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Everything posted by thankheaven

  1. Grimlock is due out in march, i doubt the VF-11 will come that early.
  2. Not sure if its canon or not but i'd love to see a VF-0B Space Proving Wing like the hasegawa kit.
  3. Super articulated Zentradi soldiers in scale with the 1/60 vf's and destroids.
  4. I have a feeling the entire heatshield will fit inside the nose somehow. There isn't enough room on the other side of the canopy and the ejectionpod takes up most of the space below. I wonder if the heatshield logo will be tampoprinted or if it will just be some sticker. And why are people exepecting an armored pack ? Isn't that a Macross 7 thing something Yamato don't have the rights to make ? Though it would be sweet if they did make one for the 11. Need to see more of a side profile look in fightermode before i make up my mind. Still its sort of a must-have if im gonna complete my M + lineup in 1/60 scale.
  5. Hmm...Battroid looks abit chunky and the fightermode aren't as sleek as it should be but overal its not bad. But why did they go back to the crappy chickenhands ?!?
  6. I don't really care who makes it as long as it looks good and this doesn't look good in my book. And definately not worth $170 including shipping for me. It looks more like a 60-70 toy and for that price i would have picked it up. But for over a 100 i demand something better. So its the models for me.
  7. If this was $70-80 then it would be okay but in my opinion this just isn't good enough for a $120 + pricetag. Fightermode doesn't really look sleek and fast at all. the legs sit too low and the landing gear looks terrible. Gerwalk is equally terrible and the fact that it looks like you need to spread apart the entire part with the intakes in order to spread the legs. Battroid is way too fat/bulky and the crotch area bothers me aswell as it looking like it doesn't have any neck. The colors are great though and swapable hands is good IMO because they make a better grip with the gunpod. My problems with yamato's YF-19 is nothing compared to this but that may just be me. I will get one but will wait for Luca's with FP's.
  8. If they fixed the crotch area, the way the legs are attached in fightermode and gave it PROPER landing gear i might buy it. The paintschemes and colors are really nice but i don't see any improvements on the actual toy itself. I could live with the battroid mode if the fightermode looked great and i could live with the fightermode if the battroid mode looked great. But to me none of the modes look any good. Only version im thinking of buying is Luca's, mostly because its the most unique of them and it should come with Fastpacks. And i'd buy an armored VF-25 no matter how crappy it looks.
  9. Wow, this looks so much better then the 1/60 Is this kit molded in color and snap-fit like the HG and MG Gundam kits ?
  10. Looks terrible, just terrible. Specially fightermode is UGLY with a capital U! NO WAY im paying over $100 for this. I'll wait for Yamato to make it PROPERLY, even if it takes 15 years. Oh well that just means more 1/60 Destroids and another VF-1D for me instead.
  11. How about having a small hinge on the fin so that you fold it in two before sliding it in ? Not sure how good it would look in fightermode though with the hinge there.
  12. Doesn't need to be about the Megaroad but a series set sometime between Flashback 2012 and Macross Plus would be nice. With the VF-4's as the main fighters and introducing some new VF as the hero valk. Maybe show the VF-4 getting replaced by the VF-11 as the show moves on. I'd actually like it to start on earth maybe about some students/pilots at the academy, have them graduate and posted at different places in the galaxy. One could be assigned to test a new prototype VF, another to deal with renegade zentrans and another aboard a colony or something. The show could switch back and forth between the characters and ofcourse they would all come together again for the final episodes and battles. They don't need to show Misa and Hikaru but they could mention the Megaroad at one point.
  13. I gotta say, this is the first yamato release in a long time that i haven't jumped up and preordered. I simply have too many VF-1 Roy's and Hikaru's for this to be interesting. I will grab the VF-1D when its out though.
  14. Too chubby and too "toy-like" for me. Getting better but not up to Yamato level yet in my opinion. I might grab Ozma's later if they release an armor set though.
  15. Canopy is better and the legs look slimmer now. Good. I also see a pilot and a cockpit like in the yamato valks.
  16. Yay got the tracking number today! About the locking in battroid mode, let me get this straight. The actual front of the fuselage locks together with the back right ? But its the canopy that slides forward/down in B mode that is floppy and doesn't lock down ? Also, does the wings have these locking tabs that the SV-51 had or will they sag a little when you have them straight ?
  17. How easy is it to remove the limbs ? Any danger of them popping out when you don't want them too ? Does it come with an adapter so you can attach the limbless mode to the stand ? Does the Bellyplate fastpacks attach by magnet and how secure are the gunpods attached to the bellyplates in fightermode ?
  18. They did rerelease the YF-19 with the fixes and fastpacks. The clear stand on the other hand, thats a different issue...
  19. They are sold out ? I pre-ordered 2 months ago, i hope they have enough to send mine out.
  20. Toy-Wave just informed me that they will be shipping out the YF-21 on Friday. Now the REAL wait begins.....
  21. Yes they have, the chogokin line are spectacular and truly high end. ...So why didn't they do similar for macross ?
  22. Not to be overly negative but after having seen the new pics of yamato's YF-21, Bandai's VF-25 looks like something that should have come out 10-15 years ago. I know its probably gonna have less QC issues but design and look wise its terrible compared to Yamato's latest baby atleast in my opinion.
  23. WOW! Still wish they had gone with the glossy finish but thats just nitpicking, this looks great! Maybe they could release a glossy YF-21 and 19 later I wonder how secure the limbs are and how the system to detach them works for limbless mode.
  24. Is it me or does the head look really off too ? Looks like it crashed into a wall head first and those headlasers look too tall to me. Doesn't look like the CGI model at all in my opinion. I might get the Ozma version, but only because of the transformable armor parts.
  25. Agree, exactly
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