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Everything posted by thankheaven

  1. Only reason i would buy a partsforming VF is if every mode is 100% accurate, something that should be possible with so much part swapping.
  2. Yeah the YF-21 was damn hard to transform, but i have found out a few tricks so now i can do it in 5-10mins easily. Hardest part is getting the fingers juuuuust right so you can close the covers properly. I angle the legs correctly in Battroid mode first and then i detach the backpack completely because its on a pretty loose joint. That helps alot. Then tuck everything in and re-attach and secure eveything together. Transforming it with FP's on are hard though.
  3. Thanks, didn't look as good as i had hoped. Think i'll wait and get a VF-1A or J CF or a VF-1D Virgin Road for my TV parts.
  4. I wonder if the VT-1's fastpacks could be mounted on the VF-1D. If the orange are similar i think the 1D would look pretty striking.
  5. Thanks, most appreciated.
  6. Picture request! Could anyone take a picture of the Max TV VF-1A with TV superparts (Or Dyrl if you don't have TV) in fightermode please ? Im thinking of buying a TV Max with Superparts but i want to see how good it looks first.
  7. No it doesn't look that bad and it was my favorite for some time but after i got the YF-21 and VF-11 it doesn't look too hot anymore. But the biggest problem isn't the looks, its the floppy chest in Battroid mode. That needs to be fixed more then anything.
  8. That is if they don't package it with super parts from the start. If they do release superparts i hope you don't have to remove any parts to put them on.
  9. I don't really know what i like the least on the YF-19. Its the overall look i guess the sum of all the little things that bothers me. Another thing, maybe this is just mine but the chest piece with the head thats behind the front fuselage sits a little higher creating a gap that makes it look less sleek. Also the shoulders keeps popping up in fightermode ruining the look too. Yamato should try to find a way to lock these so they sit flush with the rest of the body in fightermode. Before Yamato starts on any VF-19's i really wish they went back and redesigned the YF-19 first. Its not that bad but it simply doesn't feel like the 2nd generation toys the 21 and 11 does. More like a 1,5 generation. The YF-19's look bothers me in the same way the DX VF-25 does. Though atleast the 19 has better looking landing gear
  10. The gullet is more important for the sleekness of the Yf-19 fightermode then the legs are. If they reduced or removed the gullet it wouldn't matter that much if they bulked up the legs alittle so the battroid mode looks better. I think thats a win-win situation for both camps. Though its not the length (or height in side profile in fighermode) of the legs that has the biggest impact in battroid its the thickness or width seen from the front. Make the legs a little thicker and wider, maybe add a feature to have flip out missile launchers like the VF-19. Reduce or remove the gullet by making the landing gear telescope and rotate to fit in a smaller compartment. Give it better looking hands and a larger gunpod. Better locking in Battroid and Gerwalk. And finally tampoprinted UN spacey kite logo on the front fuselage. Do that and we would have a 19 worthy of displaying alongside the 21 and 11.
  11. Any information on what fleet Isamu was assigned to before he went to Planet Eden ? Was it a colonization fleet or something else ? It does look like its a pretty large fleet though.
  12. One thing they really need to do with the 1/48 VF-25 is to lock the legs properly in fightermode.
  13. 1/48 VF-25 damn, sure its a model kit and not a toy ? Well i guess that will be my first VF-25 then.
  14. If it had lots of features such as movable control surfaces, flaps, landing gear, canopy, multiple different weapon loadouts i would buy one if it was cheaper then the regular VF's. Shouldn't cost more then a Destroid.
  15. Yeah i think its most likely because they dumped the whole Brain/Mind control thing so they had to made a new prototype without it. The 21 would never make mass-production anyway if only a few pilots had the psyche to handle it. Though it looks like the Spacey saw potensial in the craft itself and not the radical new control concept.
  16. One thing i have always been curious about, Why is it called the VF-22 and not VF-21 ? Afterall the YF-19 became the VF-19 and not the VF-20. The only reason i can come up with is that the concept of the YF-21 drastically changed when they removed the Mind/Brain control system so they had to make a new prototype most likely called YF-22 and then the VF-22 is the production version of that.
  17. Limited run on the first VF-22 ? Man that sucks, i can't afford to pre-order until next month.
  18. I want a VF-0D and i don't care if it comes with QC issues i'll buy it anyway becuase of the stunningly good looking fightermode. Probably the best fightermode in all of Macross in my opinion.
  19. Im guessing the 3 VF's on Yamato's shortlist are VF-4, VF-0D and VF-17. The 17 is one of Graham's favorites i believe so im sure he has pushed for it. So i think the most likely is the VF-0D since its the cheapest to make sharing so many parts with the other VF-0's. Then maybe the VF-17 and last the VF-4 since Graham said it was not on top of the list.
  20. VF-11B VF-X "Ravens" http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macrossga/vf-11b-vfx2.htm VF-11B "Pink Peckers" http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macross7/vf-11b-pinkpecker.htm VF-11B "Milia" http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macross7/varia...f-11b-milia.htm VF-11C http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macross7/vf-11c.htm VF-11C (Atmospheric superpacks) http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macross7/vf-11...ratmosphere.htm VF-11C (Protect Armor) http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macross7/vf-11c-protectarmor.htm VF-11D http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macross7/vf-11d.htm VF-11 MAXL http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macross7/vf-11maxlcustom.htm
  21. Though im not sure its possible to do a perfect transform heatshield on the 11D because of its long cockpit. There is no room to store the extra long shield pieces. Its tight as it is on the 11B. Still i'd love to get one of each. VF-11B, C and D.
  22. Played around with it and the feet are no problem now. Everything is just fine.
  23. The VF-11 base model can be repainted and with a few changes to Superpacks and gunpods to these canon schemes if i remember correctly: VF-11B (VF-X RAVENS) VF-11B (Pink Peckers) VF-11B (Milia) VF-11C (M7) - Needs new Superpack boosters and gunpod VF-11D needs a completely new front fuselage VF-11MAXL needs pretty much an all new mold as it shares very little with the original VF-11. For some reason i really like the VF-11D both in color and design, maybe because im a sucker for two seaters. Though the grey and blue looks really good and the visor head is cool.
  24. Just don't get disappointed if it turns out that the VF-22 is a one time deal only and they can't make anymore M7 or D7 VF's. Though i wouldn't be suprised if Yamato found a way to make a VF-11C since 95% of the work is already done.
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