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Everything posted by MjrMisaHayase

  1. Lucky for me, I remembered my password. Now if only the add-ons that I had on my Firefox browser prior to 3.0+ would be compatible and this includes the current ones that I'm having difficulty (i.e., Ad-Block) allowing the browser to update, then I'd be a happy camper.
  2. Happy Birthday, Macross World!!
  3. I've met Windjammer/nanashino through there. Or was it alt.tv.macross? Anyway, I've met him.
  4. Didn't she lose to Minmay in the Miss Macross epsiode of SDF: Macross? The answer's basically the same thing anyway.
  5. Mari Iijima My Boyfriend is a Pilot 2002 Remix
  6. Nice "Spaceballs" reference there.
  7. Macross II was okay, but it lacks Kawamori's touch that made SDF:M, M+, M7, M0, and even Macross Frontier popular.
  8. Throwing in my 2 cents: SDF:M premiered just two months and three days before my birthday.
  9. Same here, only I have to watch the last nine episodes (40 to 49) of Macross 7, and I've been putting that off for over two years now.
  10. They should've doubled the episodes from 25 to 50 so that they can resolve the Alto/Ranka/Sheryl triangle and what not.
  11. As soon as I retrieve my AnimEigo 9-disc boxed set of SDF Macross, I'm going to resume watching it.
  12. Can anyone clairify(sp) this because I'm confused.
  13. I haven't played Second Life in a while because I'm out of RL money to pay for the monthly premium services. Other than that, I've been playing free-to-play MMOs for the duration such as Tales of Pirates, Maple Story and even Knight Online, so it'll be awhile until I can find a job so that I can return to SL in the future.
  14. When I first heard of this topic, Roy's death from DYRL came to mind. And that's why I've voted that option from the poll.
  15. If I had any money on me, then I would buy a Medium-sized shirt. But since I don't, maybe next year.
  16. I'm really looking forward to that.
  17. Lin Kaifun because he ticks me off.
  18. And bisected as well. Kaifun's such a jerk towards Hikaru and the war effort in the series.
  19. Dammit, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a translator. BTW, thanks for the clarification. Now I fully understood what it meant.
  20. Tell that to the folks who wrote the series finale of Seinfeld.
  21. From the Babelfish translation: " New era 0003 October 18th. Holiday coming off after a long time, walking the MAX husband and wife and the suburb park. As for tonight foam/home party. Also [komiria], already three. Our daughter, future [sukusuku] has become large. "
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