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Everything posted by MjrMisaHayase

  1. I'm having serious doubts the PS3 is gonna survive. Sony's following the traditional pattern of the video game industry, where the dominant hardware company grows overconfident, believes they are invincible, and then shoots themself in the head. 415183[/snapback] All the companies are having the same problem 360's smoking problem, the Wii's retarded name and several other considerations that just aren't making me personally happy with all three companies. 415188[/snapback] Only Sony is making the same mistakes that led to the fall of the House of Atari, the Kingdom of Sega, and the Nintendo Empire. MS is still playing the traditional "Man, I wish I was number 1" role, and Nintendo is doing their own thing, which has become what they're best known for post-SNES. Of course, Nintendo's the only one to fall and remain relevant, so clearly they're doing something right. 415189[/snapback] I think that's mainly from the fact that nintendo's market is little kid type of games alot of the time. As for Sony they'll always pull crap and bounce back from it, let's not forget Beta. 415289[/snapback] And the 8-track.
  2. I've joined a couple of months ago. Look for me in Savannah, GA.
  3. I think this is it. 416152[/snapback] IXNAY!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I hope you are joking. BUT IT'S NOT FUNNY. 407902[/snapback] Must... resist ... Clash... of... the... Bionoids.... English... dubbed... of.. DYRL... sucked... worse... than... English... dubbed... SuperS... arc... of... Sailor... Moon.... I sound like William Shatner, don't I folks.
  5. Hey! I've submitted that last one.
  6. So, it'll be in California, then. The farthest west that I've ever been to in my lifetime was Roswell, NM, but I didn't have time to visit the crash site.
  7. So, where's MWCon taking place?
  8. Check out the system specs for the Nintendo Wii courtesy of Gamestop.com: CPU IBM Broadway 729MHz GPU ATI Hollywood Supported Resolution up to 480p System Memory Unknown Wii Controller Ports Wireless (4 minimum) GameCube Controller Ports 4 Ports GameCube Memory Expansion 2 Ports USB 2.0 2 Ports Internal Storage 512MB Flash Memory Optical Disc Drive 8cm GameCube/12cm Wii 12cm Disc Capacity 4.7GB (single) / 8.5GB (dual) Memory Expansion 2 SD Memory Internet Connectivity WiFi 802.11b/g Disc Compatibility GameCube Downloadable Content NES, SNES, N64, Sega Genesis, Turbo Grafx
  9. IIRC, DLP is a Texas Instruments technology. I've seen it advertised on awards shows such as the Oscars, Grammys and Emmys.
  10. Odds are actually pretty good that the original series would look WORSE with a new high-def master. Animeigo mentioned that when they were through restoring and cleaning up the masters they had access to they had to go back and artificially crap it up again, because it looked worse after they removed the film grain. The Animeigo master is progressive scan, which is really all the original series would benefit from. I wouldn't be surprised to see a BluRay/HD-DVD DYRL release in the future, maybe MacPlus and Zero too. But not SDF. 407300[/snapback] Hmm... Let's hope that the BluRay/HD-DVD both successfully take off in Japan before we can see an HD release of DYRL.
  11. I was able to play both PC Engine games on my American Turbo Duo. I used an adapter for the Sega Saturn game. 407206[/snapback] No kidding, huh.
  12. Makes me wish that I have both a universal Turbo Duo and a universal Sega Saturn.. Since I already have a Dreamcast and a DC-X that I bought one December 2002 day, now all I need is a copy of Macross M3 and then I'm all set.
  13. ::shudder::
  14. Can't say. I've never used MAME before.
  15. Yes, they also have Japanese language with English subtitles. I've checked the first few minutes from the first episode and the subtitles aren't exactly the same as the Animeigo ones, but they're pretty damn close. Thankfully, they aren't just subs of the new English dialogue. 403532[/snapback] Best to watch and compare the ADV subtitles to the AnimEigo ones to see which ones are better.
  16. Ok I give what's FRPG? 402015[/snapback] Fantasy Role Playing Game such as Dungeons & Dragons.
  17. I'm willing to bet that ADV Films will have the entire English-dubbed Macross series released by the end of the year. Talk about the perfect present for the holiday season.
  18. I'm over in Davis and I'd be down for a game, doesn't have to be Macross but some sort of Mekton/mecha game would be great. Most of my friends are only interested in FRPGs. 401815[/snapback] One complant: macrossroleplay.org hadn't been updated in nearly two years.
  19. 武装åŽç´ãƒãƒƒãƒ translates to Armament receipt hatch. Isn't that right?
  20. For those anti-Palladium, may I suggesst Big Eyes, Small Mouth instead.
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