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Everything posted by Kylwell

  1. http://www.crankorgan.com/7thsojourn.htm ...dang, had some more. Bigger unit build on gas-pipes. I'll be digging for it.
  2. That why everytime somebody brings that up I scratch my head. The most pricy part of the whole thing is the driver board. There are 3D routers and home CNC machine that can be built for under $500 if you're into the do-it-yourself thing.
  3. It's so clean and fresh.
  4. Yes. I all goes well I'll have it done in 2 weeks. Then all I have to do is the base.
  5. More falke work
  6. Techically, at least in the US, unless you have a license (which tend to start in the 20K range) you can't legally produce a kit. That being said, most GK manufacturers just fly under the radar. You find some sellers listing kits under generic names to disguise thier origins (like Arrowhead Battleship). Japan I think has the right idea, the Wonderfestival. An event where GK manufacturers can sell thier stuff without fear of reprocussions. And, as has happened, the legit manufacturers get to see whats out there and may buy the GK's masters to mass produce. The only time Copyright law comes into effect is if you use a copyrighted name. Specific shapes and designs fall under IP laws (Intellectual Property) and are much more confusing. Most IP owners will license out the rights to certain things and let the licensee police things. Every now and again some GK manufacturer will get a C&D (Cease and Desist) and they'll stop producing said kit(s).
  7. I use Testor Acryl flat. Never had a yellowing issue (yet).
  8. well...'cept it's not metal....
  9. More Falke Got the Toyota S800 in today courtesy of Masayuki Fujii (Masa) over on the Ma.KZbV3000 board. This will be used to replace the hack job I did getting the hatch off. Going to try to cast a copy, wish me luck.
  10. That's an awfully funny looking Destroid.
  11. Thanks. I've got to hit the local train store for more Grantline bolts.
  12. I've got a Falke on the bench.
  13. We're having shrimp. I believe you should eat foods you're thankful for. Had bacon with breakfast, another food I'm thankful for.
  14. Dinna worry friend, some day you will be, And we'll keep having them even if Dan moves back to SLC.
  15. And, as a note, this is not a formal club meeting kinda thing. We all kinda hate that. We build and BS. Then afterwards we eat. Well, sometimes we bring snacks but it's not required.
  16. The CoMMiES being the Colorado Modeling Militia Especially Science Fiction jest in case ya'll were wonderin'.
  17. The CoMMiES monthly Build & Bull will be on the 19th of November at Colpar East on Havana (in beautiful Aurora Colorado). Starts at 1 and goes 'til they kick us out or we get hungry. Linner @ Dead Robin will follow.
  18. I'm glad to have your seal of approval. Really do want to do this little kit justice (by making it the most worn peice in the junkyard). Even started a backstory for it. I know, I'm a geek.
  19. It just takes practice (and thin paint). I'll sometimes spray the entire model black (or a very dark shade of the final color). Then, with the lighter color, start filling in from the center of the panel, leaving a nice dark edge. Do all the panels like this then start working your way out, with more distance, and just slowly build up the layers.
  20. Nice! A little heavy on the tail but nice. Now for some extreme weathering. [attachmentid=37889]
  21. Ah like a boomer missile hatch. I'd try cutting the hole in the hull first then shape and fit the hatch to the hole. Or, if you are really tricky you might be able to use some micro saws to carefully trim it out and then fill and sand to fit.
  22. Round hatch or square hatch on a curbed surface? Or just a oblate circular hole?
  23. Weathered... [attachmentid=37787] [attachmentid=37788]
  24. If that's the only seam you see I'm doing well. Did very little seam clean-up on this one. Didn't feel like my usual anal-retentive seam cleaning.
  25. GSI Gundam Plated Silver marker. Yes, the chrome comes from a marker. Still freaks me out.
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