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Everything posted by Kylwell

  1. These guys can get you everythiing you need all pre-soldered, etc. http://www.modeltrainsoftware.com/
  2. And even if you can't join us, order a tee and help support the event. Pretty please?
  3. CoMMiESfest 6's official 'Fifty Shades of Green' tee-shirt! For the IPMS Region 10 Regionals on June 12 & 13 @ Holiday Inn Denver East - Stapleton! More information here & here! Black or Green
  4. Typically white box version like shown are pre-production models sent out to distributors and dealers. Usually no diferent than the production model other than the box.
  5. That Huge! Where can one get one of these?
  6. Illustrator is the usual choice but Corel can manage it. Best in vector format which has a bit of a learning curve but again not unmanageable.
  7. Sometimes you need to modify your grip to get better pressure control. I'll hook 3 fingers around the valve/hose part and use my index & thumb to control pressure and flow.
  8. Tamiya tape, the only way to mask.
  9. Typically one does pin washes on a gloss coat otherwise it'll wick out.
  10. Awesome! If youy've ever seen an Isherman you'll know bigegr is better. But it'll need a counterweight on the back.
  11. I've meant to order from Jasmine many times but whenever I had money they were out of what I wanted.
  12. So where will us mere mortals in the US be able to buy them?
  13. AWESOME!
  14. Why thank you
  15. Oh dude! That'd be AWESOME!
  16. Most likely. Just thought of a wonderfully confusing way to get one. Contact Tom to have him bring one to Wonderfest this month. Then get a hold of Blappy to pick it up for you. Once he gets back he tosses it in the Canadian postal system and there you have it.
  17. Talk to Tom Grossman over @ Tag Team Hobbies. He's a Xuron dealer and IIRC would be happy to ship one to Canada. http://www.tagteamhobbies.com/
  18. Oh and these are worth the cost http://xuron.com/index.php/main/consumer_products/4/80 Awesome set of PE scissors.
  19. First, don't use a cutting mat. Use a hard tile or steel plate. Second, use a #12 or a #10 Exacto blade. One with a curve to the edge so you can roll it on to the fret connection.
  20. I'd pick one up in a heartbeat if I had the cash. Being that the two are of the same subject you'd expect some similarity. As it is Jasmine makes some awesome PE detail sets for the Hasegawa Macross aircraft.
  21. They look like 1/4 inch to me. The difference? About an .125 of an inch... Most compressors are 1/4in but adapters are easy to find if needed. The hose may be 1/8 inside diameter but the connectors will be 1/4.
  22. Yes and for real control switch to a double handed grip. Grip the airbrush as you normally would then bring your other hand up and cup the underside. This gives you finer pressure control by letting the control hand control w/o also having to hold the brush up.
  23. Cripes! i don't suppose anybody is planning on a HLJ purchase soon.
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