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Everything posted by Dobber

  1. So say we all. Chris
  2. WOW!! somehow I missed these while lurking over at Macrossnexus!! They are awesome! Chris
  3. Damn that stinks JBO, I was fortunate enough to find one months ago and haven't seen on again since. Chris
  4. Is Megatron supposed to be that Double turreted tank we saw a while ago? If so, there is NOTHING of it showing. Chris
  5. God, what if they really aren't transformers, but just robots that will fold up in what would be a vehical "shell" that they just get rid of when they "transform." I see NOTHING of anykind of vehicle in that picture. Chris
  6. From what I've seen the SHE kit is really nice except for one thing, I HATE the nose on it! It's too duck bill-ish, instead of being more like a birds beek. I like how the original Yamato's nose looked or the lineart, much more angular....better IMHO. Chris P.S. Glad to see so many others wanting an 11 first also!!!
  7. From what I can remember about the VF-11's transformation, it should be fairly easy to make a new 1/60 one that would be totally acurate!! I love the VF-11!!! I REALLY hope they make a new one! Chris
  8. I feel your pain David, I'm also on dial-up. Chris
  9. No, the missile pod and the ghost are not part of each other. The parts that you see extending down from the ghost are it's lower fins/ canards. They also sort of act like a stand while the Ghost is attached to the Fighter. The Missile pods just attach to the top of the "blisters" while the ghost "fins" touch around the base of the blisters. David I 100% agree about the colors of this Bird. I really hope this wasn't a custom Paint scheme. Chris
  10. the ghost pack maybe, but the valk is painted. U can see the kite logo and arm stripes. 426966[/snapback] Good eye. I'm very curious as to where all of the attachment points are on the Ghost. 426971[/snapback] Someone mentioned that it attaches to the blisters on the top of the 0 but that would be inaccurate because that is where the missile pods would attach. On the Hasegawa model the ghost has seperate struts and then it also has slots where it slides in between the vertical Stabs. Chris
  11. I was just refering to the Ghost not the 0. Maybe this will be another 0 that will include the Ghost?! Chris
  12. I don't need a bunch of kibble hanging off either, that's not my argument, What I and I believe others are trying to say is that there dosen't "appear" to be enough of a vehical showing in Bot mode for it to be fesable to realistically transform into said vehicle. That's all. Chris
  13. No offence to you MP starscream haters out there, but this is what I would call looking "NOTHING" like starscream, not the MP. Chris
  14. Regarding the thicker neck, now after actually seeing the toy, itt probably helps the over all proportion and appearance of the toy. If the neck was thin the aft end of the plane would look way to fat and out of proportion. I like it!!! Chris
  15. Good, they will include the other weapon pods too. The grey isn't the actual color, it's just the unpainted resin prototype. Chris
  16. DAMN IT!!!!! I want a FFR-31 Sylphid!!!!!!!!!! Chris
  17. I agree, this looks better (somehow) than the Resin Proto. Kensei, thanks I was alble to figure it out and edited my post but you beat me to it ! I too really want a VF-11!!!! More than the YF-21. Chris
  18. Awesome pictures!!!! I can't wait to get this baby!!!! So I wonder what the Next VF-0 will be or are they releasing the Ghost seperately? I really want the 0a but ran into money problems and had to cancel my pre-order. Chris
  19. What I want to see is how these are supposed to transorm. There is very little Truck parts showing on Prime in bot mode. I guess it'll just be magic, and even if they somehow pull it off, there will be seems and panel lines all over the place. Chris
  20. Yeah, they should have gotten Shoji Kowamori to design the mecha. His Masterpeice Starscream is incredable....even those who don't like it because it isn't starscream enough gotta admit it still rocks especially compaired to THAT! Chris
  21. David, the 2 conformal tanks where the ghost would attach are removable. The VF-0 even has the stripes painted under them. They will probably just provide extra tanks that the Ghost can attach to. Chris
  22. TEARS UP: All my concerns have been put to rest. Simply beautiful!!!! Took my breath away! Grand Slam Yamato!!! Chris Edit: I would like to see a good side view of fighter mode though.
  23. I guess that gorilla Starscream that we saw a rough sketch of months ago was accurate. I'm gonna need to see more but right now not too thrilled with screamer. Chris
  24. Huh, I thought they already told us that? I take it they aren't going to show us the designs, but just give us names. Chris
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