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Everything posted by Kylwell

  1. Everytime I hit this thread the theme to the Six Million Dollar Man starts running through my head. Damn but that's looking good.
  2. personally I'd love some triangular bases for putting aircraft on.
  3. Shaweet! Nice, really, really nice. This is why I visit these boards. To see work like this, which encourages me to kick myself in the butt and get back to work. dang.
  4. Planning on ordering one. Along with some detail parts, some tools, etc. What really tickles me is their price on the Wave detail parts is about what you'd pay ordering direct but the shippin gcosts so much less.
  5. I keep thinking about just grabbing my shelves and shaking them. What ever drops off gets built next.
  6. That's a nice looking 21. Makes me want to get my VF-22S out next. Or maybe the VE-1....heck, what to build next.
  7. Bench one: Built this up earlier, going to finally finish it. Bench Two: And in the other corner, what will be a very distressed & rusted out Zaku.
  8. How is the PG Zero Custom? I've got one but have never done more than look at the parts & all the pretty pictures. Keep wanting to paint it anythign but white.
  9. Well....provided this isn't going to come due within the next couple of months I'm in. Always wanted a Mac and this looks to be a great price.
  10. Admittedly the pictures are on the poor side. You can see some of the detail on the second front picture. SSM is working on getting some better photography and some build-up shots.
  11. As a BTB, if you're looking for some serious information on WWII german experimental aircraft, try "Secrect Messerschmitt Projects" by Willy Radinger & Walter Schick. Just don't read it when you're feeling tire, it's a great cure for insomnia.
  12. Thx HWR, that halftrack is looking good. Oh, the camo is all paint. Custom black & Polish decals. And no, I din't go insane masking the camo...just close.
  13. Do I hear an offer to replicate your decals? Hmmmm? For a nice price? Hmmm? 310273[/snapback] Actually you may see them in production soon. Along with a number of other alternative decals for the SV.
  14. I've got a large light-table that seconds as a second workbench & a chunk of wall I keep open for taking pictures. As far as lighting goes (the photographers in the bunch are going to freak) I've got a couple of fluorescent lights off to the right. They're all daylight D50 lights so the light temp is ok, then I neutralize the color shift in Photoshop. I use a Sony DSC-F828, set the aperture as tight as possible (for maximum depth of field) and tripod mounted it. Think the zoom was set at about 40mm. And thanks everybody. This was months in the making. Largely learning how to properly print decals with an ink-jet printer. And building all the decals in Illustrator (which may be available in the near future). I'd love to see the ladder they use to climb in this thing. The cockpit edge is 3 meters off the ground!
  15. Well, the SV is finally done. There will be a build-up article on this for Starship Modeler. Enjoy.
  16. Whew...the shakes are starting to subside. So....where were we?
  17. Finally going to finish this one.
  18. That's the power of positive thought.
  19. Just promise me you'll wait a couple of months so my poor wallet can recover from the PL Enterprise & Wonderfest. Please. I promise I'll buy one. On the flip side if you show up to Wonderfest with one I'll be obliged to buy one from ya.
  20. Aw krep....more resin that I "need' to buy. What is it about resin that makes it soooo addictive. I'd never bought a resin kit in my life (a few weeks short of 40) and now I'm looking at kit #4 in less than 6 months. *sigh* great job (again) on the launch arm. How do you think it'd look with a VE hanging from it?
  21. I'm glad I'm not the only one to have had a model sitting on the bench awaitng decals. My SV-51 has been largely completed since the middle of January...just needs decals.
  22. well, benches, plural. Main bench, SV-51r awaiting custom decals Secondary Bench, X-wing special project & Mars Liner challenge Machining Bench, barrel for unnamed mech project Desk, piles of crap waiting for me to get off my lazy but & put away
  23. Wouldn't that be 2.24 meter's in length?
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