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Everything posted by MjrMisaHayase

  1. I've seriously wanted a copy (no bootlegs, please) of Macross M3 ever since I got my DC-X for my Dreamcast in late 2002. No kidding.
  2. I'm in luck because Right Stuf still has MP: ME available on DVD. BTW, just in case anyone asks, I already own both MP OAV volumes 1 & 2 on DVD.
  3. Hikaru marries Misa prior to the Megaroad-01's launch, then gives birth to Miku months later. That's what Macross Compendium says.
  4. Best death scene: SPOILERS!!!! Sailor Moon Sailor Stars (Season 5 of BSSM): Sailor Galaxia kills all of the Inner Senshi with Mars being the last to die, then admits to killing Tuxedo Mask en route to America. END SPOILERS
  5. Roy Focker.
  6. Like I said, it'll be a long wait.
  7. Once ANIMEniacs.com have all 5 volumes available in a bundle pack, then I'll purchase them. Sigh. From what I've heard, the last installment won't be out until October, so it's a long wait for me.
  8. I am so looking forward to this. No, really. I am.
  9. The link's dead, Ed.
  10. I've checked with both Right Stuf and Animetion.com, but neither of them don't carry Macross: The Complete at all. When I checked with Amazon.com, they have it but it's around $100.00. I'd rather get it on eBay instead and save some dough at the same time.
  11. I hope Conan issues an apology for Friday night's segment. And yes, it does re-air on Comedy Central tonight.
  12. Congrats, Graham!
  13. Just by coincidence, that's all.
  14. That's funny? I've just place an order for the entire Genesis Climber MOSPEADA series on Netflix.
  15. By coincidence, I already have both the SDF Macross 9-disc Boxed Set (that I got early last year, for you fellow newbies) and a Got Anime? account from Right Stuf.
  16. Maybe Kawamori has plans for them in a (possible) future Macross series and/or OAV. But then again, there's always Macross M3 for the Sega Dreamcast. ::ducks::
  17. Plus, what they're saying needs to be translated. BTW, is that really Kawamori-sama in said pic?
  18. Great job, Nanashi.
  19. Thankfully, I already have a copy of each volume of said OAV.
  20. Nanashi, do you know both what it is and what it says?
  21. I think it was Ep. 21: Micro Cosmos, where... ::SPOILER ALERT:: Hikaru and Misa both get trapped in one area of the Macross after it's transformation. ::END SPOILER ALERT:: If Nanashi, Shawn, Graham or anyone knows what I'm talking about, please IM me.
  22. Courtesy of Gamespot.com. Which got me to ask this question: Will there'll be a Macross game for the GameCube and/or Game Boy Advance in the future?
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