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Everything posted by Kylwell

  1. Got back from Yuma and picked mine up from the neighbors (great folk, he didn;t even open it). Damn. You see the pictures. You read the numbers. And it still stuns you to hold these huge frellin' pieces. Dang.
  2. I would but my calipurs aren't that long. And I've just discovered that in all the moving & shoving I have lost the front spike. But it should be about 26cm which is what my quickie measure with steel ruler shows me (estimating where the spike was).
  3. Who says it won't already be there?
  4. oh manoman Has Neil seen this? He'll pop a cork I'm sure.
  5. Well had I been able to post when this threaad first started (vladidation issues, long story) I would say YES, I'm in and Sounds Great! and all that other jolly rot. As it is, now I'm late. Sounds great, prices looks good, can't wait to start seeing parts.
  6. Oh man, looks just awe inspiring and huge.
  7. waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting....*sigh*
  8. Depends on the era. They don't use zinc chromate green much anymore. And IIRC most patch panels are primered before use. Still they could be in such a rush that they grabbed what ever was near and used it. Or they could have popped a panel off a donor aircraft and used it.
  9. I use AllElectronics or American Science Surplus for mine.
  10. Starship Modeler But then again it my fav forum, period.
  11. I've got some 1:100 scale tires that might work ok. Just picked up some HWMMV's to base on of the crew carriers off of.
  12. All I got are these legs...
  13. I say new sculpt. I get kind of antsy with the recast word. Besides I think Thorsten could do better. 409996[/snapback] I agree.
  14. I've got a need for the 6 wheeled passenger carrier and the smaller truck. As soon as I get an opening in my schedule I'll see what I can do.
  15. oh yeah...A Macross V&E set.
  16. No. 400215[/snapback] YES
  17. Breath Sean, breath. Get a paper bag you're hyper-ventilatin'.
  18. Oh gawd, a 1:32 scale '51? The thing would be huge.
  19. No, but when I bought mine he only had 3 left. Or maybe it was 2.
  20. Yes. A little sheet with some kites, stencils & arrows, yes?
  21. Get that man some Macross resin, STAT! As a BTB, picked up my Valk booster from SSM at WF. Beautiful kit. Absolutely beautiful.
  22. And I understand the flaws in those Ertl/AMT instructions. A few of the diagram are so vague & poorly drawn I gave up and used the box art as ref. Why, why can't we get somebody decent to master a new version of some of the classic SW verhicles...like Fine Molds. Just wish they've move into a bigger scale.
  23. Actually, it wrong too. Pistons on the inside but the serrated lines on the upper leg are supposed to match up with the serration's on the joint. Nice paint on it. Looks nice ('cept that leg thing).
  24. uhm, actually 3 of the legs are on backwards. sorry
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