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Everything posted by thankheaven

  1. After having seen Macross Zero valk after Macross Zero valk come out i was really hoping for a VF-0D. Its the best looking of the VF-0's in fightermode and i love the design of it. I wonder what the possiblities are for one to come out. The rest of the VF's from zero are made, Roy's VF-0S, Shinn's VF-0A, CF VF-0A, Ivanov SV-51, Nora SV-51 and CF SV-51 coming soon. The D is the only one left. Anyone know if the VF-0 was engineered for two seaters ? I'd kill to get a Shinn colored VF-0D for my collection. Though i feel the train has left the station if you know what i mean. Still i hope one day..... Just imagine this in 1/60 http://www.ms-plus.net/images_item/11000/11636_2.jpg
  2. Something other then a cannonfodder VF as i want to actually live through my first mission I suppose it depends on the year and how well i do at the academy...well if thats the case i would probably end up in a Elintseeker...as a backseat operator
  3. Now if only the real 1/60 YF-21 would have such a nice box.
  4. Has it been confirmed in any way that you can attach the gunpods on the bellyplates without the fastpacks on ?
  5. Are we talking performance or looks here ? Or both ? Performancewise i don't think anything beats the YF-21, it seems way more advanced then much of the rest of the VF's. The only reason the YF-19 could keep up was because Isamu was a better pilot then Guld. The Yf-19 is also ofcourse pretty advanced. Of the mass production fighters i have to say the VF-11, its a perfect update of the VF-1 in many ways. For looks i think the YF-19 wins, its sexy in fightermode and good looking in Batt too. Yf-21 and VF-11 is also good lookers and the good old VF-1 is not so bad either. The VF-4 is looking good in fightermode but butt ugly in battroid mode. Another favorite of mine is the VF-0, not because of looks or performance but because it bridges the gap between our technology and the macross technology in a way. It has regular jet engines and served along side F-14's and such.
  6. Nora and Ivanov have very different fighting styles and their colors reflect that. Nora is very "Here i am come get me you suckers!", very in your face. Ivanov is more of the sort that hides in the clouds and attack whenever opportunity strikes. For example when he shows up out of nowhere and attacks Roy's refuel plane.
  7. This thread is going no where, Yamato better start pulling out new YF-21 pics ...from eugimon's omega pants™
  8. I guess the reason they don't have any VF-19's or VF-22's is because they would be too expensive to mass produce ? An upgraded and maybe a bit simpler version of the VF-17 was cheaper. Maybe the VF-25 is also cheaper and more production-friendly then the 19 and 22. The VF-25 seems more like a proper replacement for the VF-11 then the 19 and 22 also.
  9. Fold booster ? Nah...more like a micromissile......in Eugimon's Omega Pants™
  10. I got Focker, Hikaru, Max and Kakizaki in Dyrl colors in 1/48 so no way am i getting anymore Dyrl in 1/60....except VT and VE ofcourse. If they come out im getting Hikaru 1J, Max 1A, kakizaki 1A, Vf-1D and a CF 1A in TV colors. I may also get a Miria 1J with Fastpacks to stand next to my other VF's for scale comparison since her's lasted all the way into M7.
  11. Question is, how are they going to do limbless-mode ........in Eugimon's Omega Pants™
  12. I had just gotten a Toynami (Don't say anything...i know i know) masterpiece VF-1 and was looking at reviews for it when i suddenly saw a different VF-1s, one that looked much more accurate to the show, infact it looked fantastic compared to the crappy Toynami one i just got so i knew i needed this one too. The site mentioned macrossworld so i came here and found out it was the 1/48 VF-1S Roy from yamato then went to Valkyrie-Exchange and ordered one. The rest is history. I haven't been posting here so much even though i joined along time ago. I have mainly been just coming here for news about newly released and upcomming yamato products and other macross related stuff. This is my favorite macross hangout.
  13. No im not sure thats why i asked. I asked several sellers on EBAY and other sites if they had a Hik 1J and they all said i could pre-order one as it would be released by the end of january. It is Pre-order only, release End of jan 2008 thats the replies i got. Why not reissue a few 1/48's if they sell well ?
  14. I wonder what the posablility is .....in Eugimon's Omega Pants™.
  15. Thanks, it did look worse then i expected though, maybe i should just go with a standard 1J. Isn't the 1/48 Hikaru VF-1J supposed to be reissued in january ?
  16. Ofcourse the Omega Pants needs to be attached by magnets...
  17. If you suddenly find that the VF you are flying is getting massproduced, it means its turned into cannonfodder and you will most likely be completely helpless and shot down in a matter of seconds along with the rest of your squad.
  18. Any good sites where i can get lineart of the YF-21 and VF-22 ?
  19. I hope so. Aren't the only differences the canopy, head and bellyplates ?
  20. Yamato doesn't have the rights to make anything from Macross 7 so im sorry to say that there will most probably not be a 22.
  21. I think the 1/48 still looks better in fightermode but the new 1/60 looks better in battroid mode.
  22. Screw the one-seaters and give us the two-seaters first though that will never happen..... I would like to see stuff that didn't make it into 1/48 though. Max 1S, TV Max 1A, TV Kakizaki 1A, VF-1D, VT-1, VE-1, Virgin Road VF-1D
  23. Anyone tried this ? Im thinking of buying a Stealth 1J and a Urban Camo GBP as it seems like these would fit really well. If anyone has both, any chance you can take the time and take some pics of it ? I just want to confirm if it indeed fits well together before i buy. The black and grey on the stealth should fit with the grey on the Urban Armor. Also the the large ARMD stickers that are shown on the inside of the leg armor and chest is included right ? http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/u...bp/urbangbp.jpg Thanks in advance
  24. To me atleast, Macross VF's have always been about fighter/plane first and robot second. VF's are mostly compared to planes then robots so to me atleast the fightermode is the most important. As an example i just got the Bandai Reissue VF-17S. Now the battroid mode is really good with large bulky legs that look very accurate to the show. However this makes the fightermode look like a brick with wings witch is not cool at all IMO.
  25. I will gladly sacrifice the muscular legs if it means a slimmer fightermode in sideprofile. To me atleast, fightermode is the most important cause that is what i display most of my VF's in i want it to look as good as possible.
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