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Everything posted by Kylwell

  1. Do you need a specific polyurethane coat or will JW etc's work? It's available in gloss, satin & matte.
  2. I always get a little giddy when John starts up a new project.
  3. Can ya hum a few bars? I think I might be able to fake it.
  4. well it's not exactly lying on my bench....
  5. But your statement makes it sounds like the reason light reflects off of matte paint is due to the underlying metal.
  6. Since when does matte or flat paint not reflect light?
  7. I usually go for a semi-gloss finish. Matte also works.
  8. Kylwell


    By and large I use Tamiya for most everything. Gunze for other things, occasionally Testors Acry, and Alclad (lacquer) for most metals.
  9. http://www.missing-lynx.com/rare_world/rw02.htm I was fortunate to have somebody local who's ear I could bend on the subject.
  10. The cast texture is Mr. Surfacer 500 and a stippling brush. Depending on the amount of stippling and for how long varies the texture. Thanks all, kind of tickled how things turned out.
  11. Well the KK is done. Now onto more Ma.Kross.
  12. Well.... it's Ma.Kross
  13. whups... wrong place....
  14. Didn't Sean say that if somebody make a 1/35 Monster he'd figure out a way to make it remote controlled?
  15. I've got a MS Monster up for sale...
  16. My big issue with the Koto trucks is the general lack of detail and big honking mounting pin holes. Otherwise they're awesome.
  17. Ah! Now I see. Thanks!
  18. Clicked on the link, never could figure out how to get to the full write up.
  19. Yup. I've owned 4 IIRC. Managed to break 2 @ the cutter. Tryin to cut very thick sprue IIRC. At $8 and 10+ years of service I can let one break.
  20. Xuron cutters, bead wire cutter.
  21. Are those Adler Nest shoulder spikes?
  22. Look for bead wire cutters. They usually run under $10 @ craft stores.
  23. Still, pretty cool looking.
  24. But we're talking vacc-forming which 1-0 does himself.
  25. Hobby Link Japan, Starship Modeler store and my local hobby store (who fortunately carries a nice selection of scifi kits).
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