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Everything posted by Kylwell

  1. It's even the proper shade of pink! Sweet!
  2. Please help a disabled vetran of the Zentradi Warz....
  3. 1. Yes but as has been noted vacc canopies can be thinner so sand gently 2. Ink can work, so can food coloring, or I just thin Tamiya clears with future and use that. 3. Heh....yeah, works awsome.... Still trying to quantify everything but acrylic over Alclad and rub. 4. Possibly. There are a few metals paints out there that you're not supposed to paint over as they dn't give much grip psurface for teh paint. Haven't worked with them yet but am thinking about giving some a try.
  4. It's the April 2007 issue (4 numbe 269). Think it's about 30 pages worth.
  5. Did ya see the ultra-detailed version of the Yamoto in Model Graphix?
  6. Yeah the hard part is using those darned sanding stics without opposable thumbs.
  7. A mess.... from this a bat'roid will emerge....
  8. Tamiya Fine White. Even against the spray on Mr. Hobby its the best I've ever worked with. You can get Krylon primers that will work but I've always found them just too damned thick. Tamiya Fine White, it's not just for breakfast anymore.
  9. You really must be bored. Max would win because he's the good guy. But, Starscream should win becasue he can pull more G's.
  10. Putty: Aves, Wave Strong Black CA, Mr Dissolved Putty, and Mr Surfacer 500 Sandpaper: I use cheapo coarse grit for shaping, sanding sticks and film for the finer work. Primer: When I use it, it's either Mr. Resin Primer or Mr. Surfaer 1200. Used to use Tamiya Fine Primer in the rattle can. Paint: Tamiya or Gunze. You can extend it a bit with Future if you want a little slower dry time. Sealer: Testors or Future. A lot of these need an airbrush. The Mr Surfacer now comes in the can.
  11. Rapidograph, also known more commonly as a technincal pen, can be loaded with damned near any fine ink you want. Like this. Much different from the Sakura and Staedler felt tip fine line pens.
  12. Yeah...I'm going to need you to come in on Saturday... ...but I have people skills!....
  13. In the sixth picture from teh left, what's the white thing next to the jahoobular figure?
  14. Ah'yup. It's a MaK attack.
  15. Waaaaay back when the Air Force was going into space they released some pictures of comflauged space suits. I think it was in PopSci but all I remember was a 3 tone gray splinter scheme. So, that's what I did my Prawn in.
  16. One of the final steps is to go over the model with a very soft round mop brush loaded with some white pastel chalk. Brings out the highlights and softens things a bit. It's one of the last steps because, for what ever reason, you can't seal white pastel. It just disapears.
  17. Woah! Sweet bash. No, that's just the way he likes to sleep. At least he doesn't chew on the sprues.
  18. I do so love getting something into paint.
  19. It's 1:20th scale. Part if the reason I added a lot of detail (like all the frellin' nuts and bolts). It's about 11.5 inches long overall. The tough part is finding 1:20 scale tools.
  20. Or should I say, "What's still on my workbench" Update Worked on some of the base elements.
  21. I thin my Future with about 10% Tamiya thinner. Seems to help it go down smoother. Than and my Future has gotten thicker over the last few years.
  22. Tamiya Flat Base seems to work well with Tamiya Gloss paints but I've had limited sucess using it to make Future flat. Limited in that the best I've ever gotten is a nice satin finish. And yes, it dried clearer than it sprayed.
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