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Everything posted by thankheaven

  1. Pink Peckers flew VF-11B's and not C's. So a Pink pecker would have round Superpack booster's and bayonet gunpod. Ravens is also a B i think. Graham did you ask about the possbility of Atmospheric Super Parts for the C too ? I want to recreate Operation Stargazer.
  2. Not everyone has the same experiences with a Yammy as you do. None of my 21 Yamato toys has ever broken. I can't complain about Yamato if i have never experienced anything wrong with it. And repaints are needed to get money to fund new toys. Besides in the Macross universe there is alot of VF's that are repaints of each other and nothing more. Max and Milia's VF-1J's are straight repaints of Hikaru's VF-1J and so on. So if you want all the VF's from the show's repaints are needed. And the VF-11C isn't a straight repaint. I have had more Problems with my DX that any of my yamatos actually.
  3. Isn't the Pink Pecker a VF-11B and not a C ? And Graham did you ask about the possibility of a Protect Armor set for the 11C too ?
  4. Awesome, a must buy for me. I like the C more then the B. But damn November, thats the same month as Milia's VF-22....thats a lot of cash in a short time.
  5. The VF-2SS, now thats a mess of random wings and vents. The VF-4 looks great in my book.
  6. After the news that M&M VF-22's are coming and Graham hinting at the VF-11C, i have a feeling that 2010 is gonna be the Macross 7 year for Yamato. So i guess the most likely toys to be made the following year is the VF-17's and VF-19's. I mean most if not all of the VF-1 are coming out this year which means Yamato needs to start a new line next year most likely.
  7. I don't mind futuristic designs at all as long as they look good. The VF-2SS fightermode is just a mess in my opinion with random bits here and intakes there. It looks like it would fit well into Star Wars or something. The Battroid mode is just a slightly modified VF-1 and it doesn't look more advanced at all in my view. The VF-25 and more so the VF-27 have futuristic fightermode designs too and i find them much better looking. That being said the VF-2SS is better then the VF-11MAXL atleast.
  8. I don't find the VF-2SS that bad, but out of the options here its the one i like the least (Though there are worse Macross designs too). They should finish the zero line first then do the VF-4. Then start full time with M7 doing all the 19's and 17's. Then while they wait for Bandai to give up Macross Frontier (Yes i can hope), they can do the VF-2SS and other VF's such as those from games.
  9. In my opinion the Metal Siren looks so ugly and terrible that it makes Bayformers Megatron and Starscream look like supermodels.
  10. Seriously i really want Yamato to finish off the Macross Zero line first before they move on. All they need is the VF-0D and the Reactive Armor. As much as i like the VF-4 i doubt its gonna happen any time soon as it had very little screentime. (Still i can dream)
  11. VF-0D or VF-4. The VF-2SS has such a crappy, generic fightermode design in my opinion. And it feels rather gundamish. And if yamato could start from scratch with a completely new mold...the VF-19 with the same level of quality as the YF-21 and VF-11. Too many good VF's to pick from, hell anything else then the VF-2SS and im happy.
  12. M&M VF-22's and VF-11C coming. Awesome! Though im not sure my wallet will agree....
  13. The show was okay but im not a fan of the VF designs. The VF-2SS is okay at best but the rest are rather generic and uninspiring. The Metal Siren is probably the worst of all Macross designs in my opinion. It doesn't feel like it belongs in macross at all.
  14. I believe the VE-1 needs it because of the way the radardish is attached. The VT-1 is probably just based on the VE-1 since the raised rear seat would be better for a training VF because the instructor could look over the shoulder of the student pilot. Also maybe that its just a simpler transformation system because these are not advanced combat units and perhaps its cheaper to make them this way.
  15. Yamato should sell the stand that came with the SV-51 and YF-21 separately. Its really good.
  16. Basara, Shin, Mylene and Sheryl. I know some see Sheryl as strong, i agree but i also found here rather annoying at times and the annoying parts won out over the strong parts for me. Shin is probably the most boring Macross character ever. Ranka im not so sure about. I like her but its like they tried too hard to make her the cutest character ever and i felt they over did it.
  17. I don't think there is any markings on the in the movie or the lineart and i prefer it that way. Tampo everything thats supposed to be there and leave the rest to stickers and decals for those who wish to add extra. Its a lot easier to add markings then remove them. I personally don't want any markings on that are not in the show.
  18. Sharon Apple and the Ghost X-9.
  19. Could someone take a picture of the VT-1 in fightermode without the superpacks, side profile with the head laying flat against the belly ? I know it can be done because i have seen it on official Yamato pics. Also the official lineart shows the "naked" VT with the head flat making a more sleek looking fightermode without the head poking out so much. http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macrossdyrl/vt...hematic-vt1.gif
  20. I don't think i can to be honest, i have my taste and you have your's. No matter how i describe it you won't see it in the same light as i do. Its like arguing over which girl is the prettiest. I guess it feels more Macross-ish to me while the VF-2SS feels more Gundam-ish. I just prefer the VF-25 design. That being said, its not my favorite of VF designs either.
  21. Personally i find the Armored VF-25 to be much better looking then the generic VF-2SS. Never seen the appeal of that craft, battroid looks just like a VF-1 ripoff and the fightermode looks like any generic sci-fi spacecraft i have seen a 1000 times before.
  22. Is the orange color on the VT-1 the exact same as the VF-1D ? Can you use the VT-1's superpack on the VF-1D ? And finally could someone who have both display them together in fightermode and take a picture ?
  23. In terms of value for money get the YF-21 over the VF-22. The VF-22 is probably the most basic Yamato release and only comes with two gunpods and a stand adaptor for the price. And its a hefty price. The YF-21 comes with gunpods, fastpacks and a really good stand all in one package so you get more for your money thats for sure. I know the 22 doesn't have fastpacks but it could have come with a display stand atleast for the price. I love the toy, infact i like the 22 more then the 21 in terms of design but its just that it doesn't come with a lot of stuff other releases does.
  24. Gullet looks the same as Yamato's YF-19 but there are less gaps on top atleast making it look much smoother and more seamless. Its lightyears better then Bandai's old VF-19 thats for sure. As for the pilot, at 1/100 i don't mind so much that there isn't one since its so small. If it was 1/72 or 1/60 it would be terrible. Still a pilot would be nice.
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