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Everything posted by MjrMisaHayase

  1. Well, 4 OVA eps. at 35 minutes cannot fit into one 115 minute movie. They cut some stuff out, but they also added/replaced a scene or two. The story is the same though. I thought that the OVAs only came out dubbed, while the movie only came out subbed (I am referring to American releases here). So if my memory serves correctly, things should have sounded pretty different between versions, but not because it was redubbed. Let's see. 35 minutes times 4 episodes equal 140 minutes altogether. Man, that's 20 mintues longer than DYRL.
  2. Like I said, unless there's new features to the M+ DVDs such as HD-compatibility, I'm not buying it. But until Manga confirms it, I'll buy the M+ Movie Edition DVD as is.
  3. Well, at least nobody has been foolish enough to bid! I'll say. The price is ridiculous.
  4. I already own Volumes 1 and 2 of Macross Plus on DVD, but not the Movie Edition as of this typing, so unless Manga added new features (i.e., 16x9 widescreen, HD-compatibility), I'm not interested. Otherwise, I can always order the Region-1 Macross Plus Movie Edition elsewhere.
  5. This book's a MUST BUY! I wonder how much it'll cost if it's being sold on eBay because I want to buy it.
  6. Well, they sorta acknowledge this at the end where Misa admits that it was simply a "pop song" about love. Nobody ever claimed that they had discovered a masterpiece by the Protoculture's Mozart. Also, if you had never heard any music before. . . and had no concept of any culture, I would think that any music would be shocking. Possibly even Ashly Simpson. H It's Ashlee, to be exact.
  7. Does anyone know where I can purchase Macross 7 fansubs? A few websites that I know of have closed down and should I buy then or order the imports instead?
  8. WHOA! Where can I buy them!
  9. Lucky for me, I already ordered the 9-volume boxed set two years ago, and they're still 100% playable.
  10. I ordered mine from The Valkyrie Exchange about 2 weeks ago. Try looking there he should still have some in stock. I'll look into it, thanks!
  11. Hey! Where are the pics of Mari Ijima-sama you promised us?
  12. Lamest. Joke. Ever.
  13. That's great news to report, but when I went to ANIMEniacs, I've found Macross: DYRL Perfect Edition sold for $8.00, but as of this typing it's currently out-of-stock. Had I known that it was available a lot sooner, I would've purchased it in a heartbeat. But, I wish I could say the same about my credit card.
  14. Here's my favorite picks: Macross Opening Theme Runner -- Macross' Closing Theme Do You Remember Love? An Angel's Paints Silver Moon, Red Moon Love Fades Away (FB2012 version) Seventh Moon My soul for you Light the Light Planet Dance Try Again Heart and Soul Cinderella
  15. Is this the Korean import?
  16. In its intial release, yes, Spirited Away did show in a limited number of theaters. However, once it was nominated for the Academy award, Spirited Away showed up in regular movie theaters. Unlike Appleseed, GiTS and GiTS 2, I didn't have to drive an hour to go to NYC to see it. Spirited Away won an Oscar for Best Animated Feature in 2003, the first Anime film to do so.
  17. It's more like 26, but you're close.
  18. And yet, we haven't heard from you in a while. If you're unable to showup anytime on Friday, Aug. 20th, 2004 either here or at the Macross newsgroups, then all we have to do is to say: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NANASHI!!!! From, MjrMisaHayase and that includes everyone at the Macross World forums, including Shawn and Graham.
  19. It's a small world after all.
  20. Ditto. Very nice, but still reminds me of Kim Basinger or Loretta Swit. "Hot Lips" Hayase. LOL! Speaking of which, where's Alec Baldwin or Frank Burns (from M*A*S*H) when you need them.
  21. Dammit! I want DYRL on DVD, but ANIMEniacs no longer carries it. Should I get it from Anime Toxic instead?
  22. Hikaru, what will I do in order to get you to notice me instead of Minmay? Maybe this'll do.
  23. But I do. Happy Birthday, even though it's early.
  24. I've spent two seperate paychecks (over $250.00 combined) to get one of the last of the 9-disc boxed sets from ANIMEigo early last year, and they were worth every penny. And, yes, the liner notes kick major ass. Once again, thanks Egan.
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