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Everything posted by Dobber

  1. Oh yeah, love the story Dante!! Chris
  2. It's still really early so it's not worth getting too excited over this yet, BUT, if in the end these do turn out to be the colors yamato isn't worried. They know even if we say we'll walk away we won't get far before the cravings set in, then we'll come crawling back for another taste of sweet, sweet candy.............Bam! That was for you ruskii! Chris
  3. Ha! That would be Richard Nixon's Head!!! Didn't you all know that the YF-21 is Purple with Gold striping and intakes? Chris
  4. LOL!!! A man after my own heart! I Love Futurama, so can't wait for it to return!! Chris
  5. I'll probably get one and then customize it with regular F-15 colors. Chris 1000 baby!!
  6. Man it's been sooo long! Was there a scene where someone was being eaten by something or being sucked into to something in a forest or swamp? I just remember something along those lines from when I was a kid. Chris
  7. I haven't followed this thread extremely closely, but is there a reason why we only have seen the top view in fighter mode well. Yet there are other views being shown at Wonderfest. I'd just really like to see what this baby looks like. Chris
  8. I agree, at the very least all MAJOR markings (Anti-UN crosses and Ivanov's Skull marking) should be Tampoed. Wasn't it said before that Tampo printing would make the item cost more and that's why they haven't done it in the past? If that's true then the Nora 51 should cost more than this release with all the striping. Chris
  9. Yeah, I was always under the impression that the SV-51 was the largest of all the fighters, followed by the VF-0 andthen the Mac-Plus Valks. Chris
  10. I'm really wanting to see a profile in fighter mode. Wondering why that hasn't been shown yet. It doesn't appear to be with the others at Wonderfest, but those still weren't great pictures. Chris
  11. Thanks Everyone, I really appreciate the compliments. Wicked Ace is correct, this was the last model that I entirerly brush painted. I was pretty good at it when I made this model but it is much more time intensive to paint a model by hand like that...and with a baby (at the time...now is 4) just don't have the time for that anymore so I learned to use other methods to move things along much faster but still look good!! IIRC, didn't the first VF-1 Low vis come from a custom that some did for a Hobby Mag? Graham, feel free to show this to Yamato....maybe peek their interest. All I ask for in return is one for free!! Just kidding about the last part, but I'd love to see a Large scale Yamato painted like this....without having to do it myself that is. Chris
  12. I also agree, that's why I built one of my Hasegawa's that way. Here are a few pic's of my lovely SV-51 I built a few years ago. Chris
  13. Thanks Cobywan. Chris
  14. Anyone heard anything new about the Platz FFr-31 Sylphid?
  15. I'd say make option 2 but also inclued the fuel air bomb. Let it be unique. Plus I think the 51 looks silly with the boosters attached. I'll more than likely not be using mine on Ivanov's Chris
  16. There were a few different load outs. They are: 1) 2 Micro Missle/fuel pods on outboard weapon station on wings(1 per wing) + Gunpod.....this was the standard load out that was most commonly seen. 2) same as #1 + anti ship missile on middle weapon station on both wings and then external fuel tanks on in board station of both wings. (seen in episode 3 during the attack on the Asuka 3) Fuel Air bomb. Only weapon carried. Seen in Episode 4 4) #1 + the anti ship missile on middle weapon station on each wing and then another micro missile/fuel pod on inboard staion on each wing, and booster rockets on the top of the wings. Episode 5 final battle. The yamato toy can do #'s 1 and 4 but does not come with the fuel air bomb or the plain old external fuel tanks. The Hasegawa kit does come with the tanks so with the Hasegawa you can do #'s 1 and 2. Chris
  17. MAN!!!! THAT is such a tease!!! I long for the day when we actually see this!! I'm glad Yamato is doing the YF-21, but I really.....REALLY wanted a VF-11. VF-11 and SV-51 are my favs. Chris Edit: The Club-M kit is soo beautiful. I still need to find one or some "version" of it
  18. I remember that too. I missed out on that opportunity.....I think it was Valyrie...can't remember. whomever it was said they thought they would make more available but it never happened as far as I know. I really wanted a club M VF-11, actual or recast. . The Club M sculpt is by far the best looking VF-11 fighter available. Chris
  19. Here is a you tube link to the sneek peek http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVRQjCG8tn4 Chris
  20. "Because it takes time to write a book?" I don't believe that they have ever stated a year in any of the books whether refering to when Harry's parents died or when each book was taking place. This book certainly didn't take 10 years to write smart ass . I guess it was just a nod to when the first book was published. Chris
  21. I loved this book too. I wonder why she had it take place in 1997-1998 though? Parents died in 1981, Harry was already a year old or very near to being, add 16 years to get to Harry's age in this book and....1997-1998. Just curious if anyone else knows why. Chris
  22. Woo Hoo!!!! I was able to sell something on Ebay for a resonable price, so I promptly placed an order for the SV-51!!! unfortunately I lost my early-bird price that I originally had but at least I'm still getting it now!! Chris
  23. I can believe that, my local Walmart had 1/4 to 1/3 of an isle given to Spiderman crap that just sat there. Transformers barely got 3 columns. They didn't even give it a floating display that had all the voyagers and stuff on it that I saw at other Walmarts. Idiots. Chris
  24. OOOOhhh, I may beable to save the cash for this thing after all!! Graham, any reason for the delay? Chris
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