sculpt in something other than the DYRL dress.
  16. Here's a low-res scan of my sticker sheet.
  17. I have a mint sheet from the henshin robo release. I don't know if there is a difference between the various releases. Depending on the cost, I wouldn't mind a sheet as well.
  18. Looks fantastic! I especially love what you've done with the fighter mode. Plus you did it so fast. Looking forward to seeing more.
  19. I'd like one too. Let me know where to send the money.
  20. I hope its true.....but I somehow doubt it.
  21. Now THAT is something I want.
  22. I kind of hope they make it for the masses. We already know they can't make a toy that completely satisfies the collector. Their $80 "masterpieces" are a joke. I would rather have a $40 toy that you can play with or customize without fear of breaking. Plus I have a Gakken cyclone that I'm very happy with and I'm sure no matter how long or how much they charge, Toynami can't make a better cyclone.
  23. Global

    Enraged Zentran

    I really like it. Good job!
  24. Gods Word Wow, its even signed by the artist!
  25. Well, I think them mentioning it in the newsletter means they've received many inquiries about a re-release. So they know there's a demand for it. I think it is only a matter of time before they do another production run. The only reason they wouldn't is if they think they can't sell the whole run or they are waiting to sell more of the available 1/48s first before they release more. Either way, I think it is only a matter of time before we see more VF-1S's.
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