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Everything posted by MjrMisaHayase

  1. I went to fansub.tv recently, and they have Macross Frontier listed, right up to the most recent addition with episode 17 yet to be uploaded. I've been giving this a lot of thought, and I've going to give Macross Frontier a try, just as soon as I can find a .torrent file of Episode 0.
  2. Just what we need: Another series-ending cliffhanger that will leave our jaws dropped to the floor and us saying, "huh?". (i.e., The Sopranos)
  3. Misa-chan misses you. :(

  4. I'd be surprised if both Macross films were available on iTunes.
  5. Already joined and became member No. 2.
  6. Your signature's an example of one of my favorite lines from Clash of the Bionoids.
  7. HELL YEAH!! The Macross Compendium is now in Wiki format with more entries to be added in the future.
  8. I have Nero 8 as of this typing.
  9. Really? I'd never thought I'd give that a try, so I should. BTW, out of curiosity, how do I burn an .iso file onto a CD-R or CD-RW?
  10. I've had a non-modded Dreamcast since I've bought one shortly after my 24th birthday and I've owned a DCX disc (for playing imported DC games) since December of 2002 that I have yet to use in case I were to buy Macross M3. Well, it's already 2008 and Sega has since became a third-party company and I haven't bought Macross M3, but I'm keeping an eye on imported game sites such as PlayAsia for just in case.
  11. From both Robotech and the internet. (Ducks upon mentioning the "R" word.)
  12. You've got to be kidding me?
  13. Listen to my song!!
  14. How about the debut of Max and Millia's first grandchild who's a quarter-Meltran?
  15. It's a Small World after all.
  16. Kawamori-sensei!! Bring them back!!
  17. http://anime.geocities.jp/emiri_0624/emilia.html
  18. I wonder who'll play Lisa Hayes?
  19. How very sad to see a gifted composer like Kentaro Haneda to die before his time. His music will live on for generations to come.
  20. http://www.satelight.co.jp/kawamori/ BTW, it's in Japanese.
  21. I was about to start watching episode 40 of Macross 7 when my computer went on the fritz. But, if I do get it back, then I can watch it, unless the file's gone, I can just re-download it.
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