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Everything posted by macroadster
The safty handles didn't work. I ripped them out and plan for a major change. I drilled two holes right above Roy's seat to insert the safety bars into those tiny holes.
The head laser piece was drill out at the tip to make the laser canon more realistic. The green section is again composed of chrome silver then painted clear green.
Finally all of the parts started to join together. The white paint and panel lines look great together. I still couldn't believe I hand painted everything. I wouldn't be able to do this 20 years ago.
The black fin above the jet engine was supposed to be a decal. However, the lack of experience with decal, my decal melt away with the decal protecting solutions. I guess I was spreading it to close. Therefore I end up painting the parts, and the top yellow parts. I guess I am lucky the chrome yellow was the same color as the supplied decals.
The chalk pastel wash tip is demostrated by Steve Bamford at his website. It is really effective and panel lines can be done in minutes.
Finally after washing and paint the gun n times. I finally got to a point that I am happy with the color of the gun. This shot is taken after I did the weathering with charcoal.
The major pieces are completed. It will take some time for them to dry up. I was really excited with building this kit. It was nothing like what I would have done 20 years ago.
Talk about detail. Hase keeps their kit in the highest standard. The little corner was required to be removed and a clear piece will go into that corner.
Again, my foolish attempt to use eproxy putter to fill in the gaps between the arm section. I will sand out the uneven surface later.
The interior of the engines are painted black and the room for landing structs are painted in camouflage gray. It worked out pretty well.
The steel color didn't work It doesn't want to stick on smooth plastic. I couldn't paint the gun correct for two nights. I was frustrated, and I finally read about prime the plastic to make silver and steel color to stick on the plastic. I am glad that it worked well on the feet.
Adding a few styrene strips to the foot. It's a technique from mw_cheng to make the exhaust. Time to call it the day for the glues to dry so I can sand off the uneven strips later.
The great plastic detailer from Megular. It works on almost all kind of plastic. You can purchase it from z3solutions.com.
Now you see it, now you don't. The canopy is clear once again. I thought of a new idea that I used the clear plastic detailer for my Z3 rear window on the canopy, and the result was amazing.
There is a little fine seam on the canopy. I used the 2000 grit sand stick to sand out the seam. As you might notice, the canopy became less clear after the sanding.
I tried to use eproxy putter to fill out the gaps for the air intake section, but I found out the hard way that eproxy isn't really for the small filling area. Polyster putter would probably do a better job.
There are some gaps between the two pieces that makes up the nose of the plane. I taped the entire nose and plan to fill the gaps with eproxy putter, then sand off the difference later.
Steel color paint from Model Master has some strange yellowish flavor to it. I wasn't sure that it is the best color to represent those engines. It's alright for now, since the part will be covered by other parts.
I am painting the plane with brush only. The brushes start to get really hard to clean now and there are brush strokes trailing all over the place. Your VF-0S is amazing. I hope mine would be half as good as yours.
The plane started to take form. I was happy that I got over the cockpit details and move on to the larger parts of the plane.
I was very happy on how the cockpit turn out on the third day. The chrome silver really brings out the projector lamp on the console.
Here is the shot of the console with a excellent decal provided by Hase. It really makes the cockpit shines.
Dry fitting the cockpit. Every piece fits perfectly. The cockpit is so small that I had a hard time trying to glue the safty handle to the seat.