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Everything posted by Kylwell

  1. Dang, cool. I'd read that the line had been discontinued and they were offering no support. Glad to hear otherwise. So what's shipping on one of these to the US and can you name any good US suppliers for the foil & inks?
  2. Were those those oddball Korean knock-off?
  3. I clear coated then oil washed it. The Stainless Steel gets a bit shinier with a gloss coat but that's about the only impact. I used Chrome, Polished Aluminum, Stainless Steel, and Steel. The Chrome all got a coat of clear Tamiya Red over the top. Yeah, way more work than I'd had planned. But once you start you canna go back (well, or at least I can't seem to).
  4. Alclad Airbrushed metal finish. Every stinking piece.
  5. Been busy Alcladding an AC kit. Not for the weak of heart.
  6. Kylwell

    sv-51 custom

    Nicely done Zeppy. Always in the mood for more non-canon SV-51s.
  7. Rapidographs, or technical pens, will give you the finest line but cost a bit more than a good Sakura felt tip. On the plus sid eyou can load them with what ever color ink you want. As you can see here a set will set you back a bit but should last far longer than anything else. Copic also makes some stunning fine line pens.
  8. Holey crap Cody, that's....that's....big.
  9. Have you seen the stuff Alder's Nest is making? Stunning stuff.
  10. ??? Never heard of that before, hows it work?
  11. Price not withstanding, I'd be up for one.
  12. Nice work MT. BTB, that 1:20 Bandai Scopedog is a heck of a kit.
  13. More than likely it's just undergoing another labeling change to meet US standards like the paint went through a few years back. Gunze is probably having to do that same with their supplies.
  14. Well, it's done. 25 days late but it's done. More here: http://www.hungrylizardstudio.com/mak/nihu.../rfcudetail.jpg http://www.hungrylizardstudio.com/mak/nihu.../cufldetail.jpg http://www.hungrylizardstudio.com/mak/nihu...inal/lrfull.jpg http://www.hungrylizardstudio.com/mak/nihu.../lrcudetail.jpg http://www.hungrylizardstudio.com/mak/nihu...detailunder.jpg http://www.hungrylizardstudio.com/mak/nihu...inal/rffull.jpg http://www.hungrylizardstudio.com/mak/nihu...al/rearfull.jpg http://www.hungrylizardstudio.com/mak/nihu...cudetailgun.jpg http://www.hungrylizardstudio.com/mak/nihu...final/ffull.jpg http://www.hungrylizardstudio.com/mak/nihu...final/lfull.jpg http://www.hungrylizardstudio.com/mak/nihu...l/rearfull2.jpg http://www.hungrylizardstudio.com/mak/nihu...detailunder.jpg http://www.hungrylizardstudio.com/mak/nihu...detailunder.jpg http://www.hungrylizardstudio.com/mak/nihu...l/rightfull.jpg
  15. It started out in life as a Heinrich suit. Some parts and several applications of Aves later it became the Nihus, an anti suit sniper. Seen here in winter whitewash.
  16. Heh, thanks all. Here's a better overall view.
  17. hmmm, I know a way to reduce that backlog....
  18. How about the helios from neon genesis?
  19. Ah'd be more impressed if they were built.
  20. Speaking of sitting....
  21. Had this on the bench but now am working on something a little lager scale.
  22. Because.
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