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Everything posted by trojan_gambit

  1. Just realize that the canopy is heavily tinted, almost opaque. Quite matte-ish too. Or is it just the lighting ?
  2. I remember during Frontiers last episode , Alto use Armor pack while wielding standard gunpod and Michel's sniper rifle
  3. How many pages in this book ?
  4. One thing I'm not clear about this Lady M (& Megaroad-01 by relation) : - Is this Lady M already in real-space or still trapped in fold-space (or black hole) ? - If she's still trapped in fold-space, meaning that she controls XAOS from behind the 'curtain'. She must have quite political/monetary influence to do that, because she's just a 'transmission' (literally). - If she (& Megaroad-01) already out in real-space, then what's with all the secrecy (by Berger) ? The return of Megaroad-01 (with its' legendary space-war hero crews) should have been a great news in Macross universe, but none of it is hinted in the Delta. Unless the NUNG is keeping it secret. But from my point of view, that doesn't make sense, because the return of Megaroad-01 could be used as major propaganda by NUNG.
  5. Like it. I hope they release other Macross class too. Depending on the parts separation, I hope it's easy to customize it to Storm Attacker mode.
  6. Needed a few minutes to digest this single line.... What are exactly the functions of Fold crystal/wave (Especially in the Valks) ? From Frontier, I understand that it functions as a mean of communications. Never thought that it can affect engine performance too.
  7. By the way, how do you create the sketchup 3D file ? Do you use the 3-view drawing as reference ?
  8. Shame on Arad,despite him being a pilot, it's MakiRei who have the brains to pickup VF22 recorder. Double shame on him, despite him being the higher rank, Reina asked Hayate's permission to play the record. I don't understand how Heinz control Star singer which in turn mind-control NUNS to suddenly trigger the MDE. Why not like : Heinz : Rudanjal rom Mayan Mikumo starts singing Hearing the song, the NUNS get off their chair & start dancing naked. I really want to know the fate of Megaroad-01, but if the writing is as bad as Delta, they better leave it as mystery. As for Lady M candidate, other than Misa & Minmay, could it be Miku Ichijo ?
  9. I'm tired hearing Bogue's yelling in the last 2 episodes. Really wished Arad would shoot him down this time, but didn't happen. Where are the evil twins during the trial scene ? the combat is still the same reluctant engagement, where neither sides throw hard punches, only poking each other.
  10. What is the purpose of spare neck piece ? Because I think the helmet can be installed without changing the neck.
  11. Looks like the Sound module is one of the optional container. But then the Sieggies will lost the main weapon, i.e the Gunpod.
  12. Shouldn't the main thruster (or the leg thruster in Battroid mode) allow the Battroid to (at least) hover in atmosphere ? About the backpack engine on VF-25 : on my DX toys (the old version that is), there are some kind of thruster like shape at the end of the fuselage (where the shield connect to the body). But I'm not sure if this is accurate to the actual design.
  13. * This is not a sneaking mission.... it's picnic. * So far in this 2nd half, the only satisfying way to see Valk in action, is in the ending credit. I repeat the ending over & over to see a 31 swooshing around + catchy song too. You bet. The same as VF-19Advance cameo in Frontier.
  14. Can't even be sure if Makina's voluptuous body is real or just holo projection too. The same as Mirage doesn't have to be a Jenius.
  15. Woookay, after reading 10 pages back, I can say that I'm glad the casting isn't as bad as I thought. Now the story is the only thing need to worry.
  16. Cute it is. How do the parts fit together (especially on the joint) ? As from what I understand, the 3D printing itself has inaccuracies.
  17. Is this fall into model kit category ? With 1/20 scale, this is as big as trading figure. I wonder what's the point of making this a kit. ( The amount of plastic in the leftover spruces are a lot more than used in the model itself)
  18. I don't think it's the Pack we saw in the show. Yes. When they are about to launch, I notice 'something' unfold from the Pack, could be the speaker or projector. The super pack from the link above doesn't seem to have that feature. Or it could be Sound Pack is just Super Pack with additional Speaker/Projector module (and Bandai save the speaker/projector modules for later kit release).
  19. Thar accurate landing gear/kneecap certainly looks good in fighter mode. But it will look bad in battroid mode if not done correctly. I think Bandai took middle path between the 2 mode.
  20. Is this why we saw many of the battles just abruptly ended ?They are not rushing back for tea time ()
  21. So the official name for the drone is actually Lilldraken. I thought it was just a nickname ('Little Draken'). The 'SV Works' part reminds me of Skunkworks name.
  22. Wind-obsessed evolved anglerfish. Are the runes actually used for anything other than showing expression ? Maybe to better control the Drakken ? The rune reminds me of Na'vi hair from James Cameron's Avatar, it can be used to control the horse & dragon.
  23. Awesome. What is the software you used to create the 3D file ?
  24. Based on aestethic : 1. VF-25 -S,-G,-F 2. VF-1S,-1A 3. YF-19/VF-19 4. VF-0 -S,-A 5. VF-31A 6. RVF-25 7. VE-1 8. VF-11 9. VF-2SS 10. VF-31 -S,-F Is VB-6 Konig Monster considered a Valkyrie ?
  25. When they have hardpoints loaded, how the wings fold in Battroid mode ? As the natural folding direction is downward (= toward the hardpoints)(Pic courtesy od Dalong)
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