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Everything posted by MjrMisaHayase

  1. No kidding. I've managed to successfully download the first five episodes of Mac7 onto my harddrive through Central Anime. Now, I'd better hop to it before it gets full.
  2. Was that in the episode, "Bye, Bye Mars" that you're talking about? Congrats to me, folks. This happens to be my 100th post since the MW.com Forums' revival.
  3. How about the time period between 2013 and 2040? Surely, Kawamori-sensei must be thinking a Macross series between those years and the only games I could think that's set in that era of are Macross M3 and Macross 2036.
  4. Speaking of Arnie, did anyone catch Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines on CBS last night. BTW, I've already seen the film on DVD.
  5. I'm still buying the ADV Macross DVDs despite the fact that I still have the AnimEigo boxed set that I've poined up $250 for.
  6. YES!! Mari Iijima's providing the voice of Lynn Minmay in the Macross dub! YAHOO!!
  7. Man, this topic's been fully revived ever since the DVD came out last week.
  8. Domo Arigato, nanashino-san!!
  9. An excellent English Macross dub is better than no dub at all. Remember the crappy English dub of DYRL, folks. Let's hope this nightmare isn't revisited.
  10. I have seen the video, and I loved it.
  11. He has the right to know.
  12. Here you go: ADV Films
  13. Way to go, nanashino!
  14. I wonder how much how much they go for on eBay these days?
  15. Ah, filmstrips, the arcadia of my youth. Nowadays, they've been transfered to video tapes and/or DVDs.
  16. I chose Misa, so 'nuff said.
  17. Great updates. I sure missed you.
  18. 313620[/snapback] Good one, nanashino.
  19. Then try it again with IE.
  20. Let me try it again: Macross-Cinderella Zip
  21. It'll work on Windows Media Player.
  22. I've found this gem from an FTP site earlier this week, and it's different from the a cappella version from Flashback 2012. I hope you'll enjoy it. Macross-Cinderella
  23. I live in San Antonio, which is an hour and a half from Austin. Welcome to the Lone Star State!
  24. I'm interested. Where can I purchase the Region 2 DYRL DVD?
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