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Everything posted by MjrMisaHayase

  1. Scientology Cross? Like this one?:
  2. They feared cancellation which eventually led up to it.
  3. I have no idea since I've deleted the podcast from my iTunes podcast list.
  4. IMO, Doug Bendo is Robotech's version of Bobby Knight because he really wants to pick a fight with just about anyone.
  5. We'll see what happens when the boxed set comes out.
  6. Make it 2 hrs. and 5 minutes before I got the general idea. IMO, after his ranting, his subscribers started to bail out. P.S., 300th post!
  7. It got worse when he did four hours worth on ranting on a fellow fan. I couldn't take it anymore.
  8. Doug Bendo always wastes his time ranting on and on about anything Robotech. If you ask me, this guy needs his head examined.
  9. I already bought Macross Plus Vol. 1 & 2 on DVD a good decade ago, and they're still playable.
  10. People who live near landmines should tread lightly, and I do mean lightly.
  11. There's always Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles.
  12. So..., no mention of a 2011 MW Convention?
  13. Ouch! What cruel irony to have it happen to you.
  14. Now there's something you don't see every day.
  15. http://youtu.be/606izUVHRFQ To my friends at http://macrossworld.com/mwf . If Shawn and Graham were to make a Facebook page based on Macross World, then I would be happy to join in.
  16. I should participate here more often at the MacrossWorld forums because I miss everyone.

  17. What about the men of Macross for us women? If there isn't a poll for that, then I would pick Hikaru, Max, Basara and Gamilin (sp).
  18. Happy 10th anniversary, Macross World!
  19. Just started playing STO and was wondering if anyone out there's playing.
  20. It's MAC-CROSS!! Not Muh-cross!
  21. Sad day for everyone who knew him.
  22. Mikimoto-san no ecchi.
  23. Singing voice from a black hole? Kawamori-sensai, are you sure that the Hikaru/Misa/Minmay storyline is over with, or do you still have plans for that famed love triangle of yours?
  24. I was hoping that Levi Johnston would be a casualty.
  25. No Misa, No Hikaru = NOT MACROSS
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