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Everything posted by Kylwell

  1. What, only 4 things at once?
  2. 1-0 tends to never put something in the store unless he has it in hand. This reduces the "I ordered Blank from you two weeks ago and it hasn't shipped yet!" emails. When he gets it it'll be at the SSM store. As far as the forums go, they get purged if there is no activity after 2 weeks, so I'm guessing it got dumped.
  3. How much money do I have at the time...
  4. The EX kits may never be re-issued. The EX means Limited Edition. They do short runs of them and charge accordingly. I wish they would re-issue them as I missed out on a number of them.
  5. Have you tried the old "dip it in Future acylic" trick? You can also get buffing sticks to smooth it out if it's a surface issue.
  6. Dawned on me it may be a humidity issue. Around here the humidity rarely gets above 25%. That combined with the high altitude makes paint cure damned quick. But I know guys in Florida that don't have much issues with even Tamiya gloss paints. What are you using to thin it?
  7. Unless you're using some crap brand of acrylics acrylics will fully cure within 48 hours. There's a reason I'm willing to pay for the price of Tamiya acrylics, they stick and they dry beautifully. Cheap craft brands can make a mess of a nice model. I only seal with lacquer if I plan on goving the model a wash with an acylic paint, otherwise I can't stand the smell. And lacquer can also take 48 hours plus to fully cure.
  8. I have about 50 unbuilt kits and I plan on building them all. Don't buy one unless I plan on building it. I figure as long as I have models to build God won't let me die. 343721[/snapback] Maybe, you're already dead, and God is torturing you with unbuilt kits. 343723[/snapback] Nooooooooooooo*gasp, pant*ooooooooooooooo
  9. I have about 50 unbuilt kits and I plan on building them all. Don't buy one unless I plan on building it. I figure as long as I have models to build God won't let me die.
  10. Spat, That's a really nice cabinet, lotsa display room.
  11. I'd show you but then I'd have to kill you, Actually my collection is small compared to some of the brutes out there. But it has gotten larger every year. And somehow these "resin" kits keep showing up in plain boxes. Kinda like those magazines my Dad used to get.
  12. Actually thats pretty nice for a first. Being a weathering junkie myself I don't mind the world weary look. It does look like your airbrush pressure may be too high, resulting in the bumpies. I usually finish with a satin coat for modern aircraft. If you can find the Testors clear satin acrylic I can recomend it. Washes are a pain, but since I've discovered using a pastel wash things have gotten much easier. Basically grind some pastel dust into water til you get a thin sludge. Paint in onto the gloss coat (always wash over gloss unless you want a really dirty look) let it start to dry them wipe off, remembering to never wipe parallel to a line. You can use a q-tip with a little water to wipe those tight corners. All in all, a nice job.
  13. I may have to lengthen or stratch a few things out but I think I can make it work. Thinking a dark gray on gray scheme for the VE.
  14. I've gotten mine and the more I looks at it the more I'm impressed. Ths is one amazing kit. Now, can I get it and a VE-1 done by May?
  15. Yes, if you want to chat with Sean, head over to SSM. For some reason the firewall won't let him come here but will let him log on there. Hop on over and PM him. He'd appreciate it.
  16. The more you suffer the longer god lets you live. Having unfinished models causes me to suffer.
  17. Cool. I guessing that this could be a close contest. Normally there's only a month or two of lead time, this one has 3 months and is such an open catagory. I know things are going to start rolling in.
  18. It does take a certain amount of displine. Working multiple projects. It also helps to have enough workspace that you can keep several models laid out at the same time. I'm down to 2 right now.
  19. I used to work one project at a time. Then I got into a crunch and started working two projects at once. For a while I had 4 going at one time. And we're not talking worked on it and put it aside, I'm talking 4 spots on the workbenchs. Frak. I blame it on Starship Modeler. It's all thier fault.
  20. Purty much. It's why I don't understand when somebody uses cheap resin. The price difference is minor but the quality difference is major. Don't skimp on the resin or molding material.
  21. Niiiiice! You going to enter it into the Legs Contest at SSM?
  22. I'm a big fan of Tamiya fine white & gray. Use Mr. Surfacer on the odd occasion.
  23. Good...hopefully. Keep your fingers crossed that this extra income comes through.
  24. What kinda of timeline are we looking at? I may have a bit more expendable income next month. If' that's withn the time-line I'm in.
  25. I think I broke it.
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