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Everything posted by MjrMisaHayase

  1. Her name is Mika Doi, and she's done a ton of work over the years, including Queen Serenity on Sailor Moon and Fuke Erose on Genesis Climber Mospeada. This link on Mika-san has a complete list.
  2. Nope, 10, she was born in 1993 He's right. Minmay was born on Oct. 10th, 1993. http://www.anime.net/macross/characters/l/...html#LinnMinmei
  3. Now I know where Luke Skywalker gets his good looks from. It must be in the genes or something.
  4. Now that the next Macross game will be released on the PS2, I might consider getting mine modded.
  5. Here's a list of my favorite scenes from Macross: Their first dogfight against each other, unaware of the the other's identity Max sees Millia for the first time at the opening of "Shao Pai Long" Max and Millia duking it out at the arcade Their "date" at the park and later proposal Their wedding Millia shows baby Komillia to the Zentran
  6. Happy belated birthday, Nanashi.
  7. I'm excited with the news, despite the legal bru-haha(sp) that's going on. Tokyopop has published the best English-translated manga in the past such as Sailor Moon and Parasyte.
  8. I've been thinking about purchasing the Macross Plus: Movie Edition DVD (from Manga, that is) for quite some time now, but due to the problems with the economy (as of this typing), I'm without a job. Talk about bad timing.
  9. Happy belated B-Day DH Here's to all August babies, including the new MW Forums PS-mine's on the 29th B) edit: thanks for your hard work Shawn, the new forums look awesome!!! I'm glad that the Macross World forums are back. BTW, yesterday was not only Windjammer's birthday but my nephew was born too. BTW, I hope everyone will like my Mylene avatar.
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