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Everything posted by Kylwell

  1. Well, standing now. Now it's weathering time. [attachmentid=37726] [attachmentid=37727] [attachmentid=37728]
  2. It's the Crest from Armored Core. TSP has it right. Would have gotten more done today but ran outta paint. So instead I built the placement diagram for teh Prototype Amabssador Class decals and worked on some schemes for my MaK Falke.
  3. What do you think I'm working on? Had to let the Ghost cure for a day (metalizer sealer).
  4. The finest Star Wars kits are the Fine Molds. All in 1:72 scale which makes then on the tiny side. SSM has some upgrade kits available for the earlier kits.
  5. That's the place I was thinking of.
  6. Yes my buddy Brad. But barring that little sheets or big sheets. I know I've got a better source for sheet stock but I can't find it at the moment.
  7. Good luck! Break a...er... wing?
  8. The SV is a touch harder than the VF-0 but still a very easy build. The worse seam issue is where the fuselage halves meet up with the nose cone halves. Here's a build up review.
  9. Working on my Ghost for the Boneyard project [attachmentid=37399]
  10. Besides the just released armored VF0 Bat'roid?
  11. Man that's rare. Too bad it's in such an odd scale.... Oh look, I can get one in 1:72 scale!
  12. Got mine today. Stunning, just stunning.
  13. Kylwell

    Space Ghost

    Thought I'd add the full illustations. These are tagged 1983, for those in the need. [attachmentid=37137] [attachmentid=37138] [attachmentid=37139]
  14. Kylwell

    Space Ghost

    Well, given the age of this book.... they could have used it. Think this was printed before Mac+ came out.
  15. Kylwell

    Space Ghost

    I'll try and get the three alternative heads for the Phalanx up also.
  16. Kylwell

    Space Ghost

    I was wandering through my borrowed copy of Macross Hobby Handbook 1: Macross Model world and noticed a little picture feature some booster/space equiped Ghosts. Now I just need to buy another one of Hon's Ghosts. [attachmentid=37116]
  17. Which means it was a YS-3A or KS-3A and given the time period possibly upgraded to a B model. Still don;t knwo where they found the room, the tank pylon is damned near on the hinge.
  18. You and me both bubba.
  19. This was but it's done now.
  20. Heh, the turret. Still want more set-off armor.
  21. Just shave the ends to thin the look. Some careful work with an Xacto and you can have them look thinner with the structural advantage of the thicker material.
  22. In what way? Just curious, built a butt-load of Gundams and the only simularitys I see are superficial. Mind you, I'm not sure it looks Macross either... something is missing but I'm not sure what.
  23. yeah I'm waiting for it...
  24. You are most welcome.
  25. I name it but that'd be cheating. Dang that's a huge beast.
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