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Fit For Natalie

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Everything posted by Fit For Natalie

  1. Only if you were insane and/or visually impaired.
  2. Well, its animated by Toei, so the animation still holds up well by today's standards, aside from some wobbly bits here and there, colouring mistakes ect. All the bots look shiny most of the time (Oddly enough Armada Unicron has more surface detailing than G1 Movie Unicron). Storywise its kind of a Star Wars rip-off in feeling, but not exact story. Its violent and things move along at a decent pace. LOTS of hair metal and 80s rock. Musical score is mostly incredibly dated synth electronica. I hated Brawn on the G1 cartoon so I'm glad he died. Being shot in the shoulder, HAHA! Pussy. Alot of fans love Brawn (for whatever reason) and don't believe Brawn is dead for the simple fact he's supposed to be alot tougher.
  3. Nah no new Starscream pics. I would have posted if there was
  4. Titanium Prime, Megatron, Jetfire and Thundercracker. Presumebly Titanium Optimal Optimus and Scourge too. From what he's said about Hot Rod's concept, its probable he provided most of the conceptual work for the line, too. He's also provided help for the Energon and Cybertron line (in particular the Starscreams), as well as designing one of the original concepts for Masterpiece Convoy/20th Prime.
  5. Which is too bad since Don is a real nice guy - a fan who went on to become one of the most popular TF artists, a good friend of Hasbro's TF boss, as well as a TF toy designer. There's something to be said about a man whose original comic designs are almost always the ones people demand to be turned into toys. And so far, he's the only TF artist whose had his own designs become toys.
  6. The Hot Rod picture was removed from TFW2005 by request. Don F and Hasbro consider it to be stolen property.
  7. I should note that apparently the above Hot Rod concept was NOT used, and they went with a different, presumebly better design.
  8. Ultra-crap photocopy of photo of the actual toy
  9. Yeah, no pics of the MP Starscream prototype have been seen yet. Probably IS drawing inspiration from Kup. If that's supposed to be his original Cybertronian form, it would be logical to have that sort of styling(if I recall, that generation of Transformers retained their "native" forms instead of being re-engineered to blend in). 398757[/snapback] You guys have never seen the comics then, this is War Within Prime, the series about the ancient history of Cybertron and the Cybertronian wars after Orion Pax becomes Optimus Prime. Takes place 5-10 million years ago. 398852[/snapback] I HAVEN'T seen teh comics, but thanks for confirming my guess that it was his "native" cybertronian form. 399026[/snapback] I should point out in the Dreamwave (and for now, canon) continuity, the pre-Optimus bot is an archivist named Optronix. Only the cartoon called his former self Orion Pax
  10. hey, not cool to link directly off their server. You should upload the image on your own webspace/imagespace.
  11. Yeah, Don Figueroa was aiming for designs that in no-way looked Earth based, but were recognisably vehicles echoing what the characters were in G1. So Prime is some kind of huge truck. Ironically Kup looked very different from his G1 form - he was a kind of sportscar.
  12. MP Starscream has at least one advantage - he most likely won't have craptacular quality control. The issues that have plagued Yamato Valks over the years would be unacceptable on Transformers products made by Has/Tak.
  13. Because that's who Megatron is supposed to be - his WW2 GI Joe Vs Cobra incarnation. They couldn't do the Luger pistol, so Don Figueroa (who designed the comic characters, and also designed these toys) made him into a Maus tank (the world's biggest tank). Titaniums don't really have a set theme. Next wave is War Within Jetfire and Thundercracker, but Wave 3 is Beast Wars Optimal Optimus and (apparently G1) Scourge
  14. Megatron robot and vehicle mode
  15. Darn image limits Optimus Prime robot and vehicle mode
  16. The guys from the fansite TF Club ... oops link may be down (they have a rather slow server) So I uploaded the pics... *phew* Optimus Prime packaging, bio and instructions Megatron packaging, bio and instructions
  17. Energon, aka Transformers: Homage Line, had Shockblast, though.Anybody see Don Figueroa say he based Titanium Megatron as a suped-up Maus tank? THE MAUS! Biggest tank ever made See his post here - see my insane history lesson on the Maus and Ratte
  18. Yay for politics. And I'm surprised Australian cops don't react to a toy gun being pointed at them. Given that there ARE illegally-owned guns in Australia, and likely more being smuggled in, I would think any responsible police organization would train it's officers on how to react when threatened with a firearm. Generally, they don't shoot people who are carrying what appears to be a gun, on sight. There's also much less of a gun culture here, so the occurance of weapons, real or not, appearing in public is much less. Doesn't matter if its one state or 50 states that have the neon gun laws. One state is enough for an image and public-relations concious company to make their toy gun product bright colours, or in the case of Classics Megatron, fake looking. I wish Megatron wasn't a gun, since a gun generally means a pretty crap robot with a non-sensical alt mode. Megatron has been a tank more times than gun by now.
  19. Is cwmodels jerking us around or what? I'm rather annoyed since that second one looks even more amatuerish which leads me to believe this is a hoax.
  20. Why did you change the uploaded pic?
  21. It would also be incredibly fiddly and unfriendly to just about every potential customer Hasbro has said they are marketing the moving toys in serveral tiers - the young kids (presumebly simpler toys), older kids (toys like we have now) and adult collectors (alternators-type). I have now been told this is not one of the original Starscream concept arts, BUT it is based on what has been seen, and is VERY close to the real one. Just not drawn as well. So yeah, its fan art of a concept.
  22. Either way, that sort of design is kind of physically impossible to turn into a functional toy, methinks. Hasbro wouldn't let them do that being the license owner and merchandiser
  23. Well, its a concept, one out of hundreds, maybe thousands. Even a final design would go through changes during post production.
  24. I was told about the conceptual art and indeed, this is apparently Movie Starscream
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