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Everything posted by Kylwell

  1. I believe the mandible conspiracy is largely due to the questionable Star Wars Technical Journal blueprints. Everybody talks about how off the SWTJ and SW:GTS blueprints are but when they want them to be they're cannon. It does appear tho' that on the SW Chronicle book they taper in slightly. But weather that's just the top of the manidble or the actual sides I dunno. In any case, it's too much of an effort for me. I'm perfectly happy carving blast marks in it.
  2. dang....that' sweet. My plan (yes, I have a plan) is to mount a short piece of angle to the bottom with some heavy weight on the bottom and then build a box to cover it all. I know a place where I can get soem tungsten shot that should work well enough as a counterweight.
  3. Welcome back man.
  4. Kylwell


    OK, but do you think Frank Zappa looks that much like Captain Global? 362110[/snapback] Well, now that I think about it...yes. Zappa
  5. Kylwell


    Ah, that makes much more sense. I thought it was Frank Zappa.
  6. It's not Macross, but it'll be cool. 1:20 scale Fliegenjägerkämpfen Oh, and this
  7. Dang...I was hoping to parley my expertese into a discount.
  8. Mine showed up today. Crack in the canopy frame but other than that beautiful. Smells 'orrible. Now, if I can just get rid of this backlog...
  9. Do you need somebody to re-build the decals in Illustrator, formatted for use with a Alps printer?
  10. That's cool. Very spiffy.
  11. I love that! I was thinking of doing something like that myself, but you beat me too it! 358559[/snapback] Feel free, jump on in. There's always Japanese, Italian, and Russian schemes.
  12. 1:72...so frellin' cool. The possibilities are starting to impact my brain. I've got the remains of a factory kit (well, half of one). Extend it and have the MKII getting some work done....
  13. Ah'm just wanting a booster so I can scratch the vehicle. Like I'll ever get around to that. Maybe I can talk HWR MKII to scratch one for me (in return for another favor).
  14. Thank you. Still want to do a recovered Val. Wings ripped off, body crumpled, rusted all to heck. One day. In the meantime a friend of mine challenged me to build a VF-22s in a Luftwaffe scheme (he's doing a VF1 in Spitfire livery).
  15. Got a notice that it's "in process". Woohoo.
  16. Yes, more reasons to get SV-51's. Lots more. Hopefully VF-0's are next.
  17. 'cept you forgot the ubiquitous Harrier exhaust trunk. 357507[/snapback] Is that the part that wound up on the AT AT, Sandcrawler, and Slave 1 ?(among others i'm sure) 357509[/snapback] Yes, the guys at ILM seemed very fond of it. Along with tank and engine parts.
  18. 'cept you forgot the ubiquitous Harrier exhaust trunk.
  19. You could try to contact Aves and see if they can tell you of any distributors in the UK. The only folks over the pond that I know use Aves get it from SSM so they're no help.
  20. Oh, lets wish for 1:20 so they're in scale with my MaK stuff! Why, oh why, did he pick some an oddball scale to work with.
  21. Unfortunately I don't unles you want to order from Starship Modeler. They regularly ship to the UK and beyond.
  22. I think, in relation to Gundam, we'd have 1:48 MG and 1:32 PG. And yes, I'd love for Bandai to produce Macross models. As someone once said, "Bandai kits rule!! They make PL and Revell kits look like they were carved from butter with a stump of wood".
  23. I've tried a lot of different putties, from Green to Pink to Mr. Dissolved Putty, and Aves will replace 99% of them. You can polish it to a shine, is close to the same desnity as plastic, smooths nicely, handles well, and scribes like a charm. Get a sampler pack and give it a go. Oh, and it comes in a variety of colors including silver.
  24. Forget Tamiya, go Aves.
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