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Everything posted by Dobber

  1. STILL WAITING for my shipping notification from HLJ! Paid for the shipping 3 days ago. Chris
  2. I can't believe that BBTS already has their order.....I may get that one BEFORE HLJ! Ha Ha! Chris
  3. Same here, paid for the items Friday, made my shippment immediately after from my private warehouse. Got my shipping payment request Sat night and paid immediately again. Now nothing. Also got my BBTS notification. I'll probably just cancel the order too. Chris
  4. Where did you end up getting yours? Ebay, a seller here or something? Best price i can find, atm, is about $265 shipped. Chris
  5. Unfortunately, I think what I want won't be available anymore.......or hasn't been available for a while now.........the CF SV-51 alpha. Chris
  6. Last week!?!? Oh no, somewhere, Tom Hanks is on an Island playing with your VF-171 and Wilson is his wingman. Chris
  7. Vol 3 blu-ray and DVD available for pre-order. Due Nov.22 http://www.amazon.co.jp/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?__mk_ja_JP=%83J%83%5E%83J%83i&url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=2199+%283%29&x=0&y=0 Chris
  8. Yeah, them too, though they are also on the regular Disney channel. Kick is only on Disney XD. Chris
  9. My kids and I actually really like Kick Buttowski. Chris
  10. I can see positives and negatives. I like how I can manage my shipments and such, I hate the extra step in an already long process with HLJ. For instance I paid ASAP yesterday (not counting there web sites down time) moved the stuff from my warehouse to a shipment with my preferred shipping because their damn system kept resetting my shipping as SAL. so now I have to wait for another payment request for this shipment....which I haven't received yet and probably won't till Monday now. Wish they would let you set up shipments earlier....you know plan ahead.....so when they send a payment request it would include shipping. Example: I ordered a yamato CF VF-1A on thursday and knew the 171 was comming out any day now. Why not let me organise my orders once they are in their system, so they know i want the VF-1 and 171 in 1 order with x shipping. Then when i get my payment request it would include everything, merchandise and shipping. If they would do it that way my order may have been on its way. Instead you can't organize anything till you pay for it first. Just don't like that it is adding another step in an already long cycle. Chris
  11. Congrats guys on receiving your 171's... I'm jealous! As for the private warehouse thing, I can see positives and negatives. I like how I can manage my shipments and such, but I do agree with Graham that I hate the extra step in an already long process with HLJ. For instance I paid ASAP yesterday (not counting there web sites down time) moved the stuff from my warehouse to a shipment with my preferred shipping because their damn system kept resetting my shipping as SAL. so now I have to wait for another payment request for this shipment....which I haven't received yet and probably won't till Monday now. Wish they would let you set up shipments earlier....you know plan ahead.....so when they send a payment request it would include shipping. Example: I ordered a yamato CF VF-1A earlier in the week and knew the 171 was comming out any day now. Why not let me organise my orders once they are in their system so they know i want the VF-1 and 171 in 1 order with x shipping. Then when i get my payment request it would include everything, merchandise and shipping. If they did it that way my order may have been on its way. Instead you can't organize anything till you pay for it first. Just agree with Graham that it is adding another step in an already long cycle. Chris
  12. Cool thanks for the info. Well, I was fortunate enough to get through and pay for my order with HLJ. Was even able to create the shipment from my private warehouse and change my shipping to FedEx which was cheapest! SAL AND EMS were the same rate??? Now I just have to wait for the shipping payment request and all should be well...hopefully. Chris
  13. Well this sucks, just got my payment request from HLJ for the 171 and the CF VF-1A but their web site is still down so I can't pay yet. Lol! Chris
  14. For all of you that ordered from Nippon Yasan and are getting one, did you guys pre-pay when you first ordered or did you pay when they sent the invoice a few weeks ago? Just curious since I have a 25G on pre-order with them. Chris
  15. Yeah, I noticed that too....love Borris. Chris
  16. Now we have to wait for the upcoming VF-1S custom YF-29....hopefully it will be a web exclusive so we can all get one. Chris
  17. Ahh, ok, thanks Mech. I was wondering if I still needed to get the separate payment request from them or not. So we still get the 2 separate emails. First the order confirmation then the payment request. Thanks Chris
  18. Yup, just ordered there too. Chris
  19. Ok my orders are back....but still confused so maybe you guys can help. The orders are all in the open orders section and not in the my warehouse section, and my understanding is that they won't go there till they are payed for. So how do I pay for an individual item without it being shipped immediately? I see no option. Chris
  20. Oh my!!!! Never thought I'd say this, but here's to hoping it's a web shop exclusive! Chris
  21. Is anyone else having problems with the new site? I placed an order yesterday for the CF VF-1A, which is on sale. I got the order confirmation, but when I log into my account to make a payment so I can put it in my warehouse none of my orders are there. In my account overview it says I have 4 open orders, which is correct, but when I click on the view open orders tab so I can make a payment or manage the orders, it says I have no open orders!? I just want to make a payment for the damn VF-1 so that way when the 171 comes in I can bundle them together in one shipment, but now neither order is showing in my account. Nor are the orders for the 1/1000 Yamato or the VF-0 master file book. This new system is definitely having some problems. I just don't want to loose my 171 order because HLJ wanted to have a make over. Chris
  22. Dobber

    DX VF-25G

    Aaaand the site is back down again! Lol! Chris
  23. Dobber

    DX VF-25G

    Nope, ordered a CF 1A and haven't even got the order confirmation email or payment request yet.....it's been about a half an hour now too. Chris
  24. Awe hell, couldn't resist getting the CF VF-1A, not for that price.....plus I just sold all of my Yammies so I guess I need to have at least one 1/60 VF-1 in my collection. Also, now I can just wait and have it shipped with my VF-171 whenever HLJ finally gets their supply in. Chris
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