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Everything posted by MjrMisaHayase

  1. All right then, Linda Richman, no need to get verklempt(sp). Sorry about that. I'm having an SNL moment right now.
  2. A classic among Macross AMV classics.
  3. You're right. I should've had someone beta-test it.
  4. Does this forum accept fan-fics, because I wrote one out of the blue and I'd like to share it with everyone? Thanks in advance. Macross_FanFic.doc
  5. I did not make it, but Iijima-sama did: Mari Iijima's MySpace
  6. I've place it onto a MySpace blog of mine for everyone to see: SailorCallie's MySpace Blog Enjoy.
  7. Macross 7's a wonderful series. I've just seen 23 out of 49 episodes, and I'm having a blast. What has caught my eye so far was that I've noticed that Diamond Force's Valkyrie's resemble Stealth Bombers. I'm speechless folks because Mac7 really took my breath away.
  8. That would require money, something HG doesn't have much of! They talk a good game and like to "scare" fandom about Macross products, but when pressed they fold like a cheap wallet and admit they only have the rights to SDF Macross and that's all. Manga is owned by Anchor Bay and AB has fairly deep pockets, so if you want a remastered edition of Macross Plus, I'd suggest banging on Anchor Bay's door... 394226[/snapback] Anchor Bay's the one behind the DVD releases of Highlander: Director's Cut, Halloween, Monty Python's Life of Brain, Supergirl, et al. Let's hope that Anchor Bay does in fact release a remastered edition of Macross Plus, both the OAV and Movie Edition.
  9. "Mister Facehugger, did you in fact rape Miss Ripley's face?" "SKREE!!!!!" "No further questions, your honor." 395376[/snapback] You won't see that on Law and Order (and it's spinoffs) or any courtroom drama series anytime soon.
  10. Batman Begains wasn't a remake. What they were doing was restarting the franchise. They didn't throw it out of what was already done in the current movies (yet), they just took it back to the beginning to see how it all started. Remaking would mean redoing the original work, with modern flair. King Kong (Peter Jackson's) was a remake. Love Affair was a remake of An Affair to Remember, Planet of the Apes etc..... Same thing applies to Superman Returns, but they're jumpstarting the sequels instead.
  11. The perfect edition is the ONE to get. It is remastered and also comes with extra's such as trailors. The one above, settle for it if you can't get the perfect edition. 389504[/snapback] The perfect edition isn't so perfect. In fact, the other version has better subtitles. The only thing that is better on the Perfect edition is the video quality. 390178[/snapback] Who watches DYRL for the plot? 390224[/snapback] The same people who watch p0rn for the plot. 390512[/snapback] Good one.
  12. I have yet to order anything from ANIMEniacs, whether it's the entire Macross 7 series including Encore, Fleet of the Strongest Women and Dynamite 7 or Sailor Moon (both anime and/or live-action). I loathe unemployment, minna-san.
  13. Repeat after me: Maintain balance: Stay neutral Maintain balance: Stay neutral Maintain balance: Stay neutral Maintain balance: Stay neutral
  14. Here are two versions of DYRL that I've found on YouTube: #1: #2: Japanese with Spanish subtitles, and a bit longer too Watch and enjoy.
  15. Ok, ok! So I made a mistake.
  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macross_Zero anyone know what its talking about? 390886[/snapback] Big K Black Cherry cola coming out of my nose. Then again, I have no idea what Sen. Kerry's talking about.
  17. Probably fan-made, but who knows? If this is true, however, I would've heard the news on either IMDb or Ain't It Cool News. What does everyone else in the forum have to say?
  18. I hope that I won't see that video posted on YouTube anytime soon.
  19. That video should be posted on both YouTube and iFILM just to name a few.
  20. Change is good. In short: I like the new icons and whatnot.
  21. Er, http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=11515 * Edit, and new dev site here http://www.dyrl.vze.com/* 378849[/snapback] Already have it bookmarked.
  22. I'm not kidding folks: DYRL images at Japan Hero
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