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Everything posted by Dobber

  1. Don't like the ship either, but I'm REALLY peeved at having to pay to watch it.....apparently still with commercials at that! US viewers are getting screwed. I refuse to pay for CBS all access so I guess I'll miss the show. Oh well. Chris
  2. Wow! That looks amazing! Chris
  3. I agree. I respect McQuarie for his work but Star Wars needs to stay in Star Wars. His design was awful, and no amount of tweaking can fix it, IMO.More power to those that like it though. Chris
  4. Me too. I actually love it after watching the ultimate edition. Chris
  5. I loved it when the thugs were all about to rush him and then the leader told them to wait and go in one at a time otherwise it would get confusing. Lol! Chris
  6. While I don't like the ridiculous size increase that was done just to accommodate one scene and the ship is clearly supposed to be about the size of the Excelsior class, I will say that I think the Original E is kind of small for what I was supposed to do Good article here about the size controversy of the JJ-prise. http://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/articles/new_enterprise_comment.htm Chris
  7. I think the other thread is my Jean-Claude Van Johnson thread where someone asked about the Tick. Chris
  8. Yeah no kidding! That is impressive engineering! The Drakken has really grown on me too, I think I'll pick up one and a 37 kit. They seem to be better than the 25 kits. Just need my 1/60's to sell Chris
  9. Saw it liked it and wan to see more. I really liked Jean-Claude Van Johnson too. Chris
  10. The Tick was good too, but I actually liked Jean-Claude Van Johnsen better. Chris
  11. Amazon pilot season has started and one of the new pilots is a show called Jean-Claude Van Johnson, starring yes Jean-Claude Van Damme. He plays himslelf or at least a version of himself and it was really funny with good tongue and cheek moments, LOL moments, and funny/purposefully stupid action. I can't get too specific about it or it would spoil the plot...yes there is one, but I would recommend it. I really enjoyed it. Chris
  12. It's been marketed pretty heavily on Nickolodeon, CN ect where kids would see it. I'm extremely disappointed more people haven't seen it. It is such an awesome movie. Chris
  13. A matter of distinction. That is not the Refit, that is basically what the A looks like. The Refit is what got destroyed by the swarm at the beginning of he movie as seen in the trailers. The Refit is basically the standard JJ-prise with swept backe Nacelle pylons smaller but identical looking warp Nacelle's, offset and addition phaser banks on the saucer, and the new impulse engines as seen at the end of Into Darkness (which would technically also be a refit as well) In the new movies the Refit and A are now totally different designs instead of being interchangeable terms as they were in the prime universe movies. so in the new inverse we have seen 4 different versions of the Enterprise: 1)The standard JJ-Prise as seen in Star Trek '09 and the majority of ID 2)The first minor Refit with the new Impulse engines as seen at the end of ID 3)The major refit as seen in the beginning of ST Beyond (described above) 4)The new Enterprise A seen at the end of Beyond. Chris
  14. Is the T-50 operational yet? Chris
  15. Just finished the movie......what a beautiful work of art. Easily now one of my favorite movies, ever.
  16. Taking my kids to see this tonight. We have been looking forward to this movie for months. Chris
  17. I'm calling BS on the figure. Look at the difference in the hair. The one with the the photo realistic face has what looks like real hair. The behind picture is clearly solid plastic. Or is the figure on the right supposed to be a "before" picture? Chris
  18. I'm with you on that. Now the B and C variants don't have an internal gun correct and require a gun-pod? Chris
  19. There are more pictures on the sale page he linked to. TBH I'm not completely convinced it is real either. If It is real it's an incredible piece of art.Chris
  20. Kristian Harloff on Collider video and Schmoe's Know brings up He-Man every now and then. He says what it should be is a cross between The Lord of the Rings and Star Wars and is very enthusiastic about the potential of the He-Man property but he doesn't think this will be that. He also mentioned the animated show from the early 2000's was really good, Anyone here see that series? Chris
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