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Everything posted by Kylwell

  1. IIRC, they do have a limited swivel ability. Beyond that they eject them (supposedly) to go into battleroid mode.
  2. The 1:72 scale Destroids are getting harder & harder to find on Ebay (or anywhere else for that matter). Generally run $75 on up, tho' I've seen them go for $50 accasionally.
  3. Destroid Cheyenne Please, oh please, stick to 1:72 or 1:48. Unless you're feeling randy and want to go 1:32 or 1:35
  4. My wish list, Orguss Logwood Orgus Tegua Orguss Kulforn Orguss Ishkick Command Orguss Emaan Flyerr Orguss Drifand Dee VF-X-7 Ghost VFS-2 Star Child VA-X-3 thinks thats about it for now.
  5. The show up on ebay infrequently under various names. You may have to hand search. And, IIRC, that particular one was rare even when it was in production.
  6. OOH! I know....Space Ships!
  7. No, it was truly hacked. PHPBB has some security issues and a new exploit came out about 2 weeks ago that would give out admin password to anyone who sent the right URL. Fun, eh? On top of that they didn't trash anything, just removed the admin privileges for the top 4 people. And generally speakin', 9 times out of 10 when a site gets hacked it's due to a beef with the Sysop...just like 9 times out of 10 if you're a victim of ID-Theft it's somebody you know.
  8. Rest assured....It will return. One way or another.
  9. The SSM forums will return, J&L have promised that. And a lot of the forum was backed up recently. They're just examining the security of thier current system and seeing if they want to move to another piece of software.
  10. Man that pisses me off....seriously erked...
  11. Not wanting to step on any toes here but found this and had to share it http://www.jjmodels.com/en/index.html
  12. Packing is indeed more of an art than science. I've been known to ship small models in 20in boxes to reduce shock. I usually use a combination of bubble wrap on the sides, foam peanuts surrounding the object & the object itself wrapped in clingwrap (to prevent loosing parts). The best meathod I've found is letting the object float within the foam peanuts, but you need the peanuts to be dense enough that the object cannot drift to the bottom or sides (thus reducing the shock absorbing effect of said peanuts), but if you pack too dense the pressure from the peanuts can break the object. Like I said, it's an art. My father is a master of it....man is just simply amazing. I've seen ripe tomatoes survive the baggage gorrilas the way he packs them. He also likes to use light density closed cell foam.
  13. *sigh* OK, here's a link for you all. ReallDoll They'll custom build to your spec, hair color, ect. You want a 1:1 Minmemi, they'll build it.
  14. Wonder if RealDoll has ever thought about making a Minmay model.
  15. MAN! Do I love that shine red dress look. Zawang!
  16. Well, in my opinion the Tamiya looks better but the Mr. Color has a bit better coverage. Which just means that you may have to go two or three coats with the Tamiya.
  17. It's really not that hard guys. Just takes a bit of playin' around in Photoshop (or the equivelant). Re-drawing them in Illustraor with spot color call-outs...well, that's not really too difficult either, just time-comsuming.
  18. I generally rebuild the decasl in a program like Illustrator just to get the lines & colors right. But, if youre unable to or unwilling to, scanning them in at 1200dpi or so will get you plenty of resolution to print from. The only problem will be neutralising the background, i.e. the paper that the decals are printed on. This gets even more difficult if you're trying to change something that's white to another color.
  19. I thought my Dendrobium was cursed. Kept putting things on upside down or backwards. Finally gave in to entropy and built the thing upside down & backwards.
  20. I want my Destroids! Cummon Hase! You do tanks, why not Destroids? Pleaseohpleaseohplease! Heh, kinda fun to sounds like a whiney teenager again.
  21. Here's a URL to some stuff http://hungrylizardstudio.com/ssm/sv51/sv51schemes.html
  22. As someone whose just spent the last month or so researching alternative schemes for the SV-51 all I can recoment is checking the web for experimental or test camo for simular aircraft. Look at all the F-18 or F-16 camo schemes out there. Low-viz is currently the most popular (and can look really cool). Me, I'm fond of ground attack schemes. I'll see if I can get some of the illustrations up.
  23. Way cool! uh...what'll it cost me to get a blue or clear lightbar?
  24. That's the Polish Air Force, as a BTB. Near as I can find it's a mock up that never flew. http://www.dakotacom.net/~robertz/skorpion_page.html and he're another odd one.
  25. The ultimate scratchbuild.
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